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Member Since 16 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 07 2024 23:58

#1007892 New Titan Items!

Posted by vastilos on 24 June 2022 - 21:03

Has HCS ever considered allowing coordinated attack/defense (buffs like that) to be used when equipped with hunted cow items, but not giving a "set" bonus for wearing the items?

#1007753 Fallen Sword Roadmap (July - October 2022)

Posted by vastilos on 03 June 2022 - 22:10

Hopefully my idea for adding a medal for levels taken from bounties/ladder gets put in :-p

#1006972 Arena Rules

Posted by vastilos on 20 February 2022 - 23:12

And what's to stop a guild from simply chatting this in guild chat:


"Hey guys, there's a bunch of new arenas and they all need 8 people. 7 join naked so 1 can join with gear and it'll be a for sure win."


It's that easy and abuseable regardless if using your own sets or guild tagged equipment, which I'm pretty sure that is why there is a cap and will always be a cap.


As I posted earlier in this thread, just create tabs for level ranges and make 20-30 arena's in each of those ranges. Problem solved.

#1006801 Arena Update & Bug Fixes.

Posted by vastilos on 02 February 2022 - 02:34

Why not just create tabs in the arena (like there is for novice/normal).


One tab for levels 1-999

Another for levels 1000-1999

Another for levels 2000-2999


And in each tab, you can have something like 20-30 (maybe more) arena combats running.

Or is something like that not possible?

#1006149 Game Version 3.6.0

Posted by vastilos on 09 November 2021 - 23:17

Ummm so if you have loyalty points, this change doesnt affect you, so what about the f2p people?

That's why everyone is given allegiance tokens everyday.

#1006141 Game Version 3.6.0

Posted by vastilos on 09 November 2021 - 22:31

Unbreakable was always capped so crystalline items WOULD break, which allows HCS to run chomper events more frequently. This was done back in like 2014-ish (give or take a year or two).

And I believe it was Hoof who said Unbreakable would be capped for that very reason.

#1005765 New Medal

Posted by vastilos on 12 October 2021 - 00:20

BG gave a like, I hope the staff can find the time to make this happen :-p

#1005696 New Medal

Posted by vastilos on 06 October 2021 - 23:27

I have an idea for a new medal:


Every time your pvp hit de-levels someone (via bounty or regular attack), you get ticks towards a medal.


100 levels taken = bronze

500 levels taken = silver

1000 levels taken =gold


Something along those numbers.


Edit: Yeah, add ladder hits as well.

#1005339 Proposed Loyalty Update.

Posted by vastilos on 17 September 2021 - 01:06

Personally, I liked the original potions before the revamp.

Just don't change the Doubler 5000 potion, i likey that a lot. The higher the doubler, the better :-p

#1004769 [PvP] Feedback & Suggestions

Posted by vastilos on 12 August 2021 - 21:25

For the ladder - How about making it so only people on the ladder can cast buffs they have learned on themselves (no buffs from guildmates, friends, buff market, nothing). Oh, and no potions.

#963342 Its all TOM's fault

Posted by vastilos on 14 May 2016 - 16:23

It's all Tom's fault that people believe that the earth is flat and that gravity does not exist. STOP SPREADING FALSE RUMORS TOM!

#963089 Unresolved Combat

Posted by vastilos on 07 May 2016 - 12:47

Ideally, the fight should continue until there is a winner (either the attacker or defender) and this should apply to all aspects.


What is the reason for an unresolved combat? Is it to give the defender a better chance of "winning"?


It's been a while, but I believe that is how the fights in the arena are solved? Last I remember, there were a set number of attacks before both sides incurred a penalty towards their hp, armor, defense, attack and damage until someone was victorious.

I believe that's how the fights in pvp/gvg should be. There should never be an unresolved combat.

#963069 Unresolved Combat

Posted by vastilos on 07 May 2016 - 00:54

Nope. You failed to defeat your opponent. Pretty straight forward.


Well, in the same sense, your opponent also failed to defeat you.


Thus, it is a tie.

#962545 Increasing BB activity :)

Posted by vastilos on 23 April 2016 - 17:35

Funny. I wonder who kept asking for changes? So i guess everything is perfect now and no changes are needed. No need to worry about seasons HCS. Many here are saying leave everything alone ;p

They won't nag or complain and will deal with it.


If you're referring to me, I haven't asked or requested any changes to anything. I don't play enough to actually care what changes HCS makes to the game. 

Last time I played, everyone was telling HCS about a few others cheating. BG defended them and swore up and down that they wern't. I logged in a year later and sure enough, they're gone.

#962543 Increasing BB activity :)

Posted by vastilos on 23 April 2016 - 16:39

I find that we live in a world where if people complain enough about something they want, they eventually get it. Too many self entitled people who believe that they are entitled to have what they want, when they want it, and if they can't have it or don't get it, they nag and nag until they get what they want. A real life example... I live in Canada and we used to be able to say Merry Christmas to people, or teachers to their students, public workers to people they encounter everyday. Now teachers and public workers aren't allowed to say Merry Christmas to their students or to people they encounter everyday without getting a suspension because other people who don't have christmas in their religion nagged and nagged until it was changed in their favor.


Now with regards to FS, it's a game. If you enjoy it, play it. If you don't, then leave. There's a pvp side and a pve side to the game, play either or both. Don't nag and complain because you only like one aspect of the game and feel that the other should be changed to your liking.


Deal with it.

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