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Member Since 16 Jan 2018
Offline Last Active Jul 05 2024 17:04

#1005976 Fallen Sword App Update (v.0.9.0)

Posted by JustConix on 27 October 2021 - 13:08

Hi Imp92, 


Would you be able to provide more information about the guild recall issue you mentioned here? We have tried to replicate the issue but were unable to see anything wrong. Everything else you have reported has now been fixed our end, but we need a little more info to help with this one. 


Kind Regards,



I haven't tested the recall buttons, because the other part of the issue is that it is not displayed if the item is currently being equipped or in the Backpack of a mate..


#1005975 Fallen Sword App Update (v.0.9.0)

Posted by JustConix on 27 October 2021 - 12:45

Hi Imp92,


Thank you for the additional feedback on the app, both of these issues have now been fixed our end and will be available in the next update. 


How you have described the global quest is actually how it is suppose to work. After having looked at this though, there was a bug that stopped this updating when Ruby has been achieved. This has now been fixed and will be working as intended in the next update. 


Thank you again for the feedback, if you find anything else, don't hesitate to let us know!


Kind Regards,

~ Conix

#1005972 Fallen Sword App Update (v.0.9.0)

Posted by JustConix on 27 October 2021 - 08:25

Hi Imp92,


I am really happy you are enjoying the newest version of the app, we have put allot of work into this one so it is great to hear you are liking it!


Thank you for the feedback relating to this newest update! Your concerns about the new folder management system have been noted. If there is enough criticism about them then we can always address it later down the line. 


Thank you also for the bug reports! The screenshots really help too! We will make sure to address these issues and find a solution before the next update!


Thank you again for your feedback, we are really happy you are enjoying the newest version of the Fallen Sword app, and as always, Happy Hunting!


~ Conix

#1005701 Fallen Sword App Update (v0.8.7)

Posted by JustConix on 07 October 2021 - 09:30

iOS Beta has expired. Please provide an estimate on when this will be working.


Hi Tilley,


Thanks for letting us know. We will put this to the top of our priority list and hopefully get it working again soon!


~The Fallen Sword Team.

#1004846 2 glitches on the Fallensword App that needs attention

Posted by JustConix on 17 August 2021 - 08:22

Good Morning Helo,


I have not experienced the issue with attack freezing myself, but I will have a look into it and see if I can work out what's going on there. Hopefully get something implemented to resolve this soon!


As for the error with creature drops, this has already been fixed our side and will be available on the next update. 


Thank you for the feedback on the app and happy hunting!



#1004746 Fallen Sword App Update (v0.8.7)

Posted by JustConix on 09 August 2021 - 08:48

Hi all,


Thank you for the continued feedback.


We have implemented a new touch to move system since the last update that we believe will make moving much easier. We have also addressed the camera movement issue on iOS devices, so things there should be much smoother in the next update. I'm afraid that increasing the thumbstick size is not an option at this time, we would need to move a number of other UI elements to do so and another HUD revamp is not currently on the cards. We do believe that the new movement system will help with this issue, but please let us know upon the time of the next update if this is still a major issue and we can address this sooner rather than later!


Both the Secure Trade FSP issue and the Auction House posting issue have now been fixed! Thank you for reporting these! The fix for them will be present in the next update! 


Thank you again for all the feedback! Please keep it coming, and as always, Happy Hunting!


~Conix :) 

#1004506 Fallen Sword App Update (v0.8.7)

Posted by JustConix on 16 July 2021 - 16:41

Getting [ELOA167] errors when hitting critters.... after checking with several lower level monsters, it appears to occur when a drop is gained


Hi Penny,


Thank you for reporting this issue. It has since been fixed, however it will require an update from us to get this fix to you. From what I could see, loading the combat details to display on the HUD is what is causing this error. Thankfully items are still going to the backpack, it just wont display what item was dropped from the combat. We are not yet ready to push a new app update as we are working on a number of foundation changes and as a result the app is unstable our end at the moment. We are working hard on this though, so hopefully it wont be long until we can get a new update out to you all.


Sorry for the inconvenience with this,


#1004311 Fallen Sword App Update (v0.8.7)

Posted by JustConix on 29 June 2021 - 10:36

Hi Conix,


Thank you for the response. Sincerely appreciate the transparency in answering my questions. So you are working on mostly back-end code as we speak. Seems to be why on the surface we have not seen much to show for it.


Seeing that we are ever approaching v0.9 i would think we would be working with some sort of official release date (From what i was told previously 0.9-1.0 wasn't planned to take very long). If not official some sort of rough estimate. At this point are we 6 months out, 12 or more?


As a community we have waited years so don't be shy to tell us what we are working with, patience is something every FS player has refined over the years.


Hi EpicPiety,


I know this is not the answer you are hoping for, but we do not have a release date in mind. We have a list of tasks we are working through, and every completed task is a step closer to release, but we honestly do not have a date yet. Some tasks take longer than expected and others are quicker than anticipated, which makes it really hard to get an accurate gauge on when we expect this to be done. Any release date set at this point would be rough and inaccurate, which will only result in one of two things. We either rush it and release something we are not overly happy with, or we delay the release date later down the line in order to release something we are happy with. Neither of these options are fair on the player and we would prefer to avoid either outcome. We will announce a release date closer to the time of launch when we are confident on the date we set, but for now there are too many uncertainties. We at Hunted Cow appreciate everyone's patience and we hope you enjoy the game when we do release it. I'm sorry again that this is not the answer you are hoping for, but it is the best one we can give.


