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Member Since 22 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active May 12 2018 01:43

#814811 Fallen Sword References Areas

Posted by Mowglik on 03 October 2013 - 23:54

October 03, 2013 :

Image # 58 for lvl 1726 to 1775

Don't forget to REFRESH the pages << CTRL-F5 >> to be able to see the modifications.

#804299 Fallen Sword References Areas

Posted by Mowglik on 04 August 2013 - 00:04

August 01, 2013 :

Image # 51 for lvl 1541 to 1561
Image # 52 for lvl 1561 to 1573

Image # 53 for lvl 1576 to 1599

Image # 54 for lvl 1599 to 1632

Image # 55 for lvl 1632 to 1675

Image # 56 for lvl 1675 to 1701

Image # 57 for lvl 1701 to 1726

Don't forget to REFRESH the pages << CTRL-F5 >> to be able to see the modifications.

#769180 Fallen Sword References Areas

Posted by Mowglik on 20 December 2012 - 01:25

Dec 20, 2012:

- image # 50 for levels 1501 to 1541

- update image 40 for levels 1131 to 1171
- update image 41 for levels 1171 to 1211
- update image 42 for levels 1211 to 1251

Don't forget to REFRESH the pages << CTRL-F5 >> to be able to see the modifications.

#747187 Fallen Sword References Areas

Posted by Mowglik on 28 July 2012 - 02:13

July 27, 2012:

- image # 48 for levels 1421 to 1461

Don't forget to REFRESH the pages << CTRL-F5 >> to be able to see the modifications.

#301018 How do I get to... V2=>colors & links {December 30, 2017}

Posted by Mowglik on 30 June 2007 - 18:28

Hello everyone,
you'll can see the result of a baited work,
which should help everyone to be found in this immense panoply of areas of game.

Since 30 Jun 2007, Here is my New FS Web Page, with all Areas Details' links
All future links' updates will be do on my FS page :
- change server for host images


I'll continue to insert here thumbnails of maps, and theirs modifications, as the details will be available.

if someone find errors, please write me them,
and if you know the answer to the error,
thank's to write them too
don't forget to indicate the level and/or the # of image of your reference's bug

So, for only the images, I give you this direct link of my server :


IF no image appear here, go on my main page via the image in my signature;
you'll found many servers.

:lol: Feedback and FSPs are welcome.  :lol:


December 30, 2017 :

 New Images :

part 1 :

# 87 for lvl 3100 @ 3150

# 88 for lvl 3150 @ 3200

# 89 for lvl 3200 @ 3250

# 90 for lvl 3250 @ 3300

# 91 for lvl 3300 @ 3350

# 92 for lvl 3350 @ 3400


part 2 :

Some of those images don't show the links with Master Realms, cause they are not showned on FSGuide.

# 93 for lvl 3400 @ 3450

# 94 for lvl 3450 @ 3500

# 95 for lvl 3500 @ 3550

# 96 for lvl 3650 @ 3600


Don't forget to REFRESH the pages << CTRL-F5 >> to be able to see the modification


P.S.: Thank's to all people who send/sent me messages to help me to correct mistakes.
Thank's too to people who send me FSPs; it's very appreciate.

dont' forget that I can't go faster then you send me some useful indications

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