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Member Since 18 Jun 2013
Offline Last Active Sep 19 2024 03:59

#1006732 Arena Rules

Posted by Tilley10 on 23 January 2022 - 20:01

Looking at this thread and playing arena I realize that nothing is actually wrong with the current arena. Concentrate your efforts elsewhere in the game, arena is running just fine and I see no need to change anything.  If anything the restrictions should be only 1/8 or 2/16 guild members in same arena, as they are currently there's way too much room for collusion as shown by what happened last year.

Let me unpack the statements here as I feel they would hurt the game. If the restriction was lowered to 1 person from a guild to enter an arena, arena activity would fall to all time low. I guarantee people will quit the game entirely (your guild wouldn’t be excluded from this), which is the opposite of what everyone wants. What happened last year? I legit have no idea what you mean by this, please expand on this.

You're taking the proverbial piss right? What advantage among all the guild tagged gear?
The same that's been going on for ages. You assume that your guild players enter with the most outright gear to win.

Hi, I enter every arena with my own gear - I don’t use guild tagged gear. So, why should I not be allowed to enter an arena, with my personal gear? Arena is a solo activity, it isn’t guild based. There is no “most outright gear” as arena is rock-paper-scissors.

#1006716 Legendary Event!

Posted by Tilley10 on 21 January 2022 - 16:13

No new player designed LE? We also don't have the DQ reroll either. Seems as though the roadmap has fallen to the background. :(

#1006603 PVP kill not counted

Posted by Tilley10 on 02 January 2022 - 14:35

XP loss must occur...  I'm unsure if this applies when Conserve kicks in


The target now loses XP on a Conserve activation. This is true for all areas of PvP: Ladder, Bounty & Normal Hits. :)

#1006438 Fallen Sword App release!

Posted by Tilley10 on 14 December 2021 - 12:56

App is finally out of beta, yay! Super exciting. With that comes some major issues.

I will preface this with I am on iOS 15.1 on an iPhone 11. I am using the V1.0 app out of the store.

The app won’t load for me, at all. I only see a black screen. Nothing on it. It used to work but now I see a black screen whenever I open the app.
My logs are not up to date, they are over a week old. This includes normal logs and combat ones.
I attempted to attack someone on the ladder but the attack screen never loaded. So, I am unable to attack anyone on the app.
Push notifications don’t work for me either. I tested this multiple times throughout the day.
I have to constantly restart the app as it gets out of sync (not using browser at the same time).

As of right now, app is not usable.

#1006239 Double Composing XP LXXI & Loyalty Update!

Posted by Tilley10 on 19 November 2021 - 15:49

I believe the new loyalty pots should be unbreakable/unleachable like every other loyalty pot in the store before this update. It was also confirmed by BG in the 1st post that they won't be breakable. Please update the pots.


Otherwise, thank you for this update!

#1006216 Stamina changes.

Posted by Tilley10 on 17 November 2021 - 16:50

[*]Reduced the stamina cost to join a group from 5 to 1.

So, time to get a 40,000 reimbursement for my Diamond Group medal in reserve stam? ;)

#1005695 Fallen Sword App Update (v0.8.7)

Posted by Tilley10 on 06 October 2021 - 22:12

iOS Beta has expired. Please provide an estimate on when this will be working.

#1005618 Arena Rules

Posted by Tilley10 on 01 October 2021 - 17:55

An arena cooldown is a terrible idea and should never be implemented. Why should the winner be punished into not being able to play? Feels very counter intuitive and a bad thing for the health of the game.

#1005304 Fallen Sword Update 3.4 Live!

Posted by Tilley10 on 15 September 2021 - 12:53

Thanks for all the feedback everyone! I'll bring your concerns to the relevant people and hope to have a resolution regarding Dark Curse as soon as possible. I hope the rest of the update has been satisfactory. We'll continue to work through changes and a new roadmap will be available sometime this month! :)

It’s been awhile so has there been any resolution on reverting Dark Curse? I look forward to the reply.

#1005303 Proposed Loyalty Update.

Posted by Tilley10 on 15 September 2021 - 12:50

I’m also against BM 500 for a few reasons. See below.

