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Member Since 31 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active Dec 06 2015 03:58

#913458 Troll

Posted by Lahara on 04 January 2015 - 03:41

either fix it or take it out. bugged tagging mechanics and group only loot have made this an eye sore on the game.

#917725 Hug achievements

Posted by Savanc on 31 January 2015 - 16:27

My suggestion is to add achievements for hugs and other social emotes such as bowing, waving, kissing, blowing kisses, etc.
It will create an even more positive atmosphere in Eldevin!

I do know that some of these emotes are from events or chests only, and are hard to come by or cost EPs when bought from other players, but the same can be said for certain other achievements such as using 1000 dragons to travel (costs gold), get 10 mounts or 10 pets, or get special pets or mounts during seasonal events.

These achievements may (if time permits) be linked to Valentine's Day in 2 weeks time. Maybe there can be special places or creatures where the emotes can be gained.

My main suggestion is to add achievements for an X, Y, Z and A amounts of hugs, bows, waves, kisses, blown kisses, etc.
Adding a mini event for Valentine's Day is a welcome optional extra.

#879508 Improve ASV Drops

Posted by ernzor on 18 July 2014 - 01:33

or perhaps a second item in each boss which would be 50% gem 40% flake 10% relic (percentages could vary there)


That would give the ability to earn more relics and have more loot.

#912644 Stockings Need a (Short) Respawn Timer

Posted by Irradiated on 29 December 2014 - 15:25

i like as it is now. its fun to "fight" for the stockings who pick-ups 1st :)

That wouldn't change.  Still have your fight for a stocking.  In fact it would work better.


This only effects that stocking laying there in the mud, unwanted and unloved.  Everyone collecting already has it.  With the respawn timer, after awhile it would be reborn as a new random stocking at a new random location.  Then people can get back to fighting for the stocking they want.

#907545 Warriors problem with trowing wep

Posted by ernzor on 06 December 2014 - 22:07

Yeah but the difference there ult. Rangers/mages can still cast their strongest dps abilities at melee range...

#907531 Warriors problem with trowing wep

Posted by Simeonus on 06 December 2014 - 20:38

Yes! Even 50% of melee dps would be better than 100% ranged.

#912687 Gem Hearth Add-On

Posted by Ood on 29 December 2014 - 20:40

What is it:


Addition or upgrade to Gem Hearth. Call it whatever you want, the 'Recycler' sounds tacky.



What does it do:


'Recycles' heroic and rare equipment into Arcane Shards (or fusion powder, or gems)





So much gear is bound, HC has its reasons, but it makes so there is not much market for anything but very end game gear and gems, and vanity things. Allowing gear to be recycled directly into Arcane Shards, in addition to being sold for gold, gives newer players the opportunity to upgrade gems. A part of this game that for the most part is reserved for when you have nothing else to do. Also, would help newer players break into other aspects of the game that need gems (such as PvP), as well as provide everyone additional ways to trade with fellow players, instead of dumping everything into an NPC.




As a starting point for discussion, have all level 40 and lower heroic or rare equipment be recyclable into small arcane shards, while 41+ heroic and rare items have a chance to be recycled into normal Arcane shards or small one, and/or with possible rare chance for large, if the feature gets moving enough.


Some randomness would need be factored in, also with chance for more shards depending on item level.


A 'consolation' prize of FP could be considered, if no shards are recovered from recycling, or gold could also fit the profile (although at a reduced rate from what you would NPC something at).


There's possibilities for other items to be included in recycling, or in reward, just having this here as a starting point.





Have a feature that gives arcane shards and/or fusion powder and/or other item for equipment, instead of selling to NPC for gold. Place this feature near the gem hearths.

#910626 Make the Pogo Stick a Mount :-D

Posted by TimbuFTZB on 19 December 2014 - 04:12

So, I just got the pogo stick a little while ago, and then my friend bought a bunch of presents and got one as well. This thing is absolutely wonderful, and I am debating making it the standard-issue mount for the Eldevin Guard. 


