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#992189 What Level Composing Are You ?

Posted by Pardoux on 07 June 2018 - 08:55

at the moment my level is known to me so im good ,Dont really think the level needs to be increased so they can be even more overpowered ,but hey what do i know ???


I don't want existing buffs made more powerful - what I'd like to see is NEW buffs - or "old" buffs that have been on the buffs list for years but never materialised ..

#991440 Thieves in the Night I

Posted by BadPenny on 16 April 2018 - 19:55

What I  seem to be reading here makes me wonder if anybody else read the OTHER thread far enough to see that the new ingredients in the boxes are only PART of each recipe for each item of each set.....  Other things must be farmed as well.... plants and various unused sets pieces I believe from what I read....



As I said before, wait till Grim has the recipes out before you jump to conclusions.....

#991427 Thieves in the Night I

Posted by BigGrim on 16 April 2018 - 16:01

Well since they will have 25 choices. Chose one at a time.


Curious what kind of "stuff" comes in stolen supplies. Will everyone get the same stuff for the same level of supplies? Is the stuff tradable?

Quests Items come from the chests for invention. The Chests are bound. The Quest Items are not. This is to encourage trade for Items. This is also a way to get Guilds to get their Guildies involved. More items results in more invents.

Sounds like a reasonable effort at non coding development. Good luck with the final reception. A+ for player input and convincing HCS to do something new.

I really liked the idea and thought it had merit. Chatting it over and here we are with a brand new event! :)

If the contents AREN'T bound, then what's to stop multis from stocking up on hundreds of the new ingredients? Surely make the actual invented items unbound but if the original rewards (the legendary quest items) aren't bound then there's just going to be a flood of them in the AH going for gold?

Multis will be terminated. Report them.

recipes are arriving, when ???

Sorry, in meeting all day. Will get them out tomorrow before the event is over, allowing you to mobilise your Guildies and friends.

Level caps were put on.

Recipes will be inventable 100 levels below the items actual level.

~ Grim

#990696 Epic Quest Line - The Fallen Sword Cube

Posted by Corrupted on 11 March 2018 - 22:49

New NPC’s:

- Brother Khan, the Connector: Fuses the Fallen Sword Cubes
(Lore) Brother Khan is a very interesting individual. He keeps himself alive by using a few of his magic tricks. He creates some resourceful things, but his magic has a few catches: He can only craft things once a day. Such is the expense of his marvelous magic.

Location: Cathedral Catacombs (1,1)*

Brother Illiad, the Veteran Hunter: Task assigner for main quests
(Lore) A former hunter himself, Brother Illiad was a graced bounty hunter. Arrogant as he was in his day, he was an efficient assassin. One day, he suddenly stopped hunting, for reasons that nobody knows.

Location: Cathedral Catacombs (7,7)*

“Epic” Daily Quest Line - “The Cube”
First Questline: The Fallen Sword Cube (Required Level: 50)

Part I
Brother Khan starts off by telling you that he needs you to bring him a few things first:

1. Fallen Sword Cube Part 1
2. Fallen Sword Cube Part 2
3. Fallen Sword Cube Part 3
4. Fallen Sword Cube Part 4

If you are to bring him these items, he can fuse them and craft the Powerful Fallen Sword Cube, which can be used to create powerful items. He himself does not know where to find them, so he tells you to go see Brother Illiad instead.**

Part II
You go to Brother Illiad, and you tell him that Brother Khan sent you his way. He needs to craft a Fallen Sword Cube and that he may know where to find the pieces needed. He seems bothered by your presence, but chooses to cooperate. He tells you that he will give you the pieces himself, but that you have to prove yourself worthy first… which means killing stuff and coming back to him.

Part III
Reward: Fallen Sword Cube Part 1 x 1. Quest Item. Bound (Non-Tradable)

- Task

The way I see the tasks they could follow the same type as the regular Daily Quests.
1. Defeat X of X type of creatures
2. Defeat X amount of players in combat (GvG/PvP/Bounty)
3. Break down X amount of items
4. Join X Arenas
5. Travel X tiles
6. Kill X Super Elites

I feel that the quests should be
GREATLY reduced in the number requirement to keep them attainable and not too much time consuming. I also feel that the quests should be a choice of the player, but they cannot replay the same quest. Once you do one for any given part, you cannot do that specific type again until the Quest resets (Daily).

