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#1002792 Super Elite hunting - some tips

Posted by stormfish on 12 January 2021 - 08:40

Hi there all


Here i will try to share some useful information about SE hunting.
From time to time players ask me for some advices in SE hunting. I answer them, send them info about the SE's chain-paths, but the message-in-game is a mess. Finally i decided to start a topic, and to try to summarize the info.
As beginning - the paths. That mean the chains of realms with SE's, which you can search without going back to Krul Island, and then using Cathedral of Ways portal. This will save you stamina, time and gold. So let's start.
temporal note: as soon as RL give me opportunity, i will post all other paths. They are relatively poor (3-4 SE's in a chain) but still can be used to save gold and stam for portals. 
Additional tips:
  • As mentioned in the WandKing's and BadPenny's posts, it is good idea to search the boundaries of the realm first, then the inside parts. Especially when vast realms have to be searched. I tried to proof that rule, but have to say that it is not very clear that it work. Anyway it is not wrong to use it.


  • Use mercenaries. With recent changes in group attacks, it is worth to create attack group and use it for tough SE's. It is 20 stam to create group, and you can use it 5 times (without updates), i.e. it is 4 stam per attack. For tough SE's this is even below usual stamina spend per attack (because you use CA 175, and the combat is often more than 3 turns). In addition, when you are defeated, you don't lose EXP and your gold in hand. In big guilds it is expensive to hire mercenaries, but in small ones it is good opportunity. In addition many of the mercenaries were upgraded few years ago, and their stats were improved.


  • Rise your composing level. It's a huge hunt helper to use high level SH, COA, KE etc. You can schedule your hunt grouping tough SE's, and hunting them in short time. This way you can compose one 30 min potion with all needed high level buffs, then extend it to 2 hours, or more (depending on your set of medals) using that combo:

Distil + Buff Enhancer + Brewing Master + Pride + [Your composing potion]

  • Always monitor the Super Elite Slayer Kill Log. This will help you to schedule your hunt, and to skip recently visited realms.
Since 19:37 24/Nov/2020 i am a proud owner of Diamond Treasure Hunter medal. For a long time i am considering to extend this topic with information about hunting chests. Again, just like the SE hunting, players ask me in-game for tips and advices. I answer them, and then another player ask me the same things. During today's conversation with WindBattle (about chests), i decided to finally start this topic. So herei will summarize everything i know about chest hunting. Again, please if you have some ideas, tips, advices, paths, post them here, i will add them to the main chest post.
Good hunting. (o;
p.s. corrections of the info i post are welcome, suggestions and tips/ideas too
note: on 09-Feb-2021 PATH 1 and PATH 4 were extended, and 2 new paths were added
note: on 29-Oct-2021 added new SE tips, and new chest hunting content
note: on 14-Sep-2023 17 new SEs were added and two new paths. Details here.

#1004323 Statistical Analysis of Gear Distribution in FallenSword

Posted by Corrupted on 30 June 2021 - 02:14

Good evening ladies and gentlemen of Erildath,

The recent Arena sets released sparked some discussions over the past week about the stat distributions and disparity of sets over the course of the game. We decided to analyze and compile some data to bring attention to some facts about.


Picture #1 - Total Sets per Stat Combo - Legendary, Super Elite & Crystalline (META) & Set Distribution per Stat Combo per Bracket - Legendary, Super Elite & Crystalline (META)





Picture #1 Observations


1.1 - Attack/Damage setups remain the most popular sets in terms of development at 71 total sets (31.84% of total sets).


1.2 - Armor/Defense setups are currently 13.45% of the total across the observed ranges. This is almost equal to the total number of Attack/Defense and Attack/Armor sets (14.35%).


1.3 - There is only 1 Attack/Armor set from level 3500 onwards.


1.4 - There are no Defense/Damage sets between 3500 and 4500. They are also the least developed set at 22 sets (9.87% of total).


1.5 Armor/Defense from level 2000 onwards have become more prevalent.


1.6  There are only 3 Defense/Damage sets from level 2000 to 3000.


Picture #2 - Total Sets - All Gear & Set Distribution per Stat Combo per Bracket






Picture #2 Observations:


2.1 - Attack/Damage sets are still the most popular after including rare and unique sets at 252 sets, but percentage-wise, drop (28.90%).


2.2 - Armor/Defense sets see an increase in overall percentage (16.06%) when including rare and unique sets, having only fewer than Armor/Damage and Attack/Damage.


2.3 - Only 1 Defense/Damage set at 3500-3999, and only 1 Attack/Defense set at 4500+ after including rare/unique sets.


2.4 - Defense sets see less development overall (188 between Defense/Damage and Attack/Defense) than Armor (292 between Armor/Damage and Attack/Armor); 21.56% have a defense stat tied to it whereas 33.49% have an armor stat tied to it (not including Defense/Armor).


Picture #3 - Gear Slot Distribution - Meta (LE/Crystal/SE)




3.1 - There is very little gear on the 4000-4499 range.


3.2 - When making Armor/Damage sets, the least used gear slots are Gloves, Ring and Rune.


3.3 - When making Defense/Damage sets, the least used gear slots Gloves, Weapon, Ring.


3.4 - When making Attack/Defense sets, the least used gear slots are Shield, Ring, and Boots.


3.5 - When making Attack/Damage sets, the least used gear slots are Ring, Boots, and Rune


3.6 - When making Attack/Armor sets, the least used gear slots are Weapon, Rune, and Boots.


3.7 - When making Armor/Defense sets, the least used gear slots are Gloves, Ring, and Rune. 



