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Mister Doom

Member Since 18 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Jul 22 2017 17:27

#980341 Reached current Composing level cap.

Posted by Belaric on 30 April 2017 - 06:59

Just Stop.


This is an irrelevant conversation.


Hoof has said he and HCS will look at composed potions.


This is apparently in process now. According to Hoof's own testimony.


HCS will have to decide if changing the rules about potions/buffs will have an effect on player experience, and whether that player experience will be better or worse.


I have no doubt they will make a decision that will upset people.


They always have.


It is inevitable.

#979551 It's about time to balance out those overpowered pots in PvP.

Posted by sweetlou on 15 April 2017 - 03:56

Isn't the specific injury to players the fact, in your opinion, that certain areas of the game are now unchallenging and ridiculous due to, dare I say it, recently introduced overpowered pots. If this truly were the case then each and every player would have the same complaint. I'm sorry mate but I just don't think this runs true.

Hoof will make this decision ultimately. Nobody, and I mean no one, can claim that the introduction of composing, global, ladder and even donation(aka Super) pots have made the game harder unless you face them without having them. The degree to which the game has become easier is the only point of contention in this debate. A group of players, including myself, argue that the game has become so easy with these pots it is no longer challenging, that the advantage while using these pots is so extreme it gives an unfair disadvantage to players who do not have these pots to use. The opposing view, which I believe you support, has only included that players have worked hard to attain potion making abilities, that everyone has the opportunity to achieve this, that they have earned their ability to be so greatly advantaged - even they "need" these. However unless you have a usable supply of these pots, which take BP slots, which means you need to be upgraded, there is no way to compete in GvG, PvP. Leveling has become so overpowering players can one hit anything and groups are unnecessary. These pots are frankly 'win' buttons. They need to be tweeked.

#979514 It's about time to balance out those overpowered pots in PvP.

Posted by sweetlou on 14 April 2017 - 04:13

Can I ask and please forgive my ignorance when I do but these so called over powered potions have "ruined everything" for who exactly?





The ultra high skill levels found in many potions have hurt the game itself. Specific injuries to players are not being proposed in the argument against the use of the ultra high level skills. The over powered skills have made areas of the game unchallenging and ridiculous. Leveling doesn't require anything more than the same set for a 1000 levels. Just pot up, done. Are groups even necessary any longer for anything? PvP and GvG have clearly been effected by the introduction of these pots. I have yet to hear one argument to keep these pots beyond, "I did all the work to hit level 60 composing, and therefore I have earned the right to the advantages I have against everyone else." It's selfish, but what should we expect?.

#979510 It's about time to balance out those overpowered pots in PvP.

Posted by Filletminion on 13 April 2017 - 23:33

maybe the best solution is to remove buffs of any level entirely from PVP...That way it ceases to be about who has the most fsp or the highest level buffer, but instead returns to who can design the best setups..


None of us are entitled to more because we have spent  hundreds of millions in gold or thousands of fsp Self interest needs to take second place here.

#979485 It's about time to balance out those overpowered pots in PvP.

Posted by Hoofmaster on 13 April 2017 - 15:43

If you (Hoof) think that everything is fine and hunky dory as-is then fine, whatever, don't make a change. IF you see that things have become ridiculous and agree with those of us who can separate ourselves from our uber-pot dependency, then you DON'T NEED the 'permission' of the masses to fix stuff in your game... ¬_¬


I said the team will take a look at it over the next couple of weeks, but we still want opinions and thoughts on it :)

#979472 It's about time to balance out those overpowered pots in PvP.

Posted by sweetlou on 13 April 2017 - 13:06

See my reply to Calista after the post you quoted. I was suggesting that we could look at applying a max skill cap across PvP (including Guild Conflicts) or apply some form of diminishing return like I suggested before when high levels of the skills are used in PvP aspects of the game. It would need some thought and discussion as to what would work best for this though.

It's not only PvP! What about leveling? Do you really think it beneficial Smashing Hammer 480 or 625 does any good? It's akin to players utilizing Hoof gear. These Super pots frankly are so over powered they have taken the challenge and disappointed many of us players. Sure, there will always be a group who will use the "cheat codes" but making them readily available to some greatly skews the balance of the game. I hope you have started to see that. Tweeking the pots is desperately needed as well as some diminishing returns. My fear is the problem seen in Arena in diminishing returns where it ends unresolved basically.


