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Member Since 16 Apr 2013
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#906861 Quadruple Allegiance Tokens

Posted by vastilos on 03 December 2014 - 23:14

You should also consider adding BP spaces, Composing spaces, Max stamina.

#906858 Improve Loyalty Reward

Posted by vastilos on 03 December 2014 - 23:08

To be honest, and I've already mentioned this to Hoof, but the donation system does need a change and the prices of what's in the Alligence Section needs to be lowered.

What I suggessted to Hoof was that you need to give more than fsp and alligence tokens when people donate. What I suggessted to Hoof was to give players stuff like max stamina, bp spaces, composing spaces when donating. 400 fsp and alligence tokens (no offense) are not worth the $60 anymore. Here's a comparison between donation systems of this game and the other MMO I play.

For $60 (FS adds tax and currency conversion) I get 400 fsp and some Alligence tokens. Now the other MMO I play, for $60 (no tax or currency conversion) I get 6,000 game currency (like fsp) and bonuses for donating that $60. So that right there is an eye catcher for some people. Here in FS, BP spaces cost you 15 fsp each, so 400 fsp would get you 26 BP spaces. The MMO I play you unlock rows of BP spaces, which I get 6 BP spaces (one row) for 175 game currency (which would cost $1.75). And there is 6 rows per page, and 10 pages total (So 6 rows with 6 spaces, which is 36 spaces per page). And there is additional storage you can purchace outside of your BP which you inlock 10 spaces (one row) for 275 game currency (which would cost $2.75). And the additional storage has 10 rows per page, and there's 5 pages there (So 10 rows and 10 spaces per row, which is 100 spaces per page). On top of that, I am also given bonuses for spending the game currency, here you are not. That MMO also gives you bonuses for doing daily activities for yourself and your guild so incase you can't afford to spend real money, you can earn the for free. And that's just a few things.


I believe that in order to keep newer players (and to get more donations), you have to change what you give players for what they spend. I'm pretty sure when new players roll around and they get the hang of things, the donation system is what peeks their interest. Now looking at how much game currency you are given with no bonuses for what you donate, it makes the game seem like you have to invest too much time to get on your feet and to some what advance your character, when games like that give more.


I posted this idea to Hoof via tickets, if you don't believe me, and I'm not trying to offend anyone, but changing the donation system and the prices of the stuff in the alligence section I believe would bring in more revenue, and keep a few newer players.

#906546 New Seasonal Titan for Christmas?

Posted by vastilos on 03 December 2014 - 03:30

Maybe February can get a gigantic bleeding heart monster.......



Or Cupid's bow. Make Cupid the titan lol

#861239 My Suggestions for reviving the Bounty Board (And this is quite radical)

Posted by vastilos on 08 April 2014 - 19:53

My best guess is that the pvp community has shrunken because of people like you (those who don't pvp). You don't like pvp, so you want it removed from the game or you cry like babies until it is changed to suit your needs and play style. And when the changes happen for you ladies, the pvp community gets affected and they find less and less reasons to play. People like you (those who don't pvp) are what kills the pvp community. Since your power of observation is so minimal, I bet you failed to notice that every time there was a change to the pvp system because people like you (those who don't pvp) cried rivers until changes were made to suit you, then the amount of people playing the game got smaller and smaller? I bet you can't because it doesn't fit your argument to get the BB changed to the way you want it to be.


A good example of whiners getting what they want -- PvP protection. People like you (those who don't pvp) cried and cried and cried until there was no more tears to cry and they finally got what they wanted, PvP protection, even though Hoof himself said it will never happen, the tears finally won, protection was added and then people started to quit. Probably the most drastic drop in game population came when the old pvp system was removed because of all the tears being cried and the ladder was brought in. I think when that happened the game went from a population of 2,000 to 1,500 in a matter of months. Then to wipe away more tears came PvP protection, another population killer.


The only thing not touched, the bounty board, which you now want changed to the way you (a non pvp player) want's it to be. So from my observations over the years of playing, I'll stand by my statement and say people like you (those who don't pvp) are the ones really hurting the game, not the pvp'ers themselves like you claim. The bounty board is empty because people are fed up of people like you (those who don't pvp) crying enough tears to make rivers to get changes that only suit you and then they, themselves leave since they find pressing 123456789, r, and 0 boring, which you (people who don't pvp) don't find boring because you don't have to use your brain when you play (since you know, you are dependent on FSH).


