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Member Since 08 Apr 2014
Offline Last Active Sep 05 2024 05:35

#1008156 Game Update v3.9 / App Update v1.2

Posted by BadPenny on 11 August 2022 - 15:58

I think overall the change is good.

The one I am most dissatisfied with is the stam gain one. Effectively its impossible for all but 3 guilds. It will cost 75m stamina and is not worth aiming for. It will need to be achieved passively to be worth it which is impossible.

Bring the kills down to 50m and convert it to contribution.

Without this change it will never be done. This will also open the achievement up to more guilds. Simple math will point that out.

I have to agree here for sure.... as it stands, it will take quite some time for even the aforementioned 3 guilds to do this.... I'm too old, fat, and lazy to even attempt to do my qualifying kills with no booster for multiple future GE's much less push for a Top 100 spot that way and I'm sure that I'm not alone in this.... That appears to be the only way any guild can get to this point of completing this Achievement- the whole guild would need to make a push for Top 100 by killing hundreds of thousands of Global critters 1 by 1 for several events.  Very intense, and something that will lower the participation rates in GE's rather than raise them.

And as for other guilds with lower active populations, they stand no chance to accomplish this any time in the next few years...

#1008061 New Potion Idea

Posted by BadPenny on 29 July 2022 - 11:24

Re-release PvP Seasons and the chest will be named after the victor ;).

Victor?  Not that many know Victor's IGN, but I do...

All kidding aside, though, there should be more deciding factors to who might be worthy (not me, certainly), besides who is "best" at PvP or leveling or even who is most popular or most infamous... After all, these are all fleeting things that are subject to change at any time.


Outstanding contributions to the game should be a deciding factor.  If my opinion was considered, I would say that Pointy deserves a potion, at least a critter, if not more, and an entire Master Realm named after him....  So many many of you would be lost without FSH to hold your hand, after all.

#1008029 Using account from mobile app in browser

Posted by BadPenny on 22 July 2022 - 20:08

You must link your account in the app before using the browser version, I believe.
However, your best bet is to submit a ticket to support so they can help you sort everything out.  You can access the ticket system by clicking "Support" in the top bar, or "Contact Us" at the bottom of any HCS page.


#1007893 Storybook Forest Returns!

Posted by BadPenny on 25 June 2022 - 01:47


#1007861 how do we stop the fsp market being control by 2 players

Posted by BadPenny on 22 June 2022 - 19:32

I'm beginning to think that the OP is more concerned about the anonymity of the market rather than how "prices" are determined... we can't know who posted millions in gold or whether they are in our PvP range, nor should we. 

Sure, we'd probably have a lot more PvP, but that would eventually kill the FSP market in both sections, as many not only abhor PvP, but fear it as well...  This, my friends would surely kill the game with a terrifying quickness.... I seriously hope the Bovine Gods leave the FSP Market as it stands.  Except for a purely cosmetic issue that has been fixed, it is one of the few things about FS that is working properly and as intended...

#1007859 Essential/non-avoidable quests

Posted by BadPenny on 22 June 2022 - 03:32

With the exception of Xinderoth, I can't recall any quests that you can't just skip to continue to level forward and pick up later.  Karthak, of course is a beast, but it doesn't really preclude one from continuing past if you know the route.  I really don't recall any others that prevent you from moving forward through the realms the way that these two can.

#1007779 App Update v.1.1.2

Posted by BadPenny on 12 June 2022 - 14:33

Newcomers are still asking how to find the Basement in the Cathedral 

It would be a great idea to make sure that the Bonfires quest is listed as a Seasonal Quest

On many other app games I play, quests, etc, that are currently unavailable for whatever reason are greyed out and either show a prompt stating they are only available once their conditions are met or are "unclickable", if they are mentioned at all.

With the number of new players that do ask how to get to the Basement, I shudder to think how many just delete the app without asking for help (most games have 1000% more trolls than HCS allows to survive... even I don't ask questions in the Global chats of most other games)

#1007751 App Update v.1.1.2

Posted by BadPenny on 02 June 2022 - 18:18

I will keep you informed, as always

#1007744 Feedback and Suggestions

Posted by BadPenny on 02 June 2022 - 01:09

Forgot to mention, but both have to be online and actively attacking each other.

So, live action arena....

#1007707 App Update v.1.0.12!

Posted by BadPenny on 25 May 2022 - 15:00

Thanks Kami. If there is a remote chance that fixing this will crash the messaging system once again, I would suggest that mass messages are displayed in a different folder. Also, we should have the option to delete older direct messages (both on app and the browser versions). Presently, we all have pages and pages of old messages including the mass messages.

If I'm not mistaken, our messages, like our logs, are automatically deleted after a week or so

I've always wished we had the option to save or delete both messages or logs as is pertinent


#1007693 Skill Allocation help

Posted by BadPenny on 21 May 2022 - 02:10

I would advise you to hold your skill points till at least level 200, then you'll have a better understanding of what buffs you need to buff yourself... 

So many of the crucial buffs are best obtained in potion form, especially those that are composed.  Your best bet is to join an established guild where composed potions are readily available for members.  My personal favorites for newer players are Pulling Together, Journey to Paradise, or The Rising Immortal Phoenix.  All of them can provide you with good advice, gear for hunting, and the buffs and potions best for your leveling needs.  

You can also come join us in Global Chat when you have questions.  Come just to chat and have fun so we can get to know you.

#1007691 Double Composing XP LXXVII

Posted by BadPenny on 21 May 2022 - 00:05

Footage of BG hard at work:



#1007624 Darksun Reborn XV

Posted by BadPenny on 06 May 2022 - 20:46

Come on Dragon killing DQ!

#1007605 Is the server down?

Posted by BadPenny on 02 May 2022 - 20:16

Quoted from the HCS Discord:


[12:48 PM] ParamountCoffee: Hi all, the team are aware of the issues players are encountering with loading the website on the latest version of Chrome and Edge. Hopefully this will be resolved soon. At the minute, Firefox and Internet Explorer are working alternatives.



#1007585 App Update v.1.0.12!

Posted by BadPenny on 27 April 2022 - 23:22

Fixed messages in our browsers has been fixed... Messages were also supposed to be fixed in the app (according to BG), but I still have no access to them:BZpJHns.png




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