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Member Since 30 May 2013
Offline Last Active Aug 15 2015 11:14

#908144 Push Notifications?

Posted by RebornJedi on 09 December 2014 - 23:26

MOST excellent!


Please allow us to be signed into the App and a browser at the same time.. Don't want to keep having to sign into each device every time i switch from one to the other.. If i'm going to hunt, anything, i'm going to use my computer but if im checking on chat, composing, etc i would like to be able to move fluently from desktop > mobile > desktop > etc without having to sign in to check logs real quick on my tablet with teh app..

#908116 Push Notifications?

Posted by Hoofmaster on 09 December 2014 - 22:18

How about anything other than Apple? lol


Like Android? :)




And iPhone as well :)




It's got a lot of development work to go yet, but it's making good progress :)


Aiming for iPhone, iPod, Android (Phones, Tablets & Kindles) and Windows Phone 8.1.

#907876 Push Notifications?

Posted by Hoofmaster on 08 December 2014 - 22:38

If only there was a FS app in development eh? :)

#906761 Development Update 3rd December

Posted by Pardoux on 03 December 2014 - 18:18

OK, don't get me wrong here - I'm LOVING the surge of activity again in the cow barn ....

BUT ...

Can we try to prioritise stuff getting done ?


1. we have an existing roadmap that is WOEFULLY behind


2. we have a major problem with scripting in facets of the game


cosmetic changes are fine, but other, non-cosmetic ones are (well, SHOULD BE) more important ..


Implement the FSH into the core game and ban all scripts and then terminate all players found to be scripting. Restore some integrity back into the game.


THAT should be the priority I feel :)

#906489 New Seasonal Titan for Christmas?

Posted by Pardoux on 02 December 2014 - 23:53

Personally, I'd not want to see ANY new titans until the magic hunters are removed from the game - allowing them to profit from new titans (and thus, at the peak value) is, IMO, wrong.


FIX titan hunting before new ones please ....

#905465 Update v2.60

Posted by sweetlou on 28 November 2014 - 03:40

Thank you for that. Should probably have an open discussion with the community about what they feel about it. Imo ladder tokens should be scrapped considering its a joke how they have been achieved, but dominance medal should be kept and made possible to progress further in the new pvp system.


Agree on the tokens,NO WAY are they to be transferable to the new system or allowed to be exchanged for anything else but the current pvp rewards.


As for dominance, well most have gotten theirs lately by doing nothing except sit in ladders with their mates, either not hitting or trading hits, no dominance in that and it just devalues pvp.

I'm not surprised a couple of players who haven't seen a Ladder since before there were brackets, if even then, are spewing hatred and calling the Ladder a "joke" because someone else has done something they're unwilling to undertake for some righteous moral ground reasons. They're too good for that, the Ladder was easy attacking unbuffed players etc.... so they want those who have been playing it to suffer so their indignation will be justified. Hey, how do you know what Ladders were walk throughs? You both want to spew spite at those that have dominated their PvP range, in whatever way. What have you done? That's the joke! Just because nobody else is willing to lose xp and spend stamina playing the Ladder doesn't make the player sitting there alone or with a guildmate any less dominant. General Sun Tzu, the ancient Chinese strategist who is still heavily quoted today wrote, "To fight and conquer in all our battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting." Personally, I've been in some tough Ladder fights where I've had to stay buffed, and get buffed for almost 48 hrs. And I still didn't win it. That ain't easy. Have they all been like that? No. But who are you two to tell me and others like me that have been on the Ladder for months or years that our accomplishments are somehow beneath you, that I don't deserve to have my medal or the tokens I've earned retain value? I'd rather you'd go off and keep scripting at Titans and 'earn' your accomplishments in your own way.

#905207 Update v2.60

Posted by Maury Bund on 27 November 2014 - 14:32

Brute Strength

Assuming that this skill starts at level 100 and increases 10 per level of composing, and not 5, I think you should drop this to a lower level reachable than the current slated 52. At level 60 composing this would give a player a 180 Brute Strength and give an additional, +9 to Berserk, Fury and Enchant Weapon. Unless you change it work on potions, as well as casted buffs, it will be a pretty worthless skill.


EW1000 can be bought for less than 10k gold. Berserk 350 for less than 100k gold. Fury 350 is 1-2 FSP. All 3 of these are better than 183, even assuming that Buff Enhancer steps the same way and there is a possibility of having a castable Fury, Berserk and EW of 193. The cost of getting to composing level 50-60 set aside, the cost of making the max level potion of this for 1 hour is probably multiple the cost of the other 3 combined.

#903490 Making Level Up Points for Attributes Flexible

Posted by bleacher12 on 22 November 2014 - 04:45

I know... but if I have no level up points in def why would i place skill points in a buff that increase base def ... if we get the right to change level up point then it messes up the buffs we have picked.  The complete structure or reasoning, if you will,  behind why we picked buffs changes if this is implemented.


