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Member Since 19 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Jun 21 2024 13:04


Posted by Removed51002 on 03 October 2017 - 13:26

Can we get a shout out for all the players that remember the legacy? That can remember the power of the doubler buff and the good old infernus and frostbite sets. The Emissaries were for the rich and frostbite for the poor. There were a time where there was no buff market. Dark days my friends but in guilds we managed by typing endlessly 'buffs plz' until an angel fills your log.

How many actives have hit double digits? Can i see some hands? :D i dont want to feel so old xD

#972375 TA player kill status

Posted by Fizban on 23 November 2016 - 01:12

am goin to bookmark this vid for the next time :P



this is the point i keep bringing up in world chat.. if you don't want to die.... gather elsewhere 

Or maybe learn to read so that you can understand the warning upon entering TA? :huh:

#972363 TA player kill status

Posted by ernzor on 22 November 2016 - 21:42

#972356 TA player kill status

Posted by Removed18058 on 22 November 2016 - 20:29

you made me log in and hope that i find you in ta :P

#972345 TA player kill status

Posted by Fizban on 22 November 2016 - 13:17

Yay, TA drama has spilled over into forums :lol:

#972308 TA player kill status

Posted by Removed18058 on 22 November 2016 - 01:11

just lock this thread already


this leads to nothing ...


Posted by ernzor on 23 October 2016 - 21:46

Strikes are so tame these days.


We used to do it naked, with flaming torches.


Guess they thought we were going to burn the place down and dance in the ashes so they did some updates to keep us occupied...

#970473 new bug in TA

Posted by sdcrichy on 17 October 2016 - 14:41

it's an old bug and has been reported over a year ago. but is a very abuseable bug same as the redem bug that overs are using.

#969634 Merging the 3 servers into one?

Posted by Crofil on 28 September 2016 - 13:48

they tried that we didn't like it one bit :P

#962241 Eldevin top Ranking

Posted by Marcus219 on 16 April 2016 - 05:05

^^ player that left weeks ago telling everybody else whats happening.


Get your information right, before you try to be the smart one!

#952560 Grey Wolf not following

Posted by ernzor on 03 November 2015 - 05:07

Grey wolf is old and tired. No more walkies...

#951766 pl bug attacking faster

Posted by Crofil on 23 October 2015 - 22:32

maybe a counter measure for prophages :P



"oh they can heal pretty good they won't mind a few more balls thrown at them"

#949914 Building our own homes.

Posted by Removed18058 on 28 September 2015 - 13:04

next time please search if there aren't existing topics like these this is the 15th if not even more threads have been made about player house


a couple of them have been recent but it's just stupid to make a new thread about something while there is one a little bit below.


and to crush your dream the developers barely reply to player housing ideas since they probably have other priorities and this is really far away on the scedule.































#946465 PvP Mega Thread

Posted by ernzor on 24 August 2015 - 06:00

Bump, can we get some love for PvP please!

#946338 World Boss Revamp

Posted by ernzor on 22 August 2015 - 23:30

The current World Boss loot is outdated, so why not update it.


Firstly instead of the chest with maximum 10 drops in it (depending on group size), why not change it to be like the event world bosses (wolf, dragon, PK) where everyone that participates gets a chest for the kill.


Secondly, get rid of the glims! Change the loot table to be something like 50% chance at defined gem. 20% chance at item. 10% chance at absolute gem. 10% chance at infernal flake. 5% chance at greater flake.


For the remaining 5% of the loot table add in a vanity set for each Boss, but vary the percentage for each piece dropping. So 2% feet, 1.5% legs, 1% arms, 0.4% body, 0.1% helm. These of course are bound on equip so they can be traded, and the rarer ones would provide a nice valued item to the economy for people to try to get.


Lastly, to go with those new vanity sets, add in achievements to equip the full sets so that people will have more incentive to go for them.

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