PvP/GvG: As it is right now, I can run a Crystal Ladder chest for 46 hours with a BM 345. Even this feels like a very long time as it lasts a full length ladder reset if it does the distance. Or it could potentially last 2. BM 575 would make this last much longer. A Crystal Ladder chest would last a full reset guaranteed and most likely 2. There would be no waiting out pots in a GvG giving the attacker another massive advantage (they have too many already). It would be impossible to go 50/50, 75/75 or 100/100 as the defending guild with BM 500 as the attacking guilds pots would would last the whole conflict. And honestly, BM 500 would benefit me a lot, personally. I could use less resources and stay buffed for days on days. But I understand that it is not healthy for the overall game itself.

Arena: Oof. Arena needs an update but that’s a different topic for another day. BM 500 would make Brewers Art close to obsolete. Thus make entering arenas even less profitable than it already is. Why would someone use BM 300 for their pots if they have access to BM 500? They wouldn’t.

#1005001 Fallen Sword Update 3.4 Live!

Posted by Tilley10 on 03 September 2021 - 22:49

Lastly, we have made some adjustments to the skills Dispel Curse, Dark Curse, Balanced Attack, Balanced Defense and Shatter Armor. We will be offering an optional free skill reset as part of this update.

The changes are:
Dispel Curse: 0.1% chance per point that Dark Curse will not work against you (PvP only).
Dark Curse: 0.1% reduction per point to enemy Defense.



The Dispel Curse change is much appreciated, thank you.


Dark Curse nerf: First off, I don't understand why this change was made. Nobody, and I mean nobody, was asking for this change. Dark Curse was fine where it was. This change has made the following log happen every time when both people are fully buffed for PvP: Your combat with _______ was unresolved. Defense is now even more broken than before this change. Anyone running buffs in a defense heavy set is almost invincible. Because Dark Curse was nerfed, there is literally 0 counter to a max defense set. You can attempt to max out your attack but it will end in the same log message: Your combat with _______ was unresolved. This change has turned PvP into who can get the highest defense and there is nothing the other person can do.


Dark Curse needs to be reverted immediately or everyone's log will be full of "Your combat with _______ was unresolved."


There needs to also be a shakeup to the "meta" sets used in PvP. Whether that be new sets (looking at you Attack Armor) or by nerfing buffs that make a defense heavy set absolutely broken. Composed Flinch is half of the problem and the other half is Fumble. Any attack that you used to have is removed before there is anything you can do, there is no counter. You can attempt to run a max attack setup but the end result is still the same: Your combat with _______ was unresolved.


I hope this opens up a bigger conversation about buff changes as they are needed badly.

#1004833 The pvp ladder has become pay to win.

Posted by Tilley10 on 15 August 2021 - 03:39

I’ve never popped any donation chests on the PvP ladder and have a Ruby Dominance. There is always a win condition - you just have to find it. And if you cannot find the win condition, stop complaining and leave said ladder. Or, do research and plan for the next one.

As for this thread: probably should be deleted. Lot of slander and vulgar language going around. Anybody sending threatening, vulgar or abusive PMs should be looked at for a ban, in my opinion.

#1004752 Arena Update & Bug Fixes.

Posted by Tilley10 on 09 August 2021 - 23:04

I agree with the professional arena players that the spawn rates for arenas are skewed towards higher levels. It would be a very good thing to have 2 "fixed" arenas for every 100 levels - the arena level should be random as it is now within that. At the moment of me writing this, the lowest arena is level 177.


See comments below that agree with this.


Arena is slow again!  the more high level tourneys spawns the slower it becomes...


Seriously it should be 2 tourneys for every 100 level i have said and many agreed on it , it is fair for all players not only high level players .


We need this modification on how tourneys spawn ,just increase number of tourneys won't help as the tourneys will spawn at higher levels.

I agree, this really needs to be addressed!

How can Arena be a balanced playing field for all players when low levels are not represented at all!?


Additionally, I believe for the 2 per 100 level range ratio to fulfil its function it needs to have 1 tournament at 1 - 50 and another at 51 - 100 for each 'division' of 100 levels.


I feel like it can take a while to hit those sub 100 tournaments and this would be fantastic!


Another thing that needs to be looked at is the 25% guild limit cap for entering arenas. This makes it very hard for larger guilds to have multiple members attempt to even enter arenas.


