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Member Since 10 Jan 2013
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#835716 Buff Marketplace

Posted by Undjuvion on 30 December 2013 - 01:14

to avoid clutter it might be good to have a checkbox to filter out guildies/allies/enemies :)

#829372 After the last update...

Posted by Undjuvion on 11 December 2013 - 20:39

....If u click on a bp folder then go back to your main bp folder it jumbles everything up.

#826968 chest drops suggestion

Posted by Undjuvion on 08 December 2013 - 10:45

apart from the alchemist chest with RF400 and wooden chest with SANCT250 all other drops are so "useless" i just compose them, i did see something was/is gonna be done on development roadmap, be interesting to see if an epic from chests would create that hysteria that we used to get in the old days when something wondrous appeared :)

#821672 Server Issues

Posted by Undjuvion on 21 November 2013 - 18:56

Im sure this is likely to be an unpopular comment for some of you( reading the prior comments lol I may be considered a  "weenie"). I never beg or ask for anything from PLAYERS ( guildmates, players, friends enemies) that I can achieve on my own. . Those that know me can attest to that.If I can do it on my own Id rather.  However it is not uncommon for COMPANIES to compensate customers for disturbances in service. I really feel that some reserve stam should have been given out for the disturbance. Im glad the system was fixed and I applaud HCS for their efforts. Thanks for allowing me to throw my opinion out for all of FS to love or hate !


i liked this post not because I WANT I WANT I WANT, i think itd make people happy, bloody is uber and also just because i can :D

#821483 Server Issues

Posted by Undjuvion on 21 November 2013 - 00:12

i like that you have a name for the attack but i like mine better 'dumb dunderheads overloading servers' or at least that is how i shall remember it in "weenie" words :P

#818844 Backpack Improvements

Posted by Undjuvion on 06 November 2013 - 20:15

yep as others have said the ordering atm is not very great and as just stated it is painstaking to do an activity that requires u to drink 15 potions if it moves u back to the main folder each time :)

#815521 Next Roadmap - VOTE NOW!

Posted by Undjuvion on 08 October 2013 - 16:35

You will have templates. They are there for the reason You just said.

You create template with desired bottle, color, skills, duration and save it.

Then when You want to create desired potion, You choose saved template and create potion from template.

No need for reselecting bottle or color as You select it once in template.


I may have OCD but i like say for eg clicking left three times to select pot shape then right 5 times to select colour, knowing where the parts i want at the time are, things are gonna change every composing level, everytime a guild wants a different pot and everytime i want to make a batch and im not a fan of templates to begin with so unless there is virtually limitless that is only gonna be semi-useful anyway, easier to just have a randomize button for those that dont like to know where they are ;)

#802531 Chests staying a little longer

Posted by Undjuvion on 27 July 2013 - 15:06

And the chests didn't disappear because someone opened them before they got there or opened it while they were on it without them noticing?


no, i keep a vigil on the chest log of late, not the case of them being opened by someone else, at least in these few cases i refer to :)

#802482 Chests staying a little longer

Posted by Undjuvion on 27 July 2013 - 13:10

I had not noticed this before, it really just disappears to a new location when you least expect it?


according to other players yes, i havent actually been on a location and seen it dissappear for myself.

#802464 Chests staying a little longer

Posted by Undjuvion on 27 July 2013 - 11:07

i wont argue on the level of importance, ty for pointing out some of my lesser choice of wording Pardoux :P but one would hope in the FUTURE this would be considered and given 10/15 minutes to be changed :)

#802459 Chests staying a little longer

Posted by Undjuvion on 27 July 2013 - 10:23

A couple of times ive not made it to a chest before it dissappears(probably to its new location cos of some timer) and once just now before a price was even agreed upon, could the code be changed so that as long as someone is online and still standing on the chest that it would stay in that location, would be pretty irritating and or deflating to finally find a chest and then have it dissappear on you, ty for your attention on this semi-important problem.

#796492 Idea for PvP Arena

Posted by Undjuvion on 19 June 2013 - 15:14

i dont like to be negative to topics i didnt create so ill start by saying ive liked this idea when its been previously threaded about, personally i dont think this will create the rush to the arena one could hope for or at least not a permanent one, not that it wouldnt make a nice additional improvement/new novelty and create a lil more variety,


if it were me in charge of implementing an arena change id be more inclined to work on shindrak's arena token idea(another thread so i wont derail further),


i think the activity/online numbers in the game is whats causing the slowdown in the arena, itd only take another 10-20 more arena players playing actively to speed it up considerably, the kind of people that would be in this class are the ones who would be joining non-stop with persistence to force their way to the medal, trying to get people who arent very interested cause they always lose(and would find themselves losing again soon enough once this change was mastered) are not likely to say 'im getting the medal no matter what' or they would most likely already be working on it, new blood to the game AND new blood with that determination to suceed no matter the losses they accumulate are the class of player that would speed up the arena, they need to be found and roped into the fs world,


failing that, new items to invent would cause a temporary flurry.


finally, i will say its a good idea regardless :)

#752118 Arena tokens

Posted by Undjuvion on 25 August 2012 - 15:07

i dont play the arena so much cos it seems like work a lot of days and it almost drives me mental to see DEFEATED in my log anymore, but i would wager not only my interest but some others would perk up at least a little and throw some gold on the table for some tokens, sounds interesting maybe even fun.

winner takes it all but wimbledon for example the runner up gets a plate, silly example i know and they get a good deal of cash too but...

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