But SS, how does that work

If you decide to do #5, travel X tiles, for Part III, then your options for Part IV are: 1 2 3 4 and 6. By the time you’re done, there should be 2 types that you did not do.

Part IV
Reward: Fallen Sword Cube Part 2 x 1. Quest Item. Bound (Non-Tradable)
Task: Choice of Task

Part V
Reward: Fallen Sword Cube Part 3 x 1. Quest Item. Bound (Non-Tradable)
Task: Choice of Task

Part VI
Reward: Fallen Sword Cube Part 4 x 1. Quest Item. Bound (Non-Tradable)
Task: Choice of Task

Brother Illiad tells you that your job is done and to go meet Brother Khan again.

Part VII
Reward: Fallen Sword Cube (Hollow) x 1. Quest Item. Bound (Non-Tradable)
You meet Brother Khan. He is very happy that you brought all the pieces, and he trades you them for a Fallen Sword Cube (Hollow). He tells you that all that is needed is for me to add a special Core added inside before he can activate the cube. He tells you that a renowned jeweler may have it in stock (Sister Andreas Jeweler in Cathedral of Ways 2,3).

***For this part, you would need to buy a Powerless Fallen Sword Cube Recipe from Bother Giles Curious (Cathedral of Ways 1,4). The Recipe requires a Fallen Sword Cube (Hollow) x 1 and a Fallen Sword Cube Core x 1, which would be bought at a gold price from Sister Andreas Jeweler. Combine both to obtain a Powerless Fallen Sword Cube x 1 (Quest Item)(Bound)(Non-Tradable).

Part IX
Reward: Powerful Fallen Sword Cube x 1 (Tradable)
You bring the Powerless Fallen Sword Cube to Brother Khan, he does his magic and tada, you have yourself a Powerful Fallen Sword Cube.

This quest can be repeated every day. Should progress count towards Daily medal?

Powerful Fallen Sword Cube

I am thinking of it being a tradable Quest Item used in Recipes. The recipes could create potions with (new?) buffs, or just make existing buffs at a higher level than standard (175).

Possible Potions:

1. Potion of the Cursed Wielder (Bound)
Needs: Powerful Fallen Sword Cube x 3 , Potion Bottle (Globe) x 1
Creates: Potion of the Cursed Wielder (Potion) (150 minutes) x 1
Grants: (NEW) Cursed Weapon (Buff)
Level: 250
Description: 0.2% per point stat bonus to your equipped Weapon. Excludes 'Gain' bonuses. Double chance of durability loss. Prevents Unbreakable from working while active.

2. Potion of the Cursed Mind (Bound)
Needs: Powerful Fallen Sword Cube x 3 , Potion Bottle (Vial) x 1
Creates: Potion of the Cursed Mind (Potion) (150 minutes) x 1
Grants: (NEW) Cursed Helmet (Buff)
Level: 250
Description: 0.2% per point stat bonus to your equipped Helmet. Excludes 'Gain' bonuses. Double chance of durability loss. Prevents Unbreakable from working while active.

3. Potion of the Corrupted Grasp (Bound)
Needs: Powerful Fallen Sword Cube x 3 , Potion Bottle (Elegant) x 1
Creates: Potion of the Corrupted Grasp (Potion) (150 minutes) x 1
Grants: (NEW) Cursed Gloves (Buff)
Level: 250
Description: 0.2% per point stat bonus to your equipped Gloves. Excludes 'Gain' bonuses. Double chance of durability loss. Prevents Unbreakable from working while active.

4. Extended Cast Potion (Bound)
Needs: Powerful Fallen Sword Cube x 3, Potion Bottle (Round) x 1
Creates: Extended Cast Potion (Potion) (90 Minutes) x 1
Grants: Extend (Buff)
Level: 200

5. Potion of the Necromancer (Bound)
Needs: Powerful Fallen Sword Cube x 5, Potion Bottle (Hexagon) x 1
Creates: Potion of the Necromancer (Potion) (150 minutes)
Grants: (1) Poison (Buff), (2) Ignite (Buff), (3) Blood Thirst
Level: (1) 250, (2) 250, (3) 250