One thing I will admit. What kept the bounty board somewhat active was bounties being posted from ladder hits, which is a contradiction itself. You join the ladder expecting not be hit and when you do get hit, you bounty that person and it ends up demoralizing that person to not want to play the ladder anymore. So again, a cry baby wins. What I wanted done with bounties being posted from ladder hits was direct involvement from HCS. Example... person A hits person B. Person B bounties person A. Person A should report that to HCS. HCS should then remove person B from the ladder right then and there (after the reading the report/ticket) and set their stamina to zero as punishment. Do it a second time, stamina set to zero with a 24 ban with an explanation. Do it a third time, stamina gets set to zero with a 48 hour ban, so on and so forth.


I will also admit that some people do take that situation and use the bounty board to teach them a lesson. Example, I hit you, you post me on the bounty board, but I still stay on the ladder because you have to eventually hit me and I'll post you for hitting me and you lose 5 levels right away. Or if you don't hit me while on the ladder, I ask a friend to join and he ends up getting hit. I see through the ratings that my friend was hit from the person who bountied me and ask my friend to post him (And I'll cover the costs if necessary) so I can drop him 5 levels. He does. Now person who bounties my hits is being posted by my friend for posting me, so I can drop him 5 levels until he either stops posting my hits and accepts the fact that you get hit while on the ladder or he leaves the ladder. If necessary I can give you an example of this if you chose to PM me in the game, and I will be happy to point you to that person.


And no, I don't want the game to die at all. But this idiotic idea will be a game killer, just like every other pvp change you (people who don't pvp) get. And yes I will rub it in your face every single day (both in the forums and in the game through PM's) until I am either banned from the game or until the game shuts down due to lack of numbers.


EDIT: To say gold hits don't happen regularly is a horrible assumption also. I read my guild chat and every hour there is someone showing their gold hit or hits. They're just not being posted by the people who they are hitting.


EDIT 2: To say I don't want what's best for the game is just wrong. What's best for the game is to leave the bounty board alone. Period. You want what's best for you and people like you (those who don't pvp). Since I have observed that meddling with PvP aspects of the game always results in player loss, I will fight to make sure no changes to the bounty board happen to keep what little population we currently have.


EDIT 3: The only reason you want this change is because you want the attacker guaranteed to lose levels (you say up to 3). So for a guarantee loss of levels you say 100% Master Thief activation is too high. Ok, fine. So taking the crappy RNG into consideration, would say a 50% activation rate for Master Thief activation be fair enough (since it probably will then only activate 25% of the time) and Thievery taking away say... 50% of gold on hand (if thievery is at 100) if Master Thief doesn't activate?

#861183 PvP Tutorial

Posted by vastilos on 08 April 2014 - 16:02

Pinned. Should this not be in Game Help though?


To be honest Grim, it should really be in the game. Game help. Tutorials. Even create this in the pvp section in the action menu.

#861179 My Suggestions for reviving the Bounty Board (And this is quite radical)

Posted by vastilos on 08 April 2014 - 15:45

"CB has been used for years by PvP players and guilds to dominate and drive other players off the BB."


You have zero proof of this, and it's nothing but an assumption at best.


"They also recognise that soft clears using 10 stam do not do very much damage to the gold thief who hit them"


Ok, so the double exp loss the attacker suffers every hit on the BB wasn't considered, and if it was, you failed to mention it just to make your argument look prettier..


"The PvP players have insulated themselves from risk. By CBing and doling out far more damage than they receive they have driven competition off the BB, both from other guilds who are not as committed to the PvP cause as they, and from independent BH's who find it hard to justify the loss of levels for the rate of reward"


How have PvP players insulated themselves from risk when they risk ending up on the bounty board with every hit they do? Again, more B.S. just to make what you wrote look prettier. You want to smash someone for the smasher medal, expect to be smashed back. 10 stamina clears are rarely counter bountied for a reason, but since you have zero pvp experience, I'll leave you to figure out why.