~The Fallen Sword Team

#1004299 Fallen Sword App Update (v0.8.7)

Posted by JustConix on 28 June 2021 - 09:09

App Development has seemed to slow tremendously. Covid and such played it's part but we are at the point where we can't really use that as an excuse anymore. Is there any plans to finish the app this year or beginning of next?


What challenges have you run into, what can we do as players to help you if anything at all? Is the FS app a full time responsibility at this point?


Hi EpicPiety,


Yes, the App is a full time responsibility for myself and a few other members of the Hunted Cow Team. This however is a small team and the workload per member is high. We are working as hard as we can to get a finished version of the app out to everyone. As you mentioned in your message, Covid has played a large part in slowing development. We have been working from home for the last 15 months, and this remains the case for the foreseeable future. 


Despite all this, we believe we are making good progress and have now settled on the design that will make it into the launch version. We have also put a lot of effort recently into the back end code that will enhance the apps performance. This has obviously taken up a good portion of our time, but we believe the app will be all the better for it!


Trust me when I say that we want to get this app out to you all as much as you do, however we also want the Fallen Sword App to be the best it possibly can be, and to do so, we can not rush this. We ask for a little more patience as we work on the app release, It will be out as soon as we believe it is ready.


~The Fallen Sword Team

#1003617 Fallen Sword App Update (v0.8.7)

Posted by JustConix on 14 April 2021 - 12:12

Tnx for bringing back the movement arrows :)

And noticed u added an arrow to the action bar, thats great , a lot of new players didnt know they can move it.


When sending a mass msg, it opens a convo w/ every guild member on the app. so if u go to  the private msgs screen ull have 100 open convos w/ the mass msg written to all.

Hi ZoloKing,


I am really happy you like the recent changes, we are consistently listening to player feedback and making changes to improve how the app works. Please keep the feedback coming as it really does help the development of the app! 


As for mass messages, I'm afraid this is how this works for now, but we will review this as we can see how this could be an issue with large guilds! Like I said above, feedback like this does help with the development of the app and we will see what we can do to improve this in a future update!



I completed my hunt on the app last night, and except for having to wait 30 seconds for each new map to load the temporary interface, hunting was smooth (0 lag people!) and fun again. I did notice that when using Teleport, I had to tap my destination 2-3 times before I would move, but this could be an issue with my device.

Hi Penny,


We are really glad you are having fun with your hunts! Sorry for the delay in realm loading times, we are still working on the fix for this and really hoping to have this resolved very soon!


Thanks for pointing out the teleport issue, and don't worry, its not just your device! Will aim to have a fix for this in the next update! 



Thanks again for the feedback here! We continue to work hard behind the scenes to improve the app and we hope to have these issues resolved really soon!


~The Fallen Sword Team

#1003566 Fallen Sword App Update (v0.8.7)

Posted by JustConix on 07 April 2021 - 14:42

Good afternoon everyone!


First off, I would like to thank each and every one of you for the continued feedback on this newest version of the app as well as patience you have all given us as we make these changes. 


I am happy to say that we have just sent a new version of the app to Android and iOS! This update should be available very soon! Below is a list of changes/fixes in this update and we you all enjoy this newest version!


~The Fallen Sword Team



Added option to update saved combat sets
Arena combats now uses new combat viewer design
Buff bar press and hold to open buff details
Group attack now uses new combat feedback system
Message character limit increased to 512
Tap to skip combat result animation
Teleport button added to HUD
Thumbstick/movement arrows re-added to HUD
Bug Fixes
Combat victory chain counter overflow issue
Error when trying to view completer arena tournaments
Guild conflicts only displaying up to 10
Teleport tap triggers player walk

#1003340 Fallen Sword App Update (v0.8.7)

Posted by JustConix on 30 March 2021 - 09:55

I understand that this is your baby, but removing the directional buttons makes moving one space at a time near untenable.  You need to be able to move 1 square at a time to do a number things, from sweeping for SE's to farming for resources.  In our browser on a PC, we are able to do this by using our keyboards to swiftly move from space to space.  Even this option is taken away in a mobile browser, which is one of the reasons I was so excited to have the app.


On the app as it is now, traveling can only be done by double tapping on a square, and as Jedi mentioned, if there is a stairway or a quest location or a portal there, and you need to travel just 1 square, whatever is north of it is unavailable for double tapping.  This kind of defeats the purpose of using the app to efficiently hunt or farm or whatever other reason you need to travel.  I would respectfully request that you reconsider eliminating the directional buttons for this very reason.  I much prefer being able to use them myself than to a "joystick" which is actually difficult for my old fingers to use... I avoid other games that require a "joystick" for movement.