6. Potion of the Avid Lancer (Bound)
Needs: Powerful Fallen Sword Cube x 5, Potion Bottle (Collared Globe) x 1
Creates: Potion of the Avid Lancer (Potion) (150 minutes)
Grants: (1) Riposte (Buff), (2) Sharpen (Buff), (3) Undermine (Buff), (4) Side Step (Buff), (5) Critical Hit (Buff)
Level: (1) 250, (2) 250, (3) 250, (4) 250, (5) 250

7. Potion of the Juggernaut (Bound)
Needs: Powerful Fallen Sword Cube x 5, Potion Bottle (Inscribed) x 1
Creates: Potion of the Juggernaut (Potion) (150 minutes)
Grants: (1) Retaliate (Buff), (2) Degrade (Buff), (3) Bastion (Buff), (4) Absorb (Buff), (5) Unbreakable (Buff)
Level: (1) 250, (2) 250, (3) 250, 4 (250), 5 (200)

8. Potion of the Prize Hunter (Bound)
Needs: Powerful Fallen Sword Cube x 3, Potion Bottle (Round)
Creates: Potion of the Prize Hunter (Potion) (150 minutes) x 1
Grants: Titan Doubler (Buff)
Level: 200

9. Potion of the Fierce Challenger(Super Elite)(Bound)
Needs: Powerful Fallen Sword Cube x 10, Potion Bottle (Elegant) x 1
Creates: Potion of the Fierce Challenger (Potion) (300 minutes) x 1
Grants: (1) Fumble (Buff), (2) Hardened (Buff), (3) Dispel Curse (Buff), (4) (NEW) Intimidate (Buff)
Level: (1) 250, (2) 250, (3) 200, (4) 250
Description: (4) +0.1% per skill level reduction to attackers’ damage when defending a PvP attack. (Excludes relic combat).

10. Potion of Gracious Defeat (Bound)
Needs: Powerful Fallen Sword Cube x 5, Potion Bottle (Hexagon) x 1
Creates: Potion of Gracious Defeat (Potion) (300 minutes) x 1
Grants: (1) Fumble (Buff), (2) Honor (Buff), (3) Shame
Level: (1) 200, (2) 200, (3) 300

11. Potion of the Healthy Roots (Bound)
Needs: Powerful Fallen Sword Cube x 5, Potion Bottle (Inscribed) x 1
Creates: Potion of the Healthy Roots (Potion) (200 minutes) x 1
Grants: (1) Great Vigor (Buff), (2) Stout Hearted (Buff), (3) Chi Strike (Buff), (4) Fortitude (Buff)
Level: (1) 500, (2) 500, (3) 200, (4) 200

12. Potion of the Creator (Bound)
Needs: Powerful Fallen Sword Cube x 5, Potion Bottle (Round) x 1
Creates: Potion of the Creator (Potion) (200 minutes) x 1
Grants: (1) Inventor (Buff), (2) Extractor (Buff), (3) Extractor II (Buff), (4) Resource Finder (Buff)
Level: (1-4) 250

13. Potion of Empowerment (Bound)
Needs: Powerful Fallen Sword Cube x 3 , Potion Bottle (Pillar) x 1
Creates: Potion of Empowerment (Potion) (150 minutes) x 1
Grants: Empower (Buff)
Level: 200

14. Potion of the Challenger’s Cursed Pride (Super Elite)(Bound)
Needs: Powerful Fallen Sword Cube x 3, Potion Bottle (Globe) x 1
Creates: Potion of the Challenger’s Pride (Potion) (150 minutes) x 1
Grants: (NEW) Cursed Armor (Buff)
Level: 250
Description: 0.2% per point stat bonus to your equipped Armor. Excludes 'Gain' bonuses. Double chance of durability loss. Prevents Unbreakable from working while active.

