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#810649 Composing Formulas

Posted by aa0007 on 07 September 2013 - 23:20


ceil(x) will round up to the nearest integer. Also called the least value function.
min(x,y) will return the lower value of the two.
max(x,y) will return the higher value of the two.

A combination of these and parentheses can be used to calculate all values.

skillLevel: the TOTAL skill level over all the pots (ie. an AL 50 and LF 60 pot has a skillLevel of 110)
duration: self explanatory 

Below I've compiled a list of all of the composing formulas available to the community/released by hoof. Enjoy.



experience =(ceil(min(skillLevel,duration)/60 + skillLevel/500)*10)

Gold Cost Per Potion:

goldCost = max(skillLevel*duration, 5000)

Time to Create Potion:

timeToCreate = (max( ((ceil(max(skillLevel,150.0)/20)*5) + (ceil(duration/30)*30)) - ((composingLevel-1)*5), 60))

Cost to Create Instantly:

instantCost = ceil((1 - (percentComplete / 100)) * initialGoldCost * (2 ^ instantCompletesInLast24Hours))

Also, in case anyone is wondering, here is the best possible achievable XP per minute (roughly). The values are based on the approximation that the maximum possible skill level in a potion goes up by 150 per level, which may or may not be true as the levels progress.

#805180 Quest Requests

Posted by aa0007 on 08 August 2013 - 15:05

First off, let me say that the more regular content again is a good thing and it's appreciated.


But, that being said, the quests are, shall we say, monotonous and repetitive ?


They are pretty much all either :-


Go to A, be told to kill x of y, return to A




Go to A, get told to go to B, kill x of y, return item from B to A


I'd LOVE to see another complex quest arc like Xinderoth or Karthak or Dreadlord if possible please ? - something that captivates the interest and makes you actually have to take note of the dialogs etc :)


Who needs to take note of dialogues  when you have quest guides :P

#805074 UFSG Update v1.2

Posted by aa0007 on 08 August 2013 - 00:48

Whilst I like the way the wiki has it, it's also extremely lazy for folk too.. What's so hard about looking a set and seeing what the pieces are. Do you want the UFSG to look exactly like the wiki ? - I know I don't. Both have their strengths, but also, both have their weaknesses ...


Why not try to take just the strengths from the wiki and put them into the UFSG? :).

#803585 Development Roadmap

Posted by aa0007 on 01 August 2013 - 11:16

Can't wait to see the UFSG tomorrow :D.

#802895 Epic solution

Posted by aa0007 on 29 July 2013 - 05:51

I'm all for combining epics. We've got too many small epics as it is, there's so many +2 epics that it's basically impossible to sell them for a reasonable price, you need to go 10-20% under AH to get them sold in a reasonable amount of time. Combing 2 +2 epics for a +3/+4 in the same slot would work fine for me, either 2 of the same or 2 items in the same slot (ie. Echiphon and Oggies). 

#802611 Medals give bonus?

Posted by aa0007 on 27 July 2013 - 23:42

My 2c.


Make medals a way for players to get access to some free upgrades. I'm NOT calling for more stamina gain or XP gain, but I daresay a little bit of max stam, bp space, component space or AH space couldn't hurt. I'd even go as far as saying it would add an easy way for low levels to get a little further in the world with some easy achievements, let them get their calves wet, so to speak ...


That being said I'd say the rewards should be small but appreciable. The actual rewards are to be decided by HCS, but I'm not against the notion that medal rewards should be implemented. If they are ever implemented they should be of equal rank across all tiers across all medals ... so a diamond loyalty should have as much weight as a diamond bounty hunter medal. Diamond is diamond, after all, no matter where you mine it from ;).

#802119 How do you make your FSP?

Posted by aa0007 on 24 July 2013 - 22:47

People donate thousands of FSP to me.

#801721 Development Roadmap

Posted by aa0007 on 22 July 2013 - 22:46

One thing I do want to suggest is to add a couple new tiers of medals - make medals go so high in each category that even the best player in that regard can't automatically achieve the medal once it's implemented. For example, with diamond medals coming out, I'm pretty sure that I'd get diamond loyalty and logins instantly :D. I know various titan hunters will likely get diamond titan hunting, and there's probably 1 player that'll get diamond arena. Why not make it so that no one achieves the highest tier of medal when they're released?


that would also stop players from bugging you about it for the next year :D.

#801719 FSH key components

Posted by aa0007 on 22 July 2013 - 22:43

How come hoof never asks me to start this kind of stuff? :P.


But if I had to choose 3 as a personal request, I'd choose them in this order:


1. Footprints (Yes I know it's planned development, I just want it to take priority). It really helps when doing something like SEs, lets me know which spots I've missed. Same goes for parsing for elites :).

2. Guild inventory - This is a FSH feature that can certainly be sped up with the resources that the FS team has ... ie servers and tons of caching.

3. Online Allies/enemies - this is useful, and shouldn't take more than a day to implement as I think it just would end up using the same code as the online guild members.


Footnote: I'm against show gold on player implemented as a code functionality and I think it should be taken out of the FSH code as well :D.

#801690 Development Roadmap

Posted by aa0007 on 22 July 2013 - 22:09

This is awesome :D. Something like this every few weeks, maybe beginning of every month is greatly appreciated :).

#801144 How screwed.

Posted by aa0007 on 19 July 2013 - 04:49

Lol you have a Wii U :P.


Hmm ... Niko Bellic from GTA 4. Judging by how invincible he seems, and the fact that he can spawn helicopters with his cell phone, I'd say pretty screwed.

#800839 FS Memes

Posted by aa0007 on 16 July 2013 - 22:29



I buyz all ur epikz at 12 eff s peez

#800672 C4d's Up For Download

Posted by aa0007 on 15 July 2013 - 18:00

Would it be possible to upload everything as a pack? If not, thanks for the resources anyway :).

#800090 Religious Guilds ...

Posted by aa0007 on 11 July 2013 - 01:41

I'm all for the creation of a pastafarian guild.

#799836 FS Memes

Posted by aa0007 on 09 July 2013 - 01:28



What was that about me? :D

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