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#1005316 Proposed Loyalty Update.

Posted by EpicPiety on 15 September 2021 - 17:32


Rampage Potion. Loyalty:  1000
Animal Magnetism Level : 450 Duration : 120m
Conserve Level : 550 > 650 Duration : 120m
Potion of Divine Knowledge. Loyalty:  800
Adept Learner Level : 600 > 700 Duration : 120m
Librarian Level : 600 > 650 Duration : 120m


I've suggested this earlier in the thread. This would be reasonable that i could compromise with. All or nothing bigger and better approach is short sighted.

#1005303 Proposed Loyalty Update.

Posted by Tilley10 on 15 September 2021 - 12:50

I’m also against BM 500 for a few reasons. See below.

PvP/GvG: As it is right now, I can run a Crystal Ladder chest for 46 hours with a BM 345. Even this feels like a very long time as it lasts a full length ladder reset if it does the distance. Or it could potentially last 2. BM 575 would make this last much longer. A Crystal Ladder chest would last a full reset guaranteed and most likely 2. There would be no waiting out pots in a GvG giving the attacker another massive advantage (they have too many already). It would be impossible to go 50/50, 75/75 or 100/100 as the defending guild with BM 500 as the attacking guilds pots would would last the whole conflict. And honestly, BM 500 would benefit me a lot, personally. I could use less resources and stay buffed for days on days. But I understand that it is not healthy for the overall game itself.

Arena: Oof. Arena needs an update but that’s a different topic for another day. BM 500 would make Brewers Art close to obsolete. Thus make entering arenas even less profitable than it already is. Why would someone use BM 300 for their pots if they have access to BM 500? They wouldn’t.

#1005300 Proposed Loyalty Update.

Posted by BigGrim on 15 September 2021 - 11:03

Too late to suggest a new buff tossed in there somewhere as well? New potion buff I mean. A * loyalty token only *

Not at the moment as that requires coding. This is a big ol' update that does not require coding.


~ Grim

#1005299 Proposed Loyalty Update.

Posted by Maehdros on 15 September 2021 - 11:00

Too late to suggest a new buff tossed in there somewhere as well? New potion buff I mean. A * loyalty token only *

If not, maybe whenever new stuff comes in the future it can be considered.



#1005281 Proposed Loyalty Update.

Posted by Ouiounon on 15 September 2021 - 08:47

Just for the record, I don't think that certain potion buffs should be specific to parts of the game.


However, if you're going to add more powerful potions which are available to everyone for essentially just logging in over time and doing a few easy DQs, you're really going to discourage people from trying out different parts of the game.


If you start adding in level 600+ leveling pots you're going to discourage people from donating to get the free epics chests. Yes it's true not everyone can donate, but if everyone had access to the same things anyway then why would anyone donate at all? 400 fsps doesn't get you a lot upgrade wise so these epic pots are always an incentive.


I think it would be a good idea to still offer these buffs as loyalty potions, just change the levels so that they don't outclass potions earned from other parts of the game. For example, make the Brewing Master pot level 250. Level 500 for 500 tokens is crazy, you'll have people with thousands of tokens never wanting to use anything less than level 500 again.


I'm really struggling why some people are so keen to get easy access to these mega powerful pots? Sure, we'd all love to be using uber pots all the time but if everyone is using them then how do HCS go about offering new potions in the future? Make them more powerful yet again?


It's a game. It's a competitive game. Literally the entire game and the majority of its aspects are rooted in competition. Earn your medals, climb the top ranked boards, win your pvp ladder, win your pvp arena, capture that other guild's relic. Adding crazy pots which take the incentive from participating in other parts of the game is just silly. It's a recipe for disaster. 


Again, not saying we shouldn't add these buffs but PLEASE just make them a bit more reasonable so as to not make other rewards from other parts of the game obsolete.

#1005278 Proposed Loyalty Update.

Posted by suderlon on 15 September 2021 - 08:25


Potion of Divine Knowledge. Loyalty:  750
Adept Learner Level : 1000 Duration : 120m
Librarian Level : 900 Duration : 120m
Rampage Potion. Loyalty:  750
Animal Magnetism Level : 500 Duration : 120m
Conserve Level : 1000 Duration : 120m
Alchemist Prized Potion. Loyalty:  750
Distil Level : 250 Duration : 120m
Brewing Master Level :  500 Duration : 120m


I was happy when I saw token rewards to finally use my tokens but these potions are bad.


al, am, lib and conserve are too high, need to be lower a lot.


how can you make token potions higher level than fsp offers that give epic chests (need real money to donate)?

with these high token skill levels you are destroying values of donation chests.



distil 250 and brewing master 500 will make the game worse, this is obvious and worst of all is bm 500.

remove both from loyalty reward, distil 150 is max from zombie brew and brewing master 300 is max from arena shop.

if you were reading forum for problems or know how high distil and high bm effect the game (pvp, gvg and the rest) badly then you would never have added them, remove those mistakes.


please try adding skills that do not break the game more than it already has.

#1005268 Proposed Loyalty Update.

Posted by shindrak on 15 September 2021 - 05:50

Just for those who keep say HCs listen for  vocal minority  ... sometimes HCs listen for 1 player because they give detailed opinions and makes sense for HCs and i respect HCs for considering logical opinions over major opinions.

#1005243 Proposed Loyalty Update.

Posted by shindrak on 14 September 2021 - 19:20

Thanks for the update BG and the team.


To keep it short and sweet, from the updated list, I would only spend my tokens on the BM500 potion. Doubler is ok but I hunt twice a year.