"So if we exchange the word 'risk' for chance or better still probability - we see that the probability of a PvP player losing 5 for a gold hit has been systematically reduced by PvP activity. All legally done. But detrimental to your own game. No-one is interested in playing anymore. Not much fun playing a game where you always lose. Conversley - the PvP community likes this game just fine, they win most of the time. But in winning they are losing players to play with - their game gets smaller, the gold available has got smaller. The PvP community starts asking for incentives to help their game, without realising that they are the reason their game is smaller."


So you believe that players should lose the full 5 levels for a gold hit? You think players are leaving the game because the attacker isn't losing the full 5 levels for the 10% of their gold on hand they lose? You draw too many conclusions from something you no nothing about. There have been plenty of posts on how to make yourself less of a target (aka don't hold millions of gold while hunting or trying to manipulate the fsp marketplace) and from the looks of it, people are listening, that's probably a good reason why there's less activity on the BB (just an assumption I am making).

The PvP community is asking for more incentive because people started listening to the PvP'ers who told them how to become less of a target and they started to listen carry less gold on hand now.

But I am willing to bet that thought never entered your mind... not even for a second.


I could pick apart your last post, but I have things that I need to do. But your entire post is nothing but speculation at best, nothing more, nothing less. And the fact that Grim is going to talk to Hoof about this already shows that it will end up happening, and the bounty board will wither and die away. Congratulations.


Now if you want, I can draw conclusions about how you never started commenting on any type of pvp thread until a member of the guild you are in got smashed for trash talking on a 10 stam clear. Which is probably the reason you are against "counter bounties" and you so harshly flame PvP.


One more thing, since you want to the bounty board run your way, then the smasher medal should be removed from bounty board hits, since people will then get to earn their smasher medals for free (which I bet you also some how forgot to take into consideration). Now with that said, Master Thief better work 100% of the time under your current B.S. system.

#860531 My Suggestions for reviving the Bounty Board (And this is quite radical)

Posted by vastilos on 05 April 2014 - 21:16

I have to agree with Belaric; the current system does not work. I wish I could express my self as well as our resident author~ lol However I'll just suffice it to say I believe this system would be a great boon for FS as a whole. Belaric has said more eloquently than I the reasons why.  :)


Ok, so how is the system supposed to work then? Is everyone that ends up on the BB supposed to lose their levels? Remember the punishment in place is already set so you lose double the exp than you would from a normal pvp attack, and you want more? If that's the case, then I want the Master Thief and Thievery to work 100% of the time (so I steal every single gold you're carrying).

#860202 My Suggestions for reviving the Bounty Board (And this is quite radical)

Posted by vastilos on 04 April 2014 - 16:01

Just to clarify things (since I didn't ask this nor was it mentioned) but the bounty hunter having no fears of being bountied only applies to 10 stamina hit clears, or would 100 stamina hit clears be included as well?


EDIT: As for the guilds that go to war with each other, I mentioned they use the bounty board. To eliminate this, create a new Guild Wars system. The 2 guilds that want to fight with each other enter this system for a set period of time. All PvP is welcome with no bounty reprisals. After the set time is over, the fight is over. If nothing is solved, then the Guilds enter the system and fight again. This system would have no cool down period so you can start, finish, start again until the war is resolved. Exp loss would be the same as a normal off the board hit would take away.

#859811 players and pvp

Posted by vastilos on 03 April 2014 - 16:05

This is a key question.


Why is the BB inactive?


- The reward for doing a gold hit isn't worth losing 5 levels anymore. Master Thief has the lowest activation rate out of any skill or buff (I've never seen Master Thief activate in the 6 years I've been playing).

- The people who like to hit/smash others, but don't like it when the favor is returned ends up deterring people from taking a chance of losing 5 levels for clearing that type of person (aka the double dippers).

- If you are in the wrong guild and you hit the same player more than a few times, you get an automatic suspension.


Just to name a few.

#859810 New PvP Ladder Rewards + Incentive to Play the ladder

Posted by vastilos on 03 April 2014 - 16:00

The value of the said items with be shot down so fast that it wouldnt even matter that they were new. I personally would be alright with not adding unbound stuff but some players would throw a tantrum if they didn't get something they can try to sell. I feel that the usually gear would be sufficient and de value fast enough to not hurt anything.


