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Auron FFX

Member Since 27 Dec 2014
Offline Last Active Apr 28 2022 09:55

#1007176 App Update v.1.0.12!

Posted by BadPenny on 15 March 2022 - 19:40

Hi michael65,


This change was due to a request in the forum post relating to the previous update and was met with no resistance so we believed it was a wanted change. If there is enough concern over this we can always revert to 50 stamina by default.



Hi EpicPiety,


We would prefer to avoid adding preferences where we can avoid doing so, this menu is already cluttered enough with the number of options there. That said, if there is enough demand for this to be added then we can considering adding this in a future update.




Just a thought:
Default for "normal" PvP has always been 10 stam... It's a soft hit and is optimal for both GvG, Prestige hitting and the odd DQ, and even normal bounty hunting (also known as soft clears)


100 stams are only necessary for gold ganking, hard bounty hits and the ladder, which should always be optional...
As it stands, with 100 stam being default, GvG will become inefficient at best, and those that rarely PvP unless for the occasional DQ will be less likely to do so... Although this option is nice for those wanting the smasher medal, you can only obtain ticks toward that via the BB and the Ladder... IMHO, a 100 stam default is more likely to kill PvP than to enhance it.


#1007165 App Update v.1.0.12!

Posted by michael65 on 14 March 2022 - 17:56

Does FS need 100 stam PvP default?

I don't think so.

My 2 cents.

#956954 Let new players randomly join a guild + booster pack

Posted by Egami on 13 January 2016 - 16:25

I'd be against this. I don't think the majority of Guilds in game are positive for the game in terms of new recruits. 


It's just my opinion, but I think it's important for people to learn about the game and find their place. Personally, I offer space to all new players and encourage them (and even give my opinion) on Guilds that they might find more interesting based on which Guild aspect they are interested in. 


As for the booster pack... definitely not. Think about it: I got 41 levels in the double XP. Now with uber pots, I get 8. Booster packs set up for failure and new players already have a lot of bonuses that they don't understand.

#954277 larger size on guild

Posted by Removed431723 on 02 December 2015 - 19:15

There isnt even 150 people playing eldevin lol :)

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