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Member Since 15 Sep 2014
Offline Last Active May 01 2024 19:33

#1006047 DND

Posted by Fizban on 01 November 2021 - 20:20

I mean changing things like this can have unintended consequences I don't really want to mess with those mechanics right now and they are harder to test. Take it like you will.


If you can describe in detail what you want fixed I can maybe help in the future. I don't understand the problem atm, so you want people to not be not contactable at all in DND? What is the request?

Yes i would like DND to do exactly what it says on the tin :rolleyes: after all DND=Do Not Disturb, not do not disturb unless you are on my friend list, then go ahead and disturb ;)

#995100 Development Update

Posted by Thomas02 on 03 January 2019 - 18:15

So besides the small bug fixes and some changes to Achievements the devs also put something that is very interesting in Weaponsmithing. Everyone should go check it out and give your opinions on it.  :D

#979806 Houses

Posted by Fizban on 18 April 2017 - 23:28

I hear Otto's wife is taking lodgers, just knock on the door and ask ;)

Already got my feet under the table there stevie :P

#972390 TA player kill status

Posted by sdcrichy on 23 November 2016 - 14:20

while i'm looking at this i'll have my say.


TA is not balanced even though the devs tried to balance it by giving under lvl a buff up. the buff up doesn't take into account the higher lvls can use higher lvl skills with more damage and it doesn't take into account gem boost.   maybe make a arena fight that takes gems away if both fighters have same lvl for a lvl fight and see who is best.

#972363 TA player kill status

Posted by ernzor on 22 November 2016 - 21:42

#972361 TA player kill status

Posted by Thomas02 on 22 November 2016 - 20:59

OMG Can these please end now. He/She doesn't get it and now is a troll, so lets stop feeding the troll :wacko:

BTW Steve I absolutely love the pics you put in :lol: cause that is exactly what is happening to everyone!

#971549 Development Update

Posted by gotan on 07 November 2016 - 04:37

That and the lack of interaction with other players. I'm kind of a shy person so I don't talk much in-game, but when I tried to talk with people I was either ignored and made fun of for being low level/asking "dumb" questions :unsure:  which stinks cause a few bad apples turned me off to trying to interact with people.

I have been playing 2 yrs now and have seen the bad apples slowly but surely replaced by good apples... the community has become a much kinder and more helpful group. Can't really say what brought this about but I sure welcome the change.

#967532 Development Update

Posted by HappyDays on 26 August 2016 - 11:03

In response to the fund the company for updates discussion. If they had asked a good while ago something like this : hey we can't dedicate this amount of time to the game as it is not economical. If you donate x amount amongst yourselves over x amount of time we can make this for you. I probably would have went, hey I will help donate a portion. Even if it was a care pack for a few dollars to just help. Lord knows I had subscription when I did not need it etc. 


I would not do that now, obviously others may still want to do that, but the lack of communication and how stand off the company can get, it put me off ever considering something like that ever. I would just take a step back and if others wanted to risk, then I would go fair play, but I just could not justify even if it was only 20 dollars or something, handing it to a company which does not take its players seriously unless backed into a corner. More power to those that do. Even on this game alone I could list off a lot of things which alarm me from the first time it opened, which looking back now, show me they had no clear vision. Handing more money over for me at least, is not a way to reward them. 


Also rowbet, on the topic of hcs putting resources to ensure its future products. You mention common sense/business. It never makes sense to me that hcs spent a million dollars or whatever making eldevin, x amount of years, and then release it and from the get go, act like they have no clue/vision for what they are doing. One week they would state they were working on this and next week it was something else. Then this update will save the game, then next week it was a downloadable client. etc etc steam was a mess. Also they would just randomly blurt out at times something was almost done and then never hear about it again.


I just don't understand all of the above, then to top it off the mess of the steam release, then on top of that hcs are willing to blow supposedly a tonne of money making it, but then you are afraid to even advertise it. Also they are all about customer care when it suits, when it does not they are pretty quick to bin that mantra. They hoover their forums as well to alter perceptions, I have seen posts vanish and have heard long term bans for people for saying the wrong thing. No warnings just ban, then they don't answer customer tickets etc etc etc .


Let's see how well supported this app is after a few months. I genuinely mean that, let's see the level of customer care that game gets when the shine goes off it. 

#966250 Getting single bits of Vanity

Posted by Spirit on 26 July 2016 - 19:59

This is why an Auction House would be nice, to look for vanity from other players willing to sell. Buying from a trader though isn't the best idea as it will make the player vanity pretty much worthless. 


It's cheaper to buy vanity from players then obtaining through the chests yourself... alot of vanity found for sale on the Marketplace thread too.

#965975 ★★★List of all suggestions★★★

Posted by lazerlaz on 17 July 2016 - 14:07

Get staff to actually fix problems instead of just ignoring them ... also get people to answer the tickets and get them sorted


#964987 Development Update

Posted by Marcus219 on 30 June 2016 - 12:12

So..... that was it? The annoucement, a lot of bye's and farwells, some angry people, some bullsh*t and it all over again. No response from HCS at all. Wow I have to try this with my students. I tell them they all failed the test, they will response, and I just keep silent! Cool, I will try this. Will keep you all informed.....

#964202 Development Update

Posted by RISDMAC on 09 June 2016 - 12:51

Im not really sure what to say here to express my feelings..


Im not suprised or shocked, just saddened I guess.



Points have been made throughout this post that I agree with:


1) The game was still in its beta form and was never ready for release let alone steam release.

2) The concept of this game is excellent and had the potential to be massive


As many others have said, I do hope HCS make a note of the mistakes that were made along the way so that any similar projects dont suffer the same fate as Eldevin.


For now I would just like to say to my fellow Eldevians that it was nice to meet you all and hopefully we will cross paths again either here or in some other game along the way :)

#963982 Development Update

Posted by toothpick on 04 June 2016 - 16:27

I have been playing this game for about 18 months. I love this game and have enjoyed playing it. I have supported this game since I started playing. I do think that the devs of this game have refused to listen to the players, have refused to give this game the attention it truly deserves, and most of all do the required maintenance that a game needs. No matter how small the team is, maintenance is needed to at least keep a small community of players playing. I understand bills have to be paid and money has to made in order to do pay those bills but............ if HCS doesn't give the basics how can they ask players to continue to support this game? I personally ask the HCS team to not let this game DIE! This is a small but tight knit community that truly enjoys the friendships that has developed during game play. Do small things instead a 1 large thing at a time, advertise, and do regular maintenance. once you get players to start playing give them encouragement to continue to play by making sure it is playable.  Listen to players, and be more honest with the players, and most of all communicate with the players. Please, Please, Please do not abandon us when we as players have not abandoned yall (HCS).

#963970 Development Update

Posted by Marcus219 on 04 June 2016 - 11:31

Dear HCS, you told us, many many weeks ago, that the lvl 50 updat was almost done. Cannt you do that update. Even if it is only 1 dungeon. Forget about scribe, AH, new gear, new potions, new receipes and so on. Just launch what you have finished! (please). And if you dont have anything finished, then take us serious then, and tell us. Not that hard, but would be nice :)

#963891 Development Update

Posted by Undjuvion on 02 June 2016 - 21:31

2 things to say about this


1: when in beta we got told the game would be released at upto lvl 50. which was WRONG should have stayed in beta till it was done till at least lvl 45 and all sorted.



2: not enough advertising, just gettting it on steam was not enough and point 1 has made loads not stay as there was many bugs.


true, u dont become an author, write half a book, put it on stands and go wow hmmmm, why is noone happy with my book, its half done, ill give up!

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