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Member Since 26 Aug 2014
Offline Last Active Aug 28 2020 02:43

#943577 Community Poll - PvP Seasons & Bounty Board

Posted by Pythia on 06 August 2015 - 01:54

That's what I like about it.


In all the time that I have been playing this game, I have been knocked this way and that, lost gold and experience, that is until I put up the protection to keep my experience.


I do not grow as I have, because I don't hunt as I did.  I miss hunting and exploring.  I miss it a lot.


I get rid of gold nearly as fast as I get it. Buying potions is interesting.

#938976 Bacon

Posted by Pythia on 15 July 2015 - 20:09

Bacon flavored sea weed, for the veggie minded lover of bacon. :)



#936743 PvP Seasons refugee camp

Posted by Pythia on 19 June 2015 - 20:17

Make a new thread please and take this there.  This is Duk's place of refuge and funny pictures and videos.  I do enjoy them so. :) Thank you Duk.

#933270 Authenticator

Posted by Pythia on 22 May 2015 - 01:09

That means my phone number would be linked to my account and I would use an app to tell the admin I am me?  


Hmmm, that sounds an awful lot like some of the things my ex used to pull on me. 


My number is in my daughter's phone, and my son-in-laws phone too. 


Those two are the only ones I have in my friends list on Facebook as I'm about to become a first time grandma and might want to look at the pics they put up.


I don't need to authenticate myself for anyone else, it has a nasty taste to me.


That's just me keeping a low profile and off the radar of an ex.  (or out of the cross hairs )

#923978 Rise of the Wraiths IV (Global)

Posted by Pythia on 17 March 2015 - 19:01

I found a very pretty chest in my mail box. :) Thank you for such a lovely surprise to start my gaming day with. lol 

#923224 How do you feel about composed potions?

Posted by Pythia on 11 March 2015 - 23:39

I have read a lot of posts on here as, Guest.  lol


Make me feel right at home they do, remind me of my ex. He used to say how much he liked to help the little people. ( I'm 4'9") He helped himself to all of mine he could get.. lol  What was his was his and what was mine was his.


If he knew about this game and come to play, I'd just have pick his pockets like a pro, he does owe me so.  LOL 


I get a good laugh out of this place and am having a lot of fun. Hope you are too.

#923191 How do you feel about composed potions?

Posted by Pythia on 11 March 2015 - 19:08

I gather my own frags, compose my own potions and sometimes I send some frags to Yot along with some gold. I see we are not yet to the second tier in the event. I qualified the first day and have been spending my stam daily to get the Ruby chests  containing some of all the frags, for my future composing needs.


Gripe, gripe, gripe.  Is that all some of you do?


I turned 68 today and am having fun with this game in the winter of my years, because I have more time behind me than I do ahead of me.   I come from a time before, where when you got knocked on your ass, you grabbed  your boot straps, hauled your  ass up off the ground, dusted it off and got on down the road. 


What's wrong with you people?  If you can't have, no one can? If you want  something, work for it, like I am.  You have decided I have no right to the ruby  chests because in time I will be able to make BIG potions?


You folks are really quite amazing, really you are.


Now it's back to spend more stam in hopes of getting ruby.


Get to work and work for the good of the community.   Stop crying about what someone else has and go get it for yourself.


Oh yeah, I voted, Don't know, in the poll because I really don't know. I have not used many of the potions yet. I like making mine.

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