15. Potion of Aftermath (Bound)
Needs: Powerful Fallen Sword Cube x 5, Potion Bottle (Vial) x 1
Creates: Potion of Aftermath (Potion) (150 minutes) x 1
Grants: (1) Stun (Buff), (2) Shockwave (Buff), (3) Force Shield (Buff)
Level: (1) 200, (2) 200, (3) 200

16. Challenger’s Last Stand (Super Elite)(Bound)
Needs: Powerful Fallen Sword Cube x 25, Potion Bottle (Inscribed) x 1, 3 SE Items from the newer SEs
Creates: Challenger’s Last Stand (Potion) (500 minutes) x 1
Grants: (1) (NEW) Cursed Helmet (Buff), (2) (NEW) Cursed Weapon (Buff), (2) (NEW) Cursed Gloves (Buff), (4) (NEW) Cursed Armor (Buff), (5) (NEW) Cursed Shield (Buff), (6) (NEW) Cursed Amulet (Buff), (7) Cursed Boots (Buff), (8) Cursed Ring (Buff), (9) Cursed Rune (Buff)
Level: (1-9) 250
Description: (4) 0.2% per point stat bonus to your equipped Armor. Excludes 'Gain' bonuses. Double chance of durability loss. Prevents Unbreakable from working while active. (5)  0.2% per point stat bonus to your equipped Shield. Excludes 'Gain' bonuses. Double chance of durability loss. Prevents Unbreakable from working while active. (6) 0.2% per point stat bonus to your equipped Amulet. Excludes 'Gain' bonuses. Double chance of durability loss. Prevents Unbreakable from working while active. (7) 0.2% per point stat bonus to your equipped Boots. Excludes 'Gain' bonuses. Double chance of durability loss. Prevents Unbreakable from working while active.

17. Challenger’s Glorious Draft (Super Elite)(Bound)
Needs: Powerful Fallen Sword Cube x 25, Potion Bottle (Elegant) x 1, 3 SE Items from the newer SEs
Creates: Challenger’s Glorious Draft (Potion) (500 minutes) x 1
Grants: (1) Enchant Helmet (Buff), (2) Enchant Weapon (Buff), (3) Iron Fist (Buff), (4) Enchant Armor (Buff), (5) Enchant Shield(Buff), (6) Enchant Amulet (Buff), (7) Enchant Boots (Buff), (8) Enchant Ring (Buff), (9) Enchant Rune (Buff)
Level: (1-9) 250

18. Potion of the Cursed Buckler (Bound)
Needs: Powerful Fallen Sword Cube x 3 , Potion Bottle (Collared Globe) x 1
Creates: Potion of the Cursed Buckler (Potion) (150 minutes) x 1
Grants: (NEW) Cursed Shield (Buff)
Level: 250
Description: 0.2% per point stat bonus to your equipped Shield. Excludes 'Gain' bonuses. Double chance of durability loss. Prevents Unbreakable from working while active.

19. Potion of the Cursed Pendant (Bound)
Needs: Powerful Fallen Sword Cube x 3 , Potion Bottle (Vial) x 1
Creates: Potion of the Cursed Pendant (Potion) (150 minutes) x 1
Grants: (NEW) Cursed Amulet (Buff)
Level: 250
Description: 0.2% per point stat bonus to your equipped Amulet. Excludes 'Gain' bonuses. Double chance of durability loss. Prevents Unbreakable from working while active.

20. Potion of the Cursed Step (Bound)
Needs: Powerful Fallen Sword Cube x 3 , Potion Bottle (Elegant) x 1
Creates: Potion of the Cursed Step(Potion) (150 minutes) x 1
Grants: (NEW) Cursed Boots (Buff)
Level: 250
Description: 0.2% per point stat bonus to your equipped Boots. Excludes 'Gain' bonuses. Double chance of durability loss. Prevents Unbreakable from working while active.

21. Potion of Cursed Compromise (Bound)
Needs: Powerful Fallen Sword Cube x 3 , Potion Bottle (Pillar) x 1
Creates: Potion of Cursed Compromise (Potion) (150 minutes) x 1
Grants: Cursed Ring (Buff)
Level: 250

21. Potion of Cursed Symbols (Bound)
Needs: Powerful Fallen Sword Cube x 3 , Potion Bottle (Round) x 1
Creates: Potion of Cursed Symbols (Potion) (150 minutes) x 1
Grants: Cursed Rune (Buff)
Level: 250

All of course, an idea. Please let me know what you think :)

#988802 Christmas Gift

Posted by tharzill on 24 December 2017 - 15:42

Just a Thank you to all the HCS team for the gift box and all the hard work put into making this an awesome year for FS! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

#988673 The Forest of Yule returns!

