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#876619 So Ladder Hits Are Still Bountyable

Posted by Bunnybee on 30 June 2014 - 01:11

Pvp has had somewhat too many ridiculously narrowing restrictions applied to it over the past few years, why continue the trend? Is the ladder pvp or not? I feel that it is, a very interesting form of it even, especially when people are  really throwing themselves into it. Where does this seemingly driving need to dumb it down and make it 'safe' come from? Stop already. The bounty board has always been about 'taking care' of things anyway, it's part of it. Yes I realize it's bad form to bounty ladder hits, but certainly we can develop our own approach to that without Cow intervention.

#861669 My Suggestions for reviving the Bounty Board (And this is quite radical)

Posted by BigGrim on 10 April 2014 - 12:36

Having spoken with Hoofmaster, we're seriously reconsidering the PvP Ladder system. We're looking to review it, possibly removing it and replacing it with the original PvP system. We think that might help. I personally think the ladder watered PvP down.

#859225 New PvP Ladder Rewards + Incentive to Play the ladder

Posted by markaaron on 01 April 2014 - 18:20

A simple idea here to add some new "useful" Rewards to the pvp ladder and maybe bring some more players into the pvp ladder. Instead of just adding more items to make why not add some bound potions for each play style? (PvP, leveling, titan hunting, farming) These potions would have to be bound as to not instantly flood the market with them and thus making them worthless and not encouraging players to play and earn them.  


These potions could have a building system similar to the composing, in that the more tokens you use in them the stronger they become (capped at a reasonable level of coarse) and also used to increase duration( also capped).  The potions would need to be strong enough to make a leveling player want to use there stamina to earn them. I feel that AL level 300 would be a fair buff level for example. 



This is just a suggestion and would love feedback and other ideas from everyone here.

#859064 PvP Tutorial

Posted by Chazz224 on 01 April 2014 - 02:37

I am going to explain how and why PvP Works the way it does so anyone can practice these things and learn to excel and become a dangerously strong PvP Player in Fallen Sword.


In Fallen sword your character has certain stats, such as Attack - Defense - Armor - Damage - HP ( Health Points)


Each one of these stats serves a purpose in game - regardless if you are PvPing - or killing SE's or Titan's or just simply leveling and hunting.


In order to be successful in PvP combat there is required knowledge needed that I will share and explain with you all.


As it was told to me:


in order to Attack someone and be successful your characters must follow these steps:


Step 1. Your characters Attack has to be higher than your Opponents Defense

Step 2.Your characters Damage has to be higher than your Opponents Armor and H.P. combined.


That will usually result in a win ! 


However pay close attention to Your characters Buffs and your Opponents Buffs as well.

We have Buffs that will reduce certain stats or increase certain stats, this can complicate things as Buffs  affect stats by certain percentages given by the level of the Buff and what the Buff does - I will get into this deeper in a few minutes and I will also explain the vocabulary involved as well.


How to Defend in PvP or increase your survivability at the very least:


There are a few ways to do this and I'll explain how:




Step 1. Make sure your Defense is Higher then your Opponents Attack.

Step 2. Make sure your Damage is Higher then your Opponents Armor + HP Combined.


Defense is usually used when:

Your Opponent has a LOW ATTACK STAT


[ in some cases Armor based kits have LOW ATTACK STATS which is the main reason Defense is used to defeat such sets. ]  Another thing to note when using this model of Defense is no matter what your stats are or your opponents stats, there is always a 2% chance of a loss if using the Defense Model.


Using Armor to DEFEND in PvP :


Step 1.Keep  your Armor Stat extremely HIGH and where it out weighs your Opponents Damage.

Step 2. Make sure your character has as much HP as possible cause you lose 1 point of Health with each phase of combat ( Phase of combat - is measured by each Line of combat while the combat continues)


Armor is usually used when:

Your Opponent has a LOW DAMAGE STAT or a LOW HP STAT


Armor based kits are used usually to combat and conquer your Opponents Low Damage or HP Stat.

