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Member Since 21 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 26 2020 22:07

#793398 Pacts in PvP Ladder

Posted by watagashi on 04 June 2013 - 20:36

Smack the crap out of both of them

#790213 After 5 1/2 years its time for a kinder gentler FS

Posted by watagashi on 21 May 2013 - 20:46

There has been a lot and always is a lot about pvp in FS and how many take it way too far. In addition theres been lots of stuff about pvp ladder being "broken" and finally theres been a big deal lately with an attitude I saw described perfectly as "I cant win the race so ill crash you just to screw yours up too" kind of players and  its made me think of a couple things I hope we can discuss and perhaps change to help the game move forward while keeping everyone happy and wanting to stay.


First and possably the biggest problem is how to juggle pvp and the fact it is and should be a pvp game but also those outsiders who only want to annoy others and ruin their experiance with no care in fact some actually are proud of making players quit,, and its not their game so when they ruin it they will just move on to another place where they can use pvp to take a enjoyable experiance away from someone else!


I propose a couple changes and the biggest one is a change to bounty board,,,,

1 First off obviously pvp ladder hits should not be bountyable anymore espceially with this proposal but also so if people want to do nothing but fight all day then let them do it to others who joined the contest, cant call for help and have no excuses when they are attacked, and are prepared for it!!! Too many people out there harassing ungeared bunnys because a real fight is not their style.

2 I propose that bountys go on a tier system based on attacks within 48 hours, the first bounty would take REGULAR (not 2x like before) exp and gold, the 2nd takes 2 times the exp and gold the 3rd takes 3x and so on. I think this above anything else will help fix the "super villian" syndrome in that if someone decides they are going to attack someone over and over they WILL eventually reach a point where having someone standing by to clear them still hurts enough to satisfy the victim. Also remove the 48 hour time for bountys its just something they are attempting to manipulate now.

3 change pvp ladder, if you make ANY attack other than a bounty or GvG you are opted into the next pvp ladder, not only will this bring activity to the ladder but also make it a more realistic cross section of actual pvp as well as provide yet another layer of protection to those who do not want to be pvped,, if you hit a bunny you get to play with the big boys for a reset :) too many want to hit the weak but not play against the strong and its affecting the tone, mood and gameplay of FS in a negative way and to quote my title we need a kinder gentler FS to go forward with.


Keep in mind these suggestions are comming from me and Ripplelady, 2 players who consider themselves pvpers although for some reason those who attack the weak and helpless for fun, dont play ladder or when they did ended up calling for bounty help with it,,they dont think we are for some reason, maybe because we dont go out looking for easy marks to harass *shrugs* but to us this is a no brainer, players should not have to be hit all day with no way to get any satisfaction out of seeing the attacker get theirs in the end and sadly this is one major reason for declining player base and at the point we are at now it really needs addressed!

#785598 Participation reward

Posted by watagashi on 18 April 2013 - 22:31

you will see players quitting the game,,, hear that all the time never see it


Sure some will be hurt by this change, hanging out and hitting those who arent prepared and being cleared by a partner for minimal loss with no downside is something many do but in the end its still pvp if you want to hunt bunnys then you deserve to be put on the list for those who fight real enemys for real loss :)


But to elaborate on how I think this system gives the best compromise to all,,,,


You are only opted into the ladder and only will have rating hits with others on ladder, if you want to mug bunnys you can still do so,, you just will be hit a couple times by other pvpers untill you are too low rated to bother with :)


The bounty hunter may not be someone to add to this but after my test of leaving a couple million gold out and getting hit by 3 people not on ladder and no attacks from people that are shows clearly the pvp system isnt taking it all into consideration,,, currently its easy to hit bunnys and enjoy the aggrivation they get at it but also stay nice and safe away from people who DO want to hit others. 


Those opted into ladder by pvping can still hit bunnys it will only be gold and exp hits tho and for rating you got to fight someone prepared for it, this also goes hand in hand with the removal of bountys for ladder hits.


And finally since the main reason the ladder got "fixed" into oblivion already was the rep[orts of massive player quits over pvp, I didnt see it then nor do I see people leaving over one change now either except perhaps the one in 100 that is only here to annoy and steal from others to get some psychopathic thrill over being an annoyance that with current system has little to no chance of ever being punished for it,, they wont like this system of putting them in the shark tank after they get bunny blood on them :)

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