Disclaimer #1: We did not look at gear under level 1000 since those ranges are plentiful on gear

Disclaimer #2: We did not include any sets with HP as part of their Stat Distribution
Disclaimer #3: Sets from the 6/18 Arena Shop update are not included as they are not in the UFSG



There is more information that we could present but this was already an extensive time investment. For an album of all the images used in this post, please visit https://imgur.com/a/hPSHG7f


Much love to everybody who helped compile this information.


Yours truly,



#1009657 New SEs!

Posted by stormfish on 19 August 2023 - 01:59

Thank you Cows for the new SEs


Start searching for 4500 one at:


GARANOK TOWN (MORGUE) (Min Level: 4501)


going down in the levels. Found it at:




Good luck to all hunters.

#1009636 A new Idea

Posted by Belaric on 13 August 2023 - 18:54

I think this would be a fun way to reinvigorate the game for long-time players. It may be too development heavy to be done though - new classes and gear for those classes (like in SS) would be a lot of work. It would be great to have a way to play back through the game in different classes, with new class specific gear, class specific quests, enemies and story lines inserted into existing content, to make it new each time through, but that is a ton of new content to be created, and ultimately will it pay back the investment in time and resources for HCS? They'd need to do a feasibility study. 


Given we aren't getting some upgrades to chests and arena that have been asked about forever, I think a radical overhaul (essentially creating a new game as a continuation of the old) like this is unlikely to fly.


We can dream though! I like it.

#1009592 New Super Elite!

Posted by stormfish on 27 July 2023 - 09:06

Thanks BigGrim and all FS Team, for the new SE.


I checked 286 realms for that fish, and during that endless journey, i manage to reveal 2 of the new SE's realms:


PROLL GLADE (HAUNT) (Min Level: 2382)



During that search i also opened 7 chest (that is to instigate others to search it).


So, the list of checked areas:



PROLL GLADE (HAUNT) (Min Level: 2382)
KIEFUR FOREST (EDGE) (Min Level: 2301)


Good luck to all hunters in finding the rest of the realms.

#1009553 New Content - 5376 to 5400

Posted by sweetlou on 15 July 2023 - 02:40

Are quests no longer included in content? Last regular quest was 5095. Asking for a friend.

#1009498 Fallen Sword Roadmap (July - October 2023)

Posted by Arioche on 16 June 2023 - 13:29

We would like to present the roadmap for July - October 2023!
As always, the roadmaps are a guide and are subject to change.
It's been a bit of a strange year for us so far, but we hope the roadmap gives you a rough idea as to what's coming. With Hoof being away, it would be unfair to give an accurate date as to when the GvG updates will be implemented, however, it will be the next thing we plan to deliver when Hoof is back in action!
We understand there has been a fair few of you asking for Arena updates, so we'd like to spend some time seeing what we can do to improve it. As we are navigating these next few months, there may be opportunities we can slip in some extra things here and there.
We do have some new skills planned for the end of this year, so we will likely make a forum thread to allow you to give feedback before they are implemented.
We appreciate everyone who have given their time to provide feedback and can only ask for your patience as we head into the latter half of the year. We hope you all have a wonderful summer -- remember to stay hydrated!
~ The Fallen Sword Team

#1009517 Double XP Event!

Posted by yotekiller on 26 June 2023 - 02:44

I'm curious what the community thinks of the double XP event being removed from the game or only happening once a year?


I won't take part in the mid-year event, but I might in December event. I wonder what people's opinions are of it.

No one is forced to participate.  Just because you choose not to doesn't mean it should be removed.  Self-centered much?

#1009496 Double XP Event!

Posted by BigGrim on 16 June 2023 - 08:48

As per guildmate, AM is not working on new contents champion creatures

It just says champ after the text normal colour



Fixed. Thanks for the heads up.


~ Grim

#1009402 Trying to compile a community wide consensus......

Posted by paingwin on 23 May 2023 - 12:32

I'm looking to compile a list of the base-line, average, accepted, prices for farmable items in game. 


Frags- common, rare, elite, etc.





You get the idea, now what I'm asking is what are your normal prices, whether you be buyer, or seller? Once we as a community can kind of establish a baseline for each I will post all of them in my bio for reference. Let the replies COMMENCE!

#1009314 Unbearable Lag

Posted by PointyHair on 30 April 2023 - 19:06

I've been noticing it too. It seems to be intermittent. When the game is slow I just leave it and come back later. It seems different to the kind of slowness we get when there are 300+ players online. We might have to log the exact times to help Hoof track it down?

#1009296 UFSG

Posted by BigGrim on 24 April 2023 - 15:38

Hi there everyone!


Recipes are now displayed again in the Ultimate Guide!


Screenshot 2023-04-24 163502.png


~ The Fallen Sword Team

#1009287 UFSG

Posted by WandKing on 21 April 2023 - 19:17

Recipes appear to show ingredients correctly with path to the ingredient details correct.


Yet, path from ingredients to recipes is no longer available?


Even the section (used in recipes) is missing.

#1009241 Pvp ladders

Posted by Tilley10 on 09 April 2023 - 21:22

If you are unhappy with the situation you have a few choices:

  • Level up to their range and opt into the PvP Ladder
  • Do nothing and play the game

Nothing is stopping anyone else from also leveling up to 5,500 or 6,000 - both of those players did it so it is clearly possible. Not right to punish them for playing the game how they want.


PvP Ladder has needed a huge overhaul for many years now - maybe with this happening, people will be more willing to look at overhauling the system.


#1009217 Proposed Guild RP Packs.

Posted by vastilos on 04 April 2023 - 18:51

Complete all of you attacks regardless if your guild wins or loses and the guild will get some rp

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