Posted by EpicPiety on 22 December 2017 - 18:36

AL 800 reward from the quests if anyone is interested. Quest: Winter Winds Ruin Fun! (Xmas) close With a mighty heave, you launch the Ba into the middle of the scrum! With that, the game begins! The scrum heaves and the good natured shouting! You spend the rest of the day refereeing the game and when it's all over, you are invited to the Churchfence Feast! You receive 'Churchfence Feast' and 75,118,232 XP.

#987541 Guild store Item Repair Button

Posted by yotekiller on 24 November 2017 - 12:56

  If a player is financially unable to repair guild gear they need to discuss that with their founder who will help them find a workable solution.  If a player is unwilling to repair guild gear, loss of recall rights is usually a pretty effective reminder to play nice with your guild mates.  Players that remain selfish in the small things will only be more selfish in the bigger things and don't make good guild members for the long term.  Get them on the right track or tell them goodbye.  Simple as that.

#985683 New Super Elite

Posted by Josh1404 on 08 October 2017 - 08:08

Both of the sets you have been involved with are junk..They simply demonstrate a player without understanding of game mechanics.

Is that really necessary? You're entitled to your opinion of course but these SE designs are supposed to be a fun reward for those who want to seek them out. You don't have to like them or agree with the gear choices or the potion choices. But IMO there was no need for that kind of belittlement. I'm sure if you choose to seek the same reward for yourself someday you will display your incredibly superior knowledge of game mechanics for us all to see. We await such a day with bated breath I am sure.

#985628 New Super Elite

Posted by Prop on 06 October 2017 - 21:14

Could always not read the thread and not view the SE kill log if it's that exciting...


Anyhoo, from the guide.


PYRON DESERT (WILDS) (Min Level: 1721)

#985254 Fallen Sword Administrator. Item [Potion of Elite Advancement]

Posted by bloody18 on 23 September 2017 - 08:03

WOW! Thanks for this EPIC potion! :) 


#984925 A new Super Elite appears!

Posted by Prop on 08 September 2017 - 22:17

:ph34r:  Osslandira Canyon (Range) (Min Level: 787)

#984901 A new Super Elite appears!

Posted by Josh1404 on 08 September 2017 - 09:09

Seen the following locations in the SE kills page thus far:


Feidal Swamps Murk (Minimum Level 66)

Osslandira Canyon (Range) (Minimum Level 787)

Lorsil Woods (Orchard Edge) (Minimum Level 1,130)

Gelorath Caverns (Reptile Hide) (Minimum Level 1,769)

Arydis Fort (Halls) (Minimum Level 2,154)

Ganaroth Desert (Trail) (Minimum Level 2,629)

Multuubo Savannah (Range) (Minimum Level 2,922)


The set consists of an Armor and Gloves combination much as the creature description suggests. It's high damage and with a fair amount of attack.


The set also has a +10 Temporal Shift enhancement within the set bonus.

#984746 Mentoring in the game.

Posted by uncola on 01 September 2017 - 20:00

Best way to help the starting players would be :


1. Change 500 stamina to 1250 Stamina


2. Bring back the booster codes so they can get decent items to hunt since everything it overprices at that range ( make them player bound and sent to their Personal mail when they create a character)


3. Increase backpack page by 5 they need more space to compare and understand newly gained items


3. Lead them from tutorial to the first Epic quest ( Basically the tutorial + Signs and portents (epic) + Eternal defiance (these quests should be joined as 1 big tutorial, since it involves all the basic understandings of the game )


4. Introduce a new AI bot in the world map that you can go to which can have basic answers to many questions they may have .



None of this is making it easier or spoon feeding them but helping them adjust better the game environment, other wise if they find it unsuited and a pay to win game, they will leave, also its 2017 guys you have to realize that with consoles and better game graphics out there its not going to be easy to draw in a new crowd with old perspectives. Give them a chance for them to actually play them game, or they log in and log out within 5 minutes.



Edit: Hunted Cow should really look into this and if they want our opinion use the Poll system which is neglected 

#984690 A new Super Elite appears!

Posted by Pardoux on 30 August 2017 - 20:58

Set Bonus :-


Attack 7980 / Damage 12020

2 kills on it, and both pieces got :D


Best bit tho ? - the set has Temporal Shift enhancement ...

#984173 Broken Stuff After Development

Posted by EpicPiety on 16 August 2017 - 18:59

Pointy and hoof thanks for your work. Pointy i can't live without FSH game doesn't look the same to me without it lol. It brightens up the game :).

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