Given the amount of Buffs + Potions available there are ways of manipulating numbers in Stat categories where as a Armor Sets can maintain high values but shift other Stats away from one category to another. Such as shifting a damage item for an Attack item to increase your Attack Stat by CHANGING Gear and using Buffs to compensate for certain Differences.


Using a Suicide Set in PvP:


Suicide Sets always consist of the highest possible ATTACK + DAMAGE Stats

[Regardless if you are the ATTACKER or DEFENDER]


This is used Set is used to hit and win or get hit die and  Hope the buff Last Ditch picks you up and you kill your opponent.


BUFF Vocabulary:


1. Transfer: Means the percentage of one stat is moved over to another stat.


Example: While using Nightmare Visage level 175 43.75% of your attack stat is " Transferred" to your defense.


So if you have 10.000 attack (4.375 points of your Attack [is subtracted] then transferred (added) to your Defense Stat (adding the 4.375 points to your Defense) You can not visually see this happen but it takes place regardless.


After the Transfer is complete your character will have 5.625 Attack and 4.375 Defense. This for the most part is the most serious word in game to pay close attention to given how it subtracts from one stat and then adds to another.


2. Added: is fairly simple buffs like Savagery - Golden Shield - High Guard use this terminology and all this means is that it works very much like a copy and paste - based on the percentage of your numbers and Stats via their category.


Now to explain some Buffs in game to help you all out: 


Dark Curse [ DC ] : +0.2% reduction of opponents defense per point

- at level 175 your opponent will Lose [subtract] 35% of their Defense STAT ( you do not see this but it happens so if you want to know what their stat number is after the buff you must do the math and calculate it so you know how much is lost and how much is still required to attack.)


Flinch : 0.1% per point decrease in enemy's meaning that your opponents Attack stat is lowered depending on the level of the Flinch Buff.  Flinch at level 175 will subtract 17.5% of your opponents ATTACK STAT.


Constitution: +0.1% per point increase to your Defense. - at level 175 this is a 17.5% increase to the Defense Stat but happens in combat only so the increase can not be viewed from your profile.


Sanctuary: +0.1% per point increase to your Armor - at level 175 this is a 17.5% increase to Armor Stat but happens in combat only so the increase can not be viewed from your profile.


BUFFS that Transfer Stats from one category to another.

Barricade:0.15% per point of Damage is transferred to Defense - at level 175 -  26.25%

Nightmare Visage: 0.25% per point of your Attack will be transferred into Defense - at level 175 - 43.75%

Entrench: +0.25% per point of damage is transferred to armor at the start of combat - at level 50 - 12.5%


Buffs that ADD X percent from one stat into another stat without subtracting anything from either stat:


Savagery: 0.05% chance per point that your defense stat is added to your attack and your armor stat is added to your damage. - This Buff at level 175 Copies 8.75% of your Defense Stat & Pastes it into your Attack Stat - also Copies 8.75% of your characters Armor Stat and Pastes it into your Damage Stat.


Golden Shield: +0.05% per point chance to double your armor and defense at the start of combat. - This Buff at level 175 has a 8.75% to double your Defense and Armor Stats.


High Guard: 0.05% chance per point that your attack stat is added to your defense and your damage stat is added to your armor. - This Buff at level 175 Copies 8.75% of your Attack Stat & Pastes it into your Defense Stat - also Copies 8.75% of your characters Damage Stat and Pastes it into your Armor Stat.


Enhancements that affect combats in PvP :


Piercing Strike:  Reduces Armor Stat by 50%

Reinforced Armor::Increases Armor Stat by 25%

Critical Hit: Doubles a Players Damage

Dodge: Forces a character to MISS in combat

Duelist: Increases Attack + Damage Stat in PvP - [0.1% per point per enhancement level]

First Strike: Allows a person to attack first even if you are defending


Please also note that the above enhancements will not activate all the time but when they do activate this is their function and how they work - they are important which is why they were included in this Tutorial. - Special thanks to yghorbb for bringing this to my attention.