P.S. BM 500 will degrade the Fallensword experience for people involved in PvP, Bounty Hunting, GvG and Relic Combats. Increasing duration of potions and more specifically crystal or epic potions contributes to defender advantage. Someone who needs to defend their ladder rating or defend for GvG conflict can come online use BM 575 and remain buffed for 20 hrs with composing. There is already a degree of waiting out the buffs but now you may as well logout for the day.

This is what i'm talking about its not only downside for Arena shop also for the whole game  ,

BM500 is not good for long term 

If this introduced we might see less online players ...


We have BM200 from egg it is cheap affordable  by players who cant buy BM300 for 5-7 fsps


not to mention Pride 200 pot from composing that increase pots duration ... i don't think game needs more pots duration .

#1005242 Proposed Loyalty Update.

Posted by Emperor Sidd on 14 September 2021 - 19:06

Thanks for the update BG and the team.


To keep it short and sweet, from the updated list, I would only spend my tokens on the BM500 potion. Doubler is ok but I hunt twice a year.


P.S. BM 500 will degrade the Fallensword experience for people involved in PvP, Bounty Hunting, GvG and Relic Combats. Increasing duration of potions and more specifically crystal or epic potions contributes to defender advantage. Someone who needs to defend their ladder rating or defend for GvG conflict can come online use BM 575 and remain buffed for 20 hrs with composing. There is already a degree of waiting out the buffs but now you may as well logout for the day.

#1005050 Proposed Loyalty Update.

Posted by Artzik on 08 September 2021 - 17:50

no to all buffs that are higher than donation chests (epic), triple no to distil its game killer, no need for bigger distill than zbrew 150 ever. doubler 3k and 5k are ok to stay, global doublers too, just remove one 0 from cost

#1005046 Proposed Loyalty Update.

Posted by EpicPiety on 08 September 2021 - 17:38

Please do not add distil 250, please it's going to break the game. Distil doesn't need to go any higher than zombie brew at 150.

#1005137 Proposed Loyalty Update.

Posted by Bujon on 10 September 2021 - 09:46

Without sounding like a spoil sport, I personally think the levels of potions are already WAY WAY too big in many cases and should be being reduced not enhanced. There is no point in having huge doubler for example other than to allow those who have invested heavily (ridiculously heavily) in max stamina an opportunity to burn it quickly in a once or twice yearly hunt. If there is no content for them to advance into then this is pointless and has been for some time already. If content roll out can be advanced quicker than anyone can possibly level into it, like an expanding universe then fair enough, but need to be realistic here, that's not going to happen.


And as for distil 250??? Totally crazy, that should be reduced from 150 to 100.


I am all for a refresh of potions in the loyalty rewards, but let's not make them game breakers without thinking through the logic and the consequences. 


How about 'sensibly' changing the RP use options at same time as 'sensibly' changing the loyalty rewards?


All that will happen here given the suggestion is everyone ends up at EOC faster (if they haven't already purposely chosen not to do so), those players then de-level and generate more Gold and XP, and it becomes a tedious loop.


What next?, doubling of stamina regain?


The game needs a fundamental change in direction in my opinion, or at least a parallel stream that allows an alternative style of play without breaking or interfering with the OAPs who are happy with status quo and only ever log on click around a bit and log off every day (and that includes me ATM).



Sorry it is a thumbs down from me on this one.


If you wish to introduce some serious alternatives like hefty gold and xp loss, both at individual level and guild level through PvP and GvG, then I would be all for that.





#1005135 Proposed Loyalty Update.

Posted by uncola on 10 September 2021 - 05:05

Instead of Higher level buffs we have access to, why not just add NEW BUFFS that can be bought , even if they are only LVL 175, but only exclusive to allegiance shop



Example ( Quick attack ) which is one we can see i action house search, can be lvl 175 for 10 tokens 


any one have thoughts on this way to implement a few new buffs?

#1005134 Proposed Loyalty Update.

Posted by KitiaraLi on 10 September 2021 - 03:59

Not even sure it matters to speak up anymore. Seems the recent changes and now "suggestions" brought to the game by the new and cool kids at HCS, are so far away from what this game seemed to be, that I am not even sure y'all know the game you're managing anymore. At least to me anyways.


If you actually do think our opinions matter, here be mine; Please do not introduce ANY pots with higher version of buffs, than we already have. Not for any sort of tokens, gold, donations, or in any other way shape or form.

As it is, the game has become way too easy and is no longer a matter of knowledge and/or skill, but a soulless "who can spend most to "succeed"".

You should have started a "here are which existing potions we're planning to nerf" thread instead. 



I could do a rant about most of those liking the suggested changes the most, also being some of the players who have spend the most money on it as it is (aka creditcard warriors) and also being those most voiced for game breaking changes in the past, simply because it benefits their "style of play" the most.... but I prolly shouldn't. Just.. stop breaking this game, please.

#1005104 Proposed Loyalty Update.

Posted by LordOfRuin on 09 September 2021 - 09:06

My tuppenceworth:


The potions at level 200 with multiple buffs - fair enough, one can buff higher levels, but not everyone has access to a fair priced L80 composer. You could even make the Level 225 or 250 and increase cost to generate a little more interest across the board.


High level doublers? Cool, but underpriced if they are more powerful Epic Chests.


Dist 250, and Lib/AL at 900/1000 (whichever way round it is) - don't be ridiculous... That's one big fat WIN button right there. HUGELY overpowered and cheaper than all those lovely epic chests that will no longer be purchased. These potions need level reducing and cost increasing, otherwise all those chests people paid for will be rendered overpriced junk (comparatively speaking) and donators will be queueing up for refunds.


If you are going to continue down this path can we have SH1500, KE2500 etc? (yes, this is a joke).


HCS: you REALLY need to rethink this - WIN buttons are not a good thing. Also - if players can get the best potions available for tokens... Why would they ever donate?

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