Anyways, I was wondering if it would be possible to make the pogo stick a mount, in the sense that it can have the same move speed as any other mount. I would love to charge into battle on my pogo stick, and I hope that maybe you will consider allowing us to use it as a means of transportation. 


Thanks! ^^


#903808 Increase Tab Range (in PvP)

Posted by ZeusIV on 23 November 2014 - 12:31

tab range was mentioned when weapon range was increased

it was pointed out that tab or E wasn't selecting mobs that you could range attack without moving

i think l3fty said it might have been overlooked and it would probably be fixed

but that was a long time ago now

should be the same in pve and pvp

if you can shoot something it should be taggable

#903803 Smarter PvP Matchmaking

Posted by reinedor on 23 November 2014 - 10:14

I agree that a better matchmaking system needs to be implemented, and this is a common sentiment among pvpers.  As HCS has a ton on their plate at the moment, I'd say putting in level tiers would be the most efficient solution for the time being.  I think the range you suggested in another post would be best in addressing concerns over population: dividing players by levels 10-29 and 30-45.


There have been enough level 45 pvpers (and some 30s-40s) recently that sometimes 2 matches will run at once.  With the Steam release, there's been enough of an influx of level 13-20s trying out pvp that I feel lower levels could fill up matches as well.  So no, the reason of insufficient population is no longer adequate justification.  Lower levels should also have somewhere to have an even playing ground for pvp; enough opportunities for curb-stomping exist on ta.


Wildly imbalanced teams are fun for no one.  If I wanted to shoot fish in a barrel, I'd go grind mobs.

#898580 Bring back group PvP!

Posted by Mongo on 07 November 2014 - 01:16

I know it was removed for a reason as I was with the many that called for it, but could we get Group queuing back? It would need to be separate from solo queueing. Would it be easy to add, or take lots of work?


At the moment, most matches are decided by what the luck of draw groups us as, due to imbalance in classes. I know there will never be perfect balance, that is impossible in most games so why not let us balance our own teams for some pvp fun? I am sure the community would swap around players too, just to get some variation and fair fights going on.


The solo queue system would still be used, maybe even more so for those learning the ropes as they will not be up against the long term pvp players all the time.


Example (for those who know these players kinda build)


Team A:







Team B:







The above example would at least be fun and both teams could certainly have a good chance of coming away with a win.


(note I put Reine with Lahara, or she would beat me up)

#900769 [Suggestion][Cooking] Remove "Spices"

Posted by ZeusIV on 14 November 2014 - 11:57

if you sit down at a table the slow lazy waitress will offer you a menu of low level foods and then take half a day to go and get them for you and charge you an arm and a leg them. do not tip her! the service it terrible


i like the idea for Simple Soft Meat etc

often meat types are in areas where that level fruit grows so you could have a recipe of meat + fruit that can be made in the field on a log fire that gives you emergency nourishment. replace health or give you a 5 minute buff

salt could be made by boiling water, milk/butter by milking a kalgorn, oil by squashing seeds


i suggested somewhere that there could be a portable alchemy bench (log fire + test tube) to make pots while in the field and i think both should be considered


you wouldn't want to do it on the crystal coast cos it is quicker to run to ec but in north nasaroth, blossom ridge, broken shore greenreef, or forbidden isle it would be useful 

#898594 High 5 emote.

Posted by ernzor on 07 November 2014 - 02:20

If you put it in, I will hunt down all HCS employees and give them all a high five.


Come to think of it, that could be a good achieve!

#900405 more info on the skill bar

Posted by Gilmamesh on 13 November 2014 - 16:28

When you spend a point on the talent tree the benefits should be reflected on the info in the skill bar when hover over a skill.


for example: if i spend talent point on something that improve the damage on "X" skill if i view the description on the skill bar it should be reflected that change.

#894602 Memory usage skyrockets when client minimized

Posted by Ant on 15 October 2014 - 12:39

Be careful I used too play games at work one day it froze when someone was coming near me.. I had to hold in the power button and lost my work lol

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