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Member Since 13 Oct 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 02 2018 11:04

#955124 vault size

Posted by sdcrichy on 14 December 2015 - 09:40

think this has been said before but is there a chance we can increase vault size like we do with normal bp size, like gold to start or low ep then when bigger the same cost as bp costs 500ep. really is pain with the small size of the vault when i am making pots for alts and have to keep swapping or and pass thing's about.

#954249 GUild invite bug

Posted by Mojawk on 02 December 2015 - 16:10

Ok we'll try and hotfix this asap, sorry!

#954251 GUild invite bug

Posted by cowboy on 02 December 2015 - 16:14

Yep think we figures this one out should be fixed next patch, thanks!

#951714 Quest - A Dog's Life

Posted by ordinaryfunguy on 23 October 2015 - 10:00

Double dogs, double quests, DOUBLE XP!!! XP FTW

#951697 Quest - A Dog's Life

Posted by KeS on 23 October 2015 - 02:24

he likes you


seems like my favorite bug is back again :)

#949262 Please don't make threads against other players on the forum.

Posted by l3fty on 21 September 2015 - 08:59

Just a reminder that we don't allow 'calling out' or personal attacks on the forum. It's unnecessary; if you have a problem with a player or an exploit or something please put in a support ticket.


Some ask why we don't allow it. These threads always descend into arguing, players get ostracised unfairly and it gives a terrible impression of the community.


Please in future use the support system.

#947169 Manners Maketh Man

Posted by Irradiated on 31 August 2015 - 03:14

I'm having a very hard time imaging Fiz being impolite to anyone who was polite to him.  I'd be curious to know what he did, but forum rules mean you can't say.


Yes, if a player was impolite, a beggar, inviting him to groups without asking first, needing, asking for help and then not listening, or otherwise ignoring MMO etiquette.  But you're none of these Gog, which is why I don't get it.  Yet what I saw was someone often helping new players.  Usually ready to lend a hand, as long as you asked in chat first.

#853978 Make cooking recipes more fair

Posted by Akadria on 07 March 2014 - 19:01

All +Ranged foods require fished and farmed items, and fishing and farming are the most tedious of gathering professions. There's no logical reason why rangers should be eating fish that much, it'd be easy to switch some recipes.


I'm a ranger and I've been levelling my cooking, I can make +20 Melee and +20 Sorcery foods using raspberries only (plus purchased components), but for +20 Ranged food I need 2 bass and 2 onion and 1 pepper for each. That's crazy. :( Don't even want to think about Cooked Mackerel...

#853819 PLEASE let us log in anonymously!

Posted by Mongo on 07 March 2014 - 13:40

Ok my first post was a bit angry, but it does frustrate me, today I had a few hours to play and wanted to play in peace. Now I have logged off earlier than I was going to for the day.  :P


I am sure we all have times where we just want to get on and do things. An "appear offline" mode would be nice.


Appear Offline:


  • Your character will not show up on return results for the search commands
  • You will not appear online on other players friends lists or the server page
  • You will not receive any whisper messages (would give the offline message to the player trying to whisper)

Could add a second option maybe, where you can choose to appear online only to players you have added to your friends list.

#853810 PLEASE let us log in anonymously!

Posted by Mongo on 07 March 2014 - 13:11

I'm fed up with it now, please give us the option to be anonymous on login, remove ourself from the "where" search, or just do something to fix it so I can play in peace!


Any player in the game can add you as a friend without you accepting the request (what genius thought that up?) so they can instantly see when you log on.


Today someone turned up while I was relaxing killing stuff, said "I came to follow you, I want to see how you kill stuff" mucked up my pulls, wasted time on my potion. STALKER much?


I'm at the point where I don't want to login anymore, as I know I can not just get on and play the game without being disturbed.


PLEASE give us some options, maybe tie them in to our own friends lists, so only those people can message/find us?


Sorry if it sounds like a rant, but IT IS! its pissing me off now. :angry:

#853914 Limit World Boss Groups to 10, to increase the challenge.

Posted by Anakiro on 07 March 2014 - 16:10

So I've just had to clean up some bickering. I'm going to unlock the thread, but let's just forget that happened.


Behave yourselves.

#853557 Option to disable XP while gathering / crafting

Posted by l3fty on 06 March 2014 - 14:50

In Warcraft you have the option to freeze xp gain, but I think it's to facilitate some achievements. They have some achievements which require completing dungeons at-level, and so often you need to spend significant time gearing at certain level ranges to achieve them. I don't think people would like those kind of achievements in Eldevin very much ;p

#840069 Fusion Powder can already be traded (kinda) - Unbind it?

Posted by Mongo on 12 January 2014 - 16:30

You can already trade fusion powder, by having a player give you all the gems + shards, then use your powder to fuse the gems for them, charging a fee or not.


With friends this works fine, but it is open to people scamming others I guess, if someone is foolish enough to trust a complete stranger with all their gems.


Would it be better to unbind them? and make them a new trading commodity?


I'm not sure, but it is worth discussion I guess.  :P

#851587 Fishing Daily 9 - Asks for 15 Plaice but requires 20 Mackerel to complete

Posted by Anakiro on 25 February 2014 - 09:51

Thanks for letting us know. A fix for this will be available with our next update.

#851558 Lock Potion Bar

Posted by ernzor on 25 February 2014 - 02:50

Simple suggestion (I hope). Can we put a lock on the potion toolbar like on the spell toolbar. Just a simple thing to toggle lock on/off. Would be nice to stop a small drag removing them from bar.

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