If you didn't know how PvP works - this will educate you big time - For those whom feel I left something out or would like something to be added in feel free to message me in game with your thoughts and suggestions I will credit you with them if they are actuate and help others. 


Hope this helps all.


- Chazz

#858740 Radical PvP Rework

Posted by Chazz224 on 30 March 2014 - 16:41

Just my opinion. I could be totally off base. If it was open season on bunnies, I would have left a long time ago. You may be right, that may be good for the game not having a free loader like me around. No one knows for sure. This is where I think the beta server can prove who is right and who is wrong. Bottom line is we all want the same thing from the big picture. We want as many players as possible, you think pvp is the key, i think otherwise... who's right? won't know... beta would be a risk free way of proving it.

Chewy PvP is good for the game and benefits so many in the game due to the fact that PvP stimulates so many different areas of the game- you and I both agreed on this ' via in game pm'. The " Yin must compliment the Yang" and vice versa. When Hoof created Fallen Sword PvP was rampant - with far less restriction and many many incentives at the time. When HCS caved in and changed the game of Fallen Sword to address those who didn't want to par take in one aspect of the game ---- they lost 60% of their player volume over the course of the last 4yrs.


PvP stimulates our FS economy in just about every way possible:


1. People are more active - logging in more often to communicate with friends and check to see if their character was attacked or if a guild mate or friend was.

2. PvP stimulates the AH - As Players ( attackers and defenders in PvP) Buy and sell gear they no longer need. In addition to gear Potion makers are kept busy making all sorts of pots.

3. PvP - stimulates leveling and donations - as some level to get away from those who pvp and are dominant.  Donations are increased through PvP for purposes of buying buffs - and leveling etc. 


Almost every single aspect of this game is stimulated by PvP - If we were to sit idle and remove PvP from Fallen Sword we would see this game die just as Sigma Storm did. Hoof had the right idea from the start of this game the only mistake was veering from this games Original format to accommodate others who didn't. 


- Chazz

#858667 Radical PvP Rework

Posted by BraveKath on 29 March 2014 - 23:21

Here's a crazy idea for you all; how about we remove the ladders and make a new "king of the hill" system? Mix the arena with the old school pvp ladder. ......


Good thoughts, as it gets people thinking.   From my experience, an Opt in/out system is just a bad road and that's been proven already.  Maybe I'm just so not a fan of them that I'm less open to the concept.  If a new system was devised though with yet another opt in method, I'd probably give it a go to at least see how it went -- give it the old college try so to speak.

#858576 Radical PvP Rework

Posted by Ryebred on 29 March 2014 - 15:53

+1 could not have said better...pvper's need to understand that this is not solely a pvp gme..pvp is part of the game...forcing it on players is why we have so few left...which has hurt pvp arena, ah, global events and more..we need players to stay  ..forcing players to pvp is not helping that matter..

That is speculation, and an opinion.  I've seen more players depart due to the decline of PvP in game then anything over the past several years.  I can note a decline with every last update that favors ease of leveling, and offers opt out means.  Look at the history of compromises made, and counterbalancing the effects of PvP through consumables - PvP protection; exp events, every hit being made subject to bounty, max exp loss parameters being made on bounty board (at one time there was no limit to loss potential), ladder arrangement (all players were in initially - now opt in), to name a few - and after each a steady decline in population.


I agree to disagree


The PvP community (if you will) is as much at fault for being willing to compromise in debates that proceeded these most recent ones - that side of thinking was always the one to cave into the notion of compromise - to actually hear what the alternative perspective was complaining about -and accept means of balance to overcome.  I hope the pro-pvp mindset never caves again -sit like stones to suggestions that break promises of the pasts.  The anti - PvP mindset has stubbornly always prevailed - never accepting an alternative perspective to their own exists - believing the ladders we have now are somehow the way it should be...


A rock at this point, unwilling to budge any further ~ Rye

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