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Member Since 23 Oct 2012
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#799830 FS Memes

Posted by Pardoux on 09 July 2013 - 00:51


#799706 FS Memes

Posted by Pardoux on 08 July 2013 - 08:00


#799695 FS Memes

Posted by Pardoux on 08 July 2013 - 06:25


#799666 FS Memes

Posted by Pardoux on 08 July 2013 - 02:30


#799658 FS Memes

Posted by Pardoux on 08 July 2013 - 02:05


#799626 FS Memes

Posted by Pardoux on 07 July 2013 - 23:46



(replaced, never knew about the quick meme page before ... )

#798598 Relic discussion

Posted by Pardoux on 30 June 2013 - 22:45

An interesting thought for relics would / could be :-


(forgive how basic this is, it's just come to me so hasn't been refined in any way)


Guilds are all given an "average" level (includes retired / inactive players) - so, 100 players, 50 of L500 and 50 of L1K, the "average level" would be L750.


Relics are all given a "Map Level +100" flag. Let's assume we're talking about "The Blue Chasm" here. It's on a Level 1 map. That gives it a "flag" of 101. This would mean that guilds with an average player level of 101 or above can't capture this relic.


Working with "Castle of the Sorceress". It's on a Level 508 map - therefore, it's "flag" is 608. Guilds with an average player level of 608 or higher can't capture the relic.


The numbers can be worked on, as can the determining factors for the guild "flag", but personally, I think this is an interesting mix-up for relics and helps spread them out a bit more too.

#796842 Tweak to allegiance tokens

Posted by Pardoux on 21 June 2013 - 05:14

By disagreeing with this post, you are basically saying that the new players should have it as hard as we used to and should have to donate which in my opinion is more "greedy" then this change.  Activity is what makes this game work.  I won't disagree that money helps, but the Cows have other forms of income.


Excuse me ? - newer players aren't gaining anything by your suggestion - well, players of under 2 years at least. 


YOUR suggestion was :-


5 tokens / day for up to 2 years playing

10 tokens / day between 2 yrs and 3 yrs

15 tokens / day between 3 yrs and 4 yrs

20 tokens / day between 4 yrs and 5 yrs

25 tokens / day for over 5 years playing.


Now, where in that suggestion is ANYTHING about making it easier for new players ??


Also, please stop trying to make me out to be the "big bad" here - the grinch that stole xmas as it were. You know, I know and pretty much every player knows that the potions achieved through loyalty are NOT essential for levelling and thus no-one is trying to force anyone to donate - they are simply a SLIGHT reward for doing so.


High level and/or high stamina non-donating players have been after access to the Doubler 1200 potion and the Light Foot 1250 potions for ... well, since they came out. What this thread is about, IMO, is making the game easier for THEM, not for new players. But thanks for making me point that out :)


And, of course the donations arent the cows only income stream, but I'd be willing to be that it's their MAIN income stream - and that without it, the game would have gone the way of SigmaStorm 2 a long time ago.


So, yes, I stand by my post ...

#796832 Tweak to allegiance tokens

Posted by Pardoux on 21 June 2013 - 03:19

I'm gonna call this as I see it ... GREED.


The cows don't have to give us ANY allegiance tokens on a daily basis. They were, after all, brought in to reward donations and allowed those who financially supported the game get a few potions that were slightly better than otherwise available. So, for non-donating players to get any at all is good, is it not ?


(for the record, I have my ruby loyalty and would benefit from this suggestion)


For too long, those that don't donate have wanted easy (easier) access to the potions (mainly LightFoot) that the donors have access to.


In my opinion, if they want them - either donate or wait until they've accrued enough tokens to "buy one". Without the donators, there is no game after all.


Hopefully this will get a resounding NO from the cows...

#796459 when will the legendary event happen for the 'Blessings of the Cow Gods...

Posted by Pardoux on 19 June 2013 - 08:01

maybe try getting invited into their guild, gaining their trust, and steal it?  


then - do as much damage as possible when they're offline - destroy all their structures, leave the guild and declare semper fi in the FSBox  ;)


*chuckles* - that's prolly the only way :)

#796394 adding guild permissions

Posted by Pardoux on 18 June 2013 - 20:37

so one of my higher ranking guild members gave me permissions to add permissions but im not sure how any help???


With all due respect, if you don't know how to do them, or what they do (?) - then your founder shouldn't have given them to you.


At the very least, he should have explained them all beforehand - with a few "don't give this", "don't give that" warnings :)

#796305 Scavenging Caves!

Posted by Pardoux on 18 June 2013 - 09:41

Flask of Death is always a goodie. Crazily overpowered, but popular as :). Best thing, value increases quite rapidly too :)



So, yeah, event was a success - didn't notice any performance problems either to speak of ...

#796114 Double XP Weekend!

Posted by Pardoux on 17 June 2013 - 01:16

Ok this isn't a complaint on the event, I love these things.  However I have missed the last few due ot the timing.  I live on the west coast of the US and feel we get the short end of the stick somewhat when it comes to these events.  They start in the morning on Friday and end in the morning on Sunday.  When you factor it in  only half of the 48 hours are actually available for us to hunt (8hr Friday for work, 8hrs sleep friday/saturday night) versus 32 for Europe, etc. 


I have to agree with BabyMad I'm afraid ...


48 hrs with 1 weeks notice. If you can't factor that in somehow then it's not the cows fault :)


I'm in the same boat as you, albeit at the opposite end of the timescale - the 2x event started at 2am Eastern Australia Time Saturday morning and ended 2am Monday morning, but I managed to easily find time to accomodate it - and that's with factors like sleep and socialising and doing other non-game stuff.


It's just a case of prioritising ;)

#796018 Scavenging Caves!

Posted by Pardoux on 16 June 2013 - 00:18

s'funny tho .. Drop rates are too low - the cows get it in the neck. Drop rates are too high - the cows get it in the neck.


Just for once, I'd like to see the whole player base actually being appreciative to the cows ;)

#795623 What would you like to see in the caves?

Posted by Pardoux on 13 June 2013 - 21:04

No to either of those ...


In fact, no to ALL Legendaries - get 'em back in the realms, where they belong ..

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