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Member Since 23 Oct 2012
Offline Last Active Sep 12 2024 02:05

#1008618 Upcoming New Player Skills - November 2022

Posted by Pardoux on 13 November 2022 - 00:18

Looking for chests is just aimlessly walking around for the most part. There is some tips and tricks to do with how chests spawn, that aside it's the very definition of "dumbed down".

Some sort of Hot/Cold indicator will add more spice to such a dull chore. It doesn't even necessarily have to indicate it's on the map. But there could be one on a map close to you.

It's funny - in some of the threads, you cry out for the game to be made harder, but in others, you cry out for it to made easier. Wish you'd pick a stance and stick to it.

Chest hunting IS boring, it IS tedious and the keys, relative to the drops (for the most part) are horrendously expensive, but making a buff that tells you if there is a chest on a map, or even a map close to you is not necessary. You want chests, buy the locations that lots of other folk do, or use some of that 500K+ stamina you have to trudge the realms.

This buff is no different to the SE hunting one, other than a different goal in mind ...

#1008616 Upcoming New Player Skills - November 2022

Posted by Pardoux on 12 November 2022 - 20:48

Why not make Far Sight Skill works for Realm Chests instead? It would be a good addition as potion not a player's skill though

Again, no - search for them, or buy locations - game does NOT need dumbing down further

#1008592 + 8 Stamina gain Epics

Posted by Pardoux on 10 November 2022 - 06:58

I'm fully behind the cows limiting epics to +7 - there are quite a few reasons being trotted out (primarily by ... oh wait ... the titan hunting guilds) but the bottom line is they would like a new revenue stream that +7 doesn't offer as much any longer ...

#1008591 Upcoming New Player Skills - November 2022

Posted by Pardoux on 10 November 2022 - 06:55

Good Morning Pardoux!


This buff is not being added to the game :) Its name was featured in a past roadmap, but we removed it as we believe it's not something that should be added at this time in its current iteration (in other words: it needs reworked or discarded entirely). It was shown because Tilley asked what happened to it  :)


Thank you.


You pretty much already can do this without any buffs -  

I don't think so Penny - going to each SE spawn site, and sweeping (potentially) the whole map is a pretty time-consuming process :)

#1008579 Upcoming New Player Skills - November 2022

Posted by Pardoux on 07 November 2022 - 17:36


Reveal if a Super Elite is in your current realm. At level 125+ it has a chance of revealing the location as well.
This buff should NEVER make it into the game ... this is one area that demands time and effort to be successful in (unless, like others, you buy locations) - why does this aspect of the game need nerfing ?
IF you're adamant about adding the buff, then randomise all the SE locations - otherwise, I could do a whole sweep, for EVERY SINGLE SE, in minutes ...

#1008359 Inventor 2

Posted by Pardoux on 17 September 2022 - 23:03

It does seem to be having less and less use, that's for sure.

I agree that it shouldn't work on epics - but that horse has long since bolted anyways - massive profits were made on the likes of dragonbane by some

Other stuff ? - ESPECIALLY expensive quests, for instance, it SHOULD work

#1008188 22nd Aug Updates ..

Posted by Pardoux on 22 August 2022 - 19:14

.. seem to have broken SEND ITEM (unless it's been broken longer and I've not noticed)

#1008065 We Must Be Due Another......

Posted by Pardoux on 29 July 2022 - 23:54

an interesting story arc set in a specific special realm would be cool. Me mentioning it is probably the death kneel though mind


I'll take any story arc that involves more than just killing x of y, return to start point, get reward. Need more Karthak and Dreadlord arcs ...


#1007850 DXP Announcement

Posted by Pardoux on 21 June 2022 - 06:15


Hi there everyone!


We will be running a Double XP event at the beginning of next month! This means that during the event, all creatures will give DOUBLE their normal XP.

The event will start on Friday the 1st of July at 14:00 hours (Server Time) and will be running for 96 hours.
~ The Fallen Sword Team.


Any clue as to how many levels of content will be released for this ?

#1007721 Fallen Sword Roadmap (July - October 2022)

Posted by Pardoux on 27 May 2022 - 20:02

Would have loved to have seen some higher tiers for medals ... so many folk are WAY beyond the highest tiers counts in their areas of expertise ...

#1007662 Epics: Not Looking so Epic

Posted by Pardoux on 16 May 2022 - 08:23

Don't see why +8 is a hard no. Just give us more stuff for using stam.

I'd say it was probably down to, if they gave +8, then it wouldn't be long before the "give us +9" epics and then +10 ...


Leave 'em as they are ...

#1007609 Legendary Assault!

Posted by Pardoux on 03 May 2022 - 06:09

I don't do caves myself.... the caves are full of terrible wicked things that want to eat my goldz

I got my information from a dedicated FOD farmer, so....

and it was correct too - just for FOD's, 10K is the right amount :)

#1007573 Game Update v3.8.2 / App Update v1.1.1

Posted by Pardoux on 26 April 2022 - 06:49

An improvement to the system should be once you reroll if you upgrade a tier it will treat that tier as a minimum. Therefore there is more incentive to reroll.

Why ?


A reroll was asked for, a reroll was granted. Now you want to change it to guarantee the level of the reroll ? - why not cut to the chase and ask for a list of DQ's you can select from ?

#1007041 Thieves in the Night III

Posted by Pardoux on 27 February 2022 - 19:21

Great to see this event back again, but I think there's been a missed opportunity here. The SE's that have been used in some of the events are ones that are already used in loads of other invents. It would have been nice to see higher level, unused SE drops used in some of the higher level invents ...


#1007037 Thieves in the Night III

Posted by Pardoux on 27 February 2022 - 08:46

anyone willing to share details of the new recipes ? - components and outcomes ?

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