Hi Penny,


We do have a new transaction system designed to replace double tap to move but It unfortunately never made it into this update. We do believe this system to be an improvement and will allow for easy transition without the thumbstick/directional arrows and we hope you all like it when it's added to the app in a future update. This all said, we have had a number of complaints about the thumbstick removal and have opted to re-add it for those who prefer it. Sorry for the inconveniences with movement and using the app at this current time, but the next update will see the return of the movement stick and directional arrows to the game.



#1003173 Composing Update (v3.0.0)

Posted by JustConix on 22 March 2021 - 19:15

they could have left log alone. create links from chat/message, guild messages, combat, and notification buttons in "old" log adding notify icon/box for new messages. where to put access to "old" log? make it an option through preferences.

aside issue, seperation of logs was asked years ago, we got buttons in now "old" log

Hi Michael,


We believed the old method of sending messages to other player logs to be a bit dated and thought this system to be a smoother and cleaner way to do so. We may need to put in more work to tidy it up and improve its functionality, but we do believe a private messaging system is a better way to handle this going forward.



unable to use the Switch create mode in AH keeps telling to select 1 item to send, i dont want to click over 120 items of the same item to list in AH

Hi Winemaker,


Thanks for letting us know about this issue, will look into it and see if we can find a fix! But yes, I agree! I also woudnt want to click 120 items in the same list. Could maybe add a select all button?



I 100% agree with everything that EP has said. Smashing Hammer is already an overpowered buff as is and doesn't need any to be increased anymore. If should be nerfed in my opinion.


I already dread the day that I have to attack into someone that has Deflect 203. 175 Deflect is high enough.


Fumble should also be capped at 175. Why would anyone wear armor when Fumble 203 + high level Flinch makes it nearly impossible to hit into defense.


There needs to be some sort of rebalancing as the level of buffs you can get from composing is just too strong.

Hi Tilley,


Thank you for your feedback on this. Similar to what I said to EpicPiety, we would like to leave this as is for now and see how it looks in the game. We will review all this in the near future though and make any changes if we feel we need to, but would like to watch it for now. 



Ummm.....entire game is broken down!!  Cant even recall from guild members backpacks....

Hi Wazzimoto,


What exactly is broken? I will look into the guild recall issue, but what are the other issues that you are having, will look into those too.



Thanks again for the feedback! Please keep it coming!


~The Fallen Sword Team

#1003172 Composing Update (v3.0.0)

Posted by JustConix on 22 March 2021 - 19:14

I highly advise against SH buff being increased in composing. Please keep in mind SH 525 is considered an epic level potion buff. In my opinion SH should have capped at 350 but we got 480 from 1-60. 


Please change this before it's too late.


Don't know how i feel about BE being buffed. That will make fumble among other buffs even stronger which is not good.


Level 203 buffs will be possible which means


Fumble 203 (Coupled with high level flinch this just becomes really overpowered.)

Deflect 203.

Reign of Terror 203

Extractor 2 203

Crit Strike 203

Piercing Strike 203

At first glance healer seems alright as it helps out armor sets which have long been overshadowed. Although Crit/PS will still one shot most of them.


Armored strike 600:


We quite often overflow damage not sure this would be forthcoming considering the current game scaling.

Frag Finder:


Really not a fan of this, this will make composing even cheaper to do. Composing is already insanely cheap for the quality of buffs you get.

Hi EpicPiety,


Thanks for the feedback on the new additions to composing, Smashing Hammer caps out with this new update at 500 so only an additional 20 levels from its current. Thank you for voicing your concern over these changes, we are aware some of these skills reach rather high levels but we believed them to be valuable rewards for the effort put in to reach their respective levels. We would like to leave them as is for now but will keep an eye on them to see how they impact the game. Please keep us updated with your concern, we can always adjust things if need be but want to leave them for now.


Messages tab could use [ Reply | Buff | Send | Trade ] 

This has now been added, Thanks for pointing this out.



How can we access our old messages before this update ?  Both sent and received ?

Hi Melissa,


I will have to get back to you on this, I believed old messages to still be in the logs but they may be stuck in limbo for now, will see if we can get them moved to the new system. Will keep you updated.



mass message?

[edit: is logout not working?]

Hi Michael, 


Can you provide more information as to what's happening with mass messages? 

As for log out, it should be working, I will look into and see what's going on.



the whole composing update was not a surprise and showed more how little the admins know of this game and what is really needed, composing was one of the least desired ones 

Hi Maxdragon,


We are sorry that the composing update was not what you were hoping for but we believed it to be something a large number of players have been asking for. We hope those that do enjoy composing like this new update. Sorry this was not the update for you but we hope the next update will see something more inline with your playstyle.



Thank you to everyone who has provided feedback so far. We are working hard to fix any and all issues and will aim to make fallen sword the best it can be :)


~ The Fallen Sword Team 

#1003127 Fallen Sword App Update (v0.8.6)

Posted by JustConix on 18 March 2021 - 09:27

Thanks Penny,


We really appreciate all the patience as we work towards the next update. We are just putting the finishing touches on the next version and don't expect it to take much longer. We know you are all waiting patiently but we are almost there and we think you you will all like the changes to this new update.


~Conix :)

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