And what makes you think this? If those people who have hoards of tokens slowly sell the new items, they would keep the prices high, thus making massive profits for themselves for doing nothing but staying opted in to their ladder and hitting someone once. This is the rare case where I would say that yes, the few bad apples did spoil the basket. If players have an issue, then they have nobody to blame but themselves, the community and the admins, since nothing was ever done to stop the abuse.

#859803 New PvP Ladder Rewards + Incentive to Play the ladder

Posted by vastilos on 03 April 2014 - 15:30

100% agree. I feel that new items should be added in the current fashion not bound and the potions shall be bound for sure!

 If anything new is added to the ladder rewards, they should be bound. If they're not then don't bother with them. Why reward people who get 1st place on their ladders with 1 hit, who have hoards of tokens to monopolize the market for the new rewards which will allow them to make massive profits?

#859793 New PvP Ladder Rewards + Incentive to Play the ladder

Posted by vastilos on 03 April 2014 - 15:00

The potion Idea is good, but only if they stay bound.

#859458 New PvP Ladder Rewards + Incentive to Play the ladder

Posted by vastilos on 02 April 2014 - 18:03

The majority of medals earned in FS come from people abusing a system.  I agree with what you are saying 100% - but there must be a small % of players that approached the ladders honestly; worked hard to achieve tokens they have, and ticks they may have - why punish them because a bunch of rats found a button that gives them free cheese, and kept pushing it.  Rolling back ticks, and tokens isn't going to roll back all the fsp earned from the abuse.  I'd like to move forward in a real system - have not played ladder myself in 2 years (still have tokens unspent)  because I refuse to partake in the joke of a venue it has become. 


Yupp. But again, who cares if people get upset. In a case like this, if you release new ladder rewards and let the current ladder tokens be used then those who abused the system are getting rewarded even more, so why let them? Otherwise there will have to be a new type of ladder token introduced unless when the ladder resets you are forced to choose what your reward is going to be (which I don't see how that's going to work at all).

So with new ladder rewards it's either going to be:

- Make them bound.

- Allow those who earned hoards of tokens by abusing the system with more rewards and allow them to make more profits from selling those new ladder items.

- Either reset everyone's ladder tokens when the new items are introduced so everyone has a fair chance at getting the items equally or introduce a new type of ladder token so when you get to choose what ladder token you want if you earned them on your ladder (i.e. current ladder token or new ladder token).

#797797 If titans could talk ... what would they say?

Posted by vastilos on 27 June 2013 - 01:21

"You've poked me so many times, I don't even notice you anymore"

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#787294 Why dont you like PvP?

Posted by vastilos on 28 April 2013 - 06:30

I dislike pvp for any and or all the following reasons:


XP loss. I worked hard at sitting here gaining free xp with the gain maxxed. How dare they come and take it. Also smashing monsters that don't ever attack first is hard work, it's a grueling task of repeadidly hitting the attack button.


Gold Loss: Again, I get paid to do nothing with gold gain maxxed and folks wanna steal it from me! Not to mention I can literally make millions by smashing monsters and yet folks still wanna steal it from me!


PVP Gear: High intial cost, virtually 0 return on the investment. By the time I out grow it, most all have as well, or there's no demand for it anymore.


Buffs and pots: Cost me more of my free stam and gold to aquire! And I can't have a healthy selection of both my cherished Leveling Buffs, and the PVP Buffs I need to keep the bullies from helping themselves to my Free Gold.


Bounty Tickets: Sadly I have to pay for these with more of my free gold. And posting the bully who stole my free gold costs me more of my own free gold...And there's a good chance said bully won't care about being on the BB and will only further provoke him/her into once again helping themselves to more of my free gold.


In closing, I have to use my free stam to aquire free gold and pvpers wanna just help themselves..It just ain't right..


Who are they to take my free gold and xp that I use my free stam aquiring?


Dude, if I could high 5 you in person, I would. This post has made my night. I am literally dying of laughter right now and my friends are looking at me like I'm some drunken fool (even though I am drunk). You should be given an Oscar/Golden Globe/Emmy award.


Actually, if I could buy you a bottle of rum, I totally would lol. Kudos on the post. The cows and anti-pvp'ers should take notes from your post. Kudos to you man. Kudos.

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