PS Dispel Curse, for example, is a luck buff with levels being raised with impunity. At 0.2% the kick rate is way out of the norm from the other luck buffs with 0.05%. Dispel Curse 500 is a joke! That's 100% activation.There's a perfect example of constant unresolved combats. The newer set of skills with 100s of skill points, or double and triple above personal skills really needs to be looked at. These Super pot skill levels have gotten out of hand!


PSS And to drive the point home in leveling just look at https://forums.hunte...e=8#entry979256in this thread. 2m damage while leveling is obscene! The damage levels allowed through Super pots makes gear indiscriminate!!

#979411 It's about time to balance out those overpowered pots in PvP.

Posted by Hoofmaster on 12 April 2017 - 11:29

See now this is the type of discussion we need here, not baseless accusations being thrown around like some people tend to do. My posts on here might sound like I'm pointing the finger at composable buffs only, but I do agree that GE chests, ladder chests, and donation chest also a part of the problem. 


It seems like most people here agree that the buffs need to be changed. Now, how we are going fix that is the question. Like you said, we could change the buff itself. Seems fair enough. 


Aye we would change the buffs, not target a specific part of the game such as Composing. I suggested before that once the buff goes over a certain level the modifiers per point could change. This would also open up the possibility of higher skill levels being available within the skill tree as well (maybe it would require more skill points per level to raise them higher though).


I'll be reviewing this with the team within the next few weeks - most likely after the next update to the Fallen Sword App :)

#979291 It's about time to balance out those overpowered pots in PvP.

Posted by Pardoux on 08 April 2017 - 21:45

And here all this time I thought the object of the game was to have fun playing whatever aspect you enjoyed: Titan hunting, GE, leveling, PvP. GvG.


Funny me.




Oh, it is, but how much fun do you have when something is way too easy ?


It's like spending $100 on a new video game and using the cheat codes to get through, without actually "TRYING" first ...

#978161 It's about time to balance out those overpowered pots in PvP.

Posted by sweetlou on 21 March 2017 - 22:10

Massive no!! Sorry I did not spend countless amounts of resources to become a level 60 composer to have my reward ruined or taken away by some who simply cannot fathom out how to circumvent these skills. Composing was not the issue it was giving ridiculously high buffs in potions from global events, which was then exacerbated by the frequency of the global events which allowed people to stockpile high numbers of these overpowered global potions. I myself have well over 70 of these global chests... I would use more if there were more things to use them on, the lack of content and the effect of overpowered potions means there is a constant issue regarding  things to do in the game...

I actually agree, this issue should have been addressed much sooner and will only be more shocking to some players. But hey I remember FI being nerfed and players didn't have much of a struggle with it.

#978098 It's about time to balance out those overpowered pots in PvP.

Posted by Hoofmaster on 21 March 2017 - 10:52

I'm not suggesting we do this, but one option for 'overpowered' skills would be to give them a diminishing return. This would allow the potions levels etc. to remain unchanged and ensure that the higher levels are still more powerful, but not crazily powerful if you know what I mean? It would also open up to possibility of even higher level buffs of some skills where it would have made them too powerful previously.


This is purely an example, but something along the lines of this:


Sample Skill: +1 per point to attack up to skill level 250. After 250, +0.1 per point to attack.

#978074 It's about time to balance out those overpowered pots in PvP.

Posted by SirAdmiral on 21 March 2017 - 00:37

Forget PvP, no skill should have gotten passed 200-250 with the exception of maybe the donation potions, which only come around every so often.

#978021 It's about time to balance out those overpowered pots in PvP.

Posted by mary4ever on 20 March 2017 - 00:58

ignoring the problem does NOT make it go away, it is prolonging the inevitable !!!

(in general)

#978025 It's about time to balance out those overpowered pots in PvP.

Posted by Hoofmaster on 20 March 2017 - 10:09

Is there specific buffs you feel are overpowered at high levels? Could you give me some examples?

#978040 It's about time to balance out those overpowered pots in PvP.

Posted by suderlon on 20 March 2017 - 15:53

Is there specific buffs you feel are overpowered at high levels? Could you give me some examples?


Yes, stat changing skills!

yes, stat changing skills like keen edge, coordinated attack, smashing hammer, flinch, terrorize and the rest of the skills that change stats

#978041 It's about time to balance out those overpowered pots in PvP.

Posted by Chooma123 on 20 March 2017 - 16:00

He asked for specific buffs.

~ Grim

I feel pretty much all are over powered, but in particular keen edge, coord atk and def, and smashing hammer just give ridiculous boosts to you stats 

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