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Member Since 23 Oct 2012
Offline Last Active Sep 12 2024 02:05

#1006920 Creature drops

Posted by Pardoux on 14 February 2022 - 19:50

That's not really a bad logic. However, there should be some drops (even if at a miserable drop rate) at all levels, not zero. There aren't as many chests available either. Those actively into composing do pay others for frags and gear that could be broken down.

As one directly affected by the lack of drops, it's still not hard to get them. You just have to compromise. You can hunt thru levels where there is only 1 common drop per 25 levels to get a few (and, with a big doubler on, it IS a few) or you can find your nearest level with common (or whatever you need) drops via the UFSG and farm them yourself.

#1006897 UFSG Update Please

Posted by Pardoux on 12 February 2022 - 03:50

Partly related question, but how are there creatures listed in the guide with no spawning information?


Scavenging cave creatures ;)

#1006876 UFSG Update Please

Posted by Pardoux on 11 February 2022 - 06:59

... it seems to be quite a bit behind now ...

#1006836 Any new set calculator?

Posted by Pardoux on 07 February 2022 - 06:56

Try here, dear:


Hopefully, when the UFSG gets updated, that site will get updated beyond mid 4900's too :)

#1006829 Chests

Posted by Pardoux on 06 February 2022 - 03:23

Personally, I believe chests should stay exactly as they are - invisible until you land on the relevant square. No buffs to assist in finding them, either a level range or within a certain grid movement location.

Folk who want to find chests either pay for locations or, like myself, trawl maps (when I can be bothered) or find them when I'm hunting / farming.

#1006675 Feedback and Suggestions

Posted by Pardoux on 14 January 2022 - 17:19

Can we have a little advance notice to the events? A weekly announcement that mentions the upcoming event for that week, perhaps.


Why ?


A surprise is better than knowing what's forthcoming ..

#1006636 Remind who has already reached the top of mountain

Posted by Pardoux on 08 January 2022 - 01:28

Just as a heads up - Evilbry wasn't banned - he asked for his account to be terminated.

#1006596 Karthak? Or did I wake up on the wrong side of the bed?

Posted by Pardoux on 01 January 2022 - 18:46

Personally, I LOVED Karthak and Dreadlord questlines - they're far more interesting than the "kill x of y" ones or "go here, do this, go there, do that" ones.

I wish there were loads more like them....

#1006255 Content Update! 4951 to 4975!

Posted by Pardoux on 19 November 2021 - 20:46

You're welcome.


As for the 0s, looks like Admin didn't save the quest text in those areas. Odd. Will plug new text in shortly.


~ Grim


Still not quite right unfortunately ..



(the \r\n\r\n stuff) and also the final word leaves you hanging - I assume the bit thats missing there is the text saying meet me in the Senate ?




Same thing there.

Last but not least, are the shop items used in the invent only meant to be 450g each ? - not complaining, loved that they weren't scandalously expensive but ..

#1006068 Gargantuan Mosquitos XV & Bonfire Night!

Posted by Pardoux on 05 November 2021 - 19:13

Be sure to accept your Bonfire Night Platter from the in-game news post! You have 2 weeks to claim it.

Could this get a lil tweak ? - Doubler 500 or Doubler 1000 is a lil, umm, out-dated now ? ;)




Ta for the event tho - I like the chests :)

#1005914 Halloween Global Event!

Posted by Pardoux on 25 October 2021 - 05:57

What's the use of Zombie gloop?



Sweet Fanny Adams - as useless as an ashtray on a motorbike or boobs on a bull :)

#1005674 Composing Template Removal

Posted by Pardoux on 05 October 2021 - 19:58

Wish there was a way to edit.


Even better - that would negate the need to delete templates at all ...

#1005254 Proposed Loyalty Update.

Posted by Pardoux on 14 September 2021 - 22:46

Still think this would be a perfect opportunity to introduce new skills into the game - skills that are already mentioned on the skills list, but don't currently exist.

Skills such as :-


Allied Frenzy, Block, Critical Strike, Gambler, Guild Berserker,  Immobilise Titan, Mastersmith, Perfection, Trendy and Warcry

Now, some of those may already exist, but not all do - I just quickly scanned thru the skills list for those that didnt look familiar to me as already existing.

#1005088 Proposed Loyalty Update.

Posted by Pardoux on 08 September 2021 - 21:37

Personally, I think the few pots that are being mentioned as very overpowered ARE very overpowered but I disagree that they will hurt donations.

After all, most donations get a lot of allegiance tokens too, so, from a business perspective, which is how THEY have to look at it, it makes sense.  Players still get epic pots PLUS, NOW, very useful Allegiance Tokens. So, donating players win, and the cows theoretically win too.

That said, I still think that the AL / LIB / CONS / Distil etc proposed changes are FAR too much.

What happened to bringing in all the NEW potion/buffs that are listed in skills, but not yet implemented ? - wouldn't this have been a good way to do it ?

#1004979 Is FS Down?

Posted by Pardoux on 31 August 2021 - 11:56

It seems odd that some players now in some parts of the world aren't having any real issues, but yet other people in, assumingly, other parts of the world are having the same problems as before Hoof getting involved.


Cows are back at work in 7-8 hrs, so hopefully it'll get fixed for everyone :)

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