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Member Since 18 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active May 08 2023 20:13

#979265 Item Breakdown DQ

Posted by leefylee on 08 April 2017 - 10:34

i did the break down quests till i got bronze medal  then stopped as they are just not worth the effort as usually the numbers needed are far too high..(but thats just my preference) others may think they are worth it.

#978885 Composers of Fallensword, what do you call your "throw-away" Composin...

Posted by leefylee on 04 April 2017 - 18:08

i used to call them. 30 xp, 40xp, 50xp

#977494 Lagging?

Posted by leefylee on 04 March 2017 - 00:34

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#977436 Elite Pack now available!

Posted by leefylee on 03 March 2017 - 18:15

So i can sell it?

could get someone to send yo xxx amount of fsp and then you "GIFT" them a code for the new pack..

#977377 iggy on forums ?

Posted by leefylee on 02 March 2017 - 21:16

is there a way we can iggy people on here like in the game so we dont see their  postings ?

#976347 An error occurred.

Posted by leefylee on 05 February 2017 - 22:07

its back up for me

#976280 Suggestion: Overall ranking

Posted by leefylee on 03 February 2017 - 19:31

One rank to rule them all, one rank to find them, One rank to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

#975739 Loyalty Token Potions

Posted by leefylee on 20 January 2017 - 20:51

yes to this :D  loyalty section is in need of an upgrade

#974541 The Flight of Dragons!

Posted by leefylee on 28 December 2016 - 20:05


#974484 Santork Returns!

Posted by leefylee on 26 December 2016 - 22:32

that was what I originally posted in my Guild chat to my fellow Guild members. That they no longer dropped the original items. But unless you click on to a half a dozen pages in The UFSG. It's not really self-explanatory. Actually it's kind of just vacant leaving to speculate and wonder. Really discouraging! But I guess I couldn't have hoped for a better answer from this community :-(

well i thought he had helped you.. he told you what to do then put a link up to 2 different types of recipes..


what better answer would you have expected ? no need to have a dig at the community because you dont understand something

#974337 2xp event and Gold

Posted by leefylee on 23 December 2016 - 00:21

i got around 10 mil on the first day from donations as people leveled by me :D


then zero when i hunted as i used sacrifice, so i couldnt say if there is a gold cap and what its capped  at

#973857 PVP Seasons as a Global

Posted by leefylee on 14 December 2016 - 17:20

Maybe more careful reading of the forum would help here (unless its me that needs to take my own advice, and the following is a complete misinterpretation).


As far as I can tell, BP was reporting that she lost a level as the subject (2nd P) of someone else doing *their* PVP DQ on her with a 100 stam hit.


LL, Cal and Mzz (post #169) seem to be reacting to the opposite scenario (BP doing the PVP for her own DQ, and then thinking she was complaining about being bountied for it).


It is hard enough to get a balanced, reasoned PVP forum thread as it is. Lets not add the problem of reacting to what people aren't saying.

she was not talking about someone doing a daily hit with 100 stam, otherwise she would noit have wrote.. the hitter was working on smasher medal.. it must have been a bounty hit to work on their smasher medal..

she suggested to stop smasher ticks on bounties..

#973182 Upcoming Double XP Event!

Posted by leefylee on 06 December 2016 - 23:52

it runs from tuesday, so it will be over before weekend as its christmas that week end..

the cows will be at home with the folks celebrating..

i think even the cows deserve christmas off :)

#973055 PVP Seasons as a Global

Posted by leefylee on 05 December 2016 - 19:06

I'm sorry, with all the PvP talk going around, I thought for sure there were more PvPers than that comment implies, EP.


Perhaps there would still be enough.

theres more than that in my guild alone

#972088 PvP prestige.

Posted by leefylee on 18 November 2016 - 21:17

... this is the description of fs.. from hcs page... please read the part ive underlined

About the Game

Join thousands of other adventurers in this constantly evolving web-based massively multiplayer role-playing game set in the fantasy world of Erildath. Along your travels you will encounter fellow players who you can engage in battle against. You may also band together to create a guild, or join one of the many that already exist! With your allies you may partake in guild conflicts or hunt some of the many powerful monsters found across the world.

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