See comments below for some examples.


Starting with removing 25% guild limit if people are using their own untagged personal gear. Sure keep it for those using tagged gear, no reason outside of that to restrict. If you are joining with your own personal gear it is exactly the same as if you were guildless or in another guild absolutely no difference.


Make it 25% guild limit for those using tagged gear. Let it be overridden if someone is using all their own gear.

dumb rule LOL i wont explain why, cos things are better dumb, that said, could we at least have a marker for if a tournament is maxxed on guild members, oh wait, thats smart :o


@Arioche or HCS Staff: It may be a good idea to create a new thread dedicated to improving the arena. These two examples would be the beginning of changes that need to be made. Also included: move discussion, make block work again, different rewards (only thing valuable is Brewers), etc.


Thank you once again for your consideration and work on the game! :D

#1004659 [PvP] Feedback & Suggestions

Posted by Tilley10 on 28 July 2021 - 16:50

Hello everyone!


Recently there has been some talk about increasing the PvP Attack Ranges. While we're all for the idea, we need to be careful with how we go about this, so we'd like to hear more of your thoughts before we go forward with anything.


As it stands, the current attack range (+/-10) has been causing some issues for those who actively partake in pvp. However, if we increase the range too much, this may negatively impact the game for those who do not pvp. 


We're currently still deliberating on how to go about tackling this issue. We acknowledge that some of the problems with pvp is the system itself. We also wish to protect players that do not partake in it.


Thank you!


~ Fallen Sword Team



Thank you again for starting this discussion! I, for one, appreciate this a lot. The current PvP ranges are very outdated. There are hardly any targets from 1100-EOC so it needs to expand. Players currently have many solutions to attempt to avoid PvP altogether: PvP Protection, Deflect, wear a solid offline setup, carry next to 0 gold and of course if they are hit, they can bounty the person who hit them. FS was built around being a PvP game - all of those solutions are plenty.



Make normal PvP ranges the same as GvG ranges:

1 - 300 (+/- 25)
301 - 700 (+/- 50)
701+ (+/- 100)



This would most likely be the easiest to implement and would keep consistency to GvG ranges. At my level of 2,999, I would go from having 3 targets to 16 targets myself. I am fine with this suggestion or the level range that Maehdros suggested.


Perhaps a scaling pvp range based on your level. Glad to see some kind of love go there. An update to ladder potions would be nice as well. I know there's so many Le that need to be created so not going to bother asking for that. Cheers!

1 to 999 , +/- 10
1000 to 1999, +/- 20
2000 to 2999, +/- 30
3000 to 3999, +/- 40
4000 to 4999, +/- 50



Even Tiddly winks has Risk, every game needs it to be alive.

This is the most Fraught Discussion in the game.


Personally Bring back PvP seasons. you guys did a load of work on the original and by the end of the first season the bugs were addressed then you canned it.


It Seems a bit silly that one group of players are the only ones who will ever get that medal or have the chance to.



I agree with reinstating PvP seasons. It was bound to be extremely successful however because of it's buggy implementation and auto opting everyone in, it caused a problem and it got canned. Bounty board would need to be reworked through PvP seasons because how it was implemented wasn't the way it ought to have been imo.


Yes, I would like to see PvP Seasons return - as would many others. This would shake up the current Global Events and add a unique one. I wouldn't mind seeing this once a month or once a quarter.


This should be a separate thread but the Bounty Board needs a massive overhaul. That way we can stay on topic on this thread and be on topic in that one. Plus, I would like to see what everyone would suggest for it. As it is now, nobody really has incentive to post and nobody really has incentive to clear.

#1004633 Fallen Sword Roadmap Jul - Oct 2021

Posted by Tilley10 on 27 July 2021 - 15:19


Hello everyone!
Today we would like to share with you all the current roadmap for Jul - Oct 2021!
Please note that everything is subject to change. The next roadmap will be released in September.
~ Fallen Sword Team



This is AMAZING!! I know that many of us have been asking for a roadmap for a few years now and I am ecstatic that FS finally has one. This can only provide more hype to the game (I know some people are going wild for Quangos). Don't feel afraid to put something on there with no label - I'm sure that will hype people of even more ;)


Thank you for this - I look forward to seeing a new roadmap every few months.

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