EDIT:  Oh, i see. I used the wrong term in my post



Perhaps at lower levels this is relevant, but doubt it is at higher levels. Also, this would be a way to promote group play no? A guild should have all the complementary skills to work as a team, focusing only at an individual level kinda goes counter to team play required and promoted by the game. Also, with the addition of the buff market, access to buffs has become so much easier and cheaper, I for one don't see any issues with that aspect.

#902846 New Seasonal Titan for Christmas?

Posted by Pardoux on 20 November 2014 - 19:45

As for what they are (the titans), I don't really care - BUT ...


PLEASE, not another helm - already have a +4/+5 and the new one ( not, as yet, in the FSH) 1


Nor is there really a need for most other slots ...


The slots that are lagging WAY behind though (and thus should be used) are :-


1. Shield (unless the helm from the latest is finally made convertable to a shield as promised)

2. Armour

3. Boots


All those three currently max out at +3 stam gain.







1 Whatever happened to the recipe to convert that helm to a shield btw ?

#892565 A Titan, LEs and Caves, oh my!

Posted by Leos3000 on 03 October 2014 - 15:00

Helm looks cool for new titan, but wish it was almost any other item tbh... 2 of the top 3 titans drop helms :(

Shield, boots, armor, ring all would have been great fillers.

#814339 Next Roadmap...

Posted by eorxnexus on 02 October 2013 - 06:41

Composing potion finished log, please.

#814326 Next Roadmap...

Posted by evilbry on 02 October 2013 - 05:18

copy pasta from a previous thread which was similar.


Regarding buffing:

What I would like to see is a function/feature where by you can choose an option to "sell buffs" and attach a price to them. They will be listed in your bio and people can select (tick boxes) the ones they want.
You can have an upgradable feature for buff packs
With that functionality there, you then can have a new page where you can search for buffers so you go to the page and can tick boxes to find people with the buffs you want (also listing their prices) with people only appear if they are online for ~15-30 mins for example.

#814321 Next Roadmap...

Posted by watagashi on 02 October 2013 - 04:43

High level legendary sets and a medal for gvg's that will include past gvg accomplishments as well, not just starting from now.

YES gvg medals for players (that include the entire career) AND an achievement for the guilds!

PvP medals

a medal for resource gathering

and others!


Oh and please DONT mess GvG up any more!!! the previous changes are why there is no activity not lack of interest,,, only lack of targets that arent a single one that takes 2 people over a hour to do.

#814294 Next Roadmap...

Posted by Pardoux on 02 October 2013 - 02:44

1. Chests - on the previous roadmap


2. Epic Quests - on the previous roadmap


3. High Level LE's that aren't tied to a specific time of year / event for release


4. UFSG tweaks / additions


5. Composing tweaks / additions


6. Auto-Fragmenting Changes


To clarify a few points :-


4. UFSG :- 


a ) PvP Ladder items components list back to their equivalent resource, but the resource doesn't say where it comes from


b ) Maybe a way to click on a map realm and have it draw, for instance, 3 or 4 maps either side of it, to help navigate ?. I know Mowglik does his maps, and they're excellent, but if they were done as part of the guide, any realm changes would be instantly updated and corrected.


c ) If a critter needs a specific weapon (i.e. one you have to construct) to kill it


d ) If a quest is compulsory for progression or not 


e ) Another search field on the item page, so we can search by item enhancement


5. Composing :-


a ) Instead of it being a "done deal" what buff appears next on the list as you level up, how about making it a choice from 3 - so there could be 1 levelling, 1 pvp/gvg and 1 random. You chose which of the 3 you want, and the other 2 appear further down the list for selection again (so that no buffs are actually "lost"). This allows players to "customise" composing to suit their individual gameplay


b ) Start buffs at Level 150 instead of 100. I know the intention isn't to give a win button, and that it's only 4 weeks old (not even quite that) but I know of more than a few players who've already lost interest. In my current situation, I'm about to hit Level 7 where there isn't a new buff. I "believe" that KE is the buff that becomes available at Level 8 but, given it's start point of L100, it will mean that players have to be C.L. 18 (Composing Level) before they can even better a buff that pretty much all players over Level 500 have at L175 already.


c ) An upgrade (linked to composing level, not purchasable) that allows you to queue potions - so that as soon as one completes, another of exactly the same type starts (fragments permitting, of course)


d ) Another upgrade, further down the road (again, linked to composing level) where you can create multiple potions concurrently.


6. Auto-Fragmenting :-


a ) Instead of tying it into Auto-Discard, I'd like to see it seperated and a check-box implementing for it. That way, folk can keep their auto-discard at whatever level they want, but have flexibility for auto-fragment. 


As it stands now, if a player has their auto-discard set to UNIQUE and auto-fragment enabled, all COMMON, RARE and UNIQUE items will be fragmented?


     I'd like to see :-




where, in the above example, COMMON and UNIQUE would be fragmented, but not RARE, LE, Crystalline and SE

#814283 Next Roadmap...

Posted by RebornJedi on 02 October 2013 - 02:20

Upgrade the Secure Trade and Send Item(or funds) interface to include the Folders preference and let the selection work how it does for breaking down items or putting up an auction listing (lets us click item or invert selection to select instead of tiny little check box)

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