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Maury Bund

Member Since 16 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 02 2016 15:51

#813915 Update v2.32

Posted by Maury Bund on 29 September 2013 - 03:15

Auto-breakdown is going to be so cooool, when i am doing my hunts and finishing up my last few stamina with 1 stamina hits :). Always used up my last stamina by killing lots of nasty buggers to get kill count up and to harvest some more items :) Now, I no longer need to check my bp anymore :)

Why do I think skee ball and pizza when I see your forum avi?

#813474 Talent Feedback / Suggestions

Posted by Maury Bund on 26 September 2013 - 22:20

I guess I'm just dumb, but I don't see a skill on the Assassin Tree that reduces Bloodbath cool down to 4 sec. Is it just automatic 4 sec reduction for players putting enough pts into the tree to be considered a part-time Assassin? Not sure I would like that.



Did not like the reduction of Incinerate as it was really the only offensive spell I can effectively use to level with as a full blown Prophet. If you are trying to balance the damage of Mages in PvP, can you look at increasing Purification %'s?


Lasting Supplication looks to be worthless until we can get Benediction. Maybe then it will be worth it, but you have to have 2 skill points put into it to get 1 extra tick on Rejuvenate. I would think 3/6 sec would be better. The overall heal of Benediction would not increase, just take slightly longer to accumulate.


Clear Your Mind has too low a percentage of activation to be any kind of worth. I tried it and was lucky when I got the 1 of 10 free buffs. Much better to put the points into Healer's Resolve, knowing you get the save, instead of just 1 point hoping for the same amount mana saved over 10 different casts.


Has there been ANY discussion in the office to turn Dagger Class weapons into a  Vit/Sorc/Focus set-up like Staffs but with either 50% or even 30% stats as same level/rarity staff to give Mages/Prophet some Blocking? Knives need to stay as Ranger weapons, though.



Just started doing a melee class char. I am not seeing an icon attached to creatures hit with melee attacks, be it special or normal, 1 hand or 2 hand, when using the Crushing Blows skill. On Ranger's Eagle Eye, you at least see that the creep has been effected. Maybe Crushing Blow is taking effect, but it is impossible to tell without trying it out in a PvP arena.



Actually tried the familiar this time for about all of 5 min. Still DON'T LIKE IT.


Also, do not think either of the 2 Assassin Skills are tempting enough to take. Sure, I can wield 2 knives and increase my Ranged and Focus, but I'd much prefer to keep the shield and pick another skill.

#808826 WTB YDMAR set level 1360

Posted by Maury Bund on 28 August 2013 - 19:39

lol. Go hunt it for hours like I did and get 9 amulets in a row (when you do get a drop) before you finally get that 1 weapon that is poor craft!

#803612 Giants Vigor Potion

Posted by Maury Bund on 01 August 2013 - 13:59

No, Mastersmith potions are the most useless. These are just close behind.

#801639 The Storybook Forest Returns!

Posted by Maury Bund on 22 July 2013 - 17:41




Uh, why do I see Global Mosquitoes in the Storybook realm if it opened AFTER the event was over?

#799131 FallenSword Shop ?

Posted by Maury Bund on 04 July 2013 - 13:11

HCS logos on diapers for those who like to cry about everything, bandage strips for those with PvP boo boos, and safety helmets for special people like me.  :rolleyes:

#788479 How do I change my avatar or other details?

Posted by Maury Bund on 05 May 2013 - 17:33

Too bad you guys killed the ability to create our own titles, but I understand where the abuse might come in.

#788252 Races

Posted by Maury Bund on 03 May 2013 - 20:44

I wanna be a semi-humanoid with 6 tentacles where each arm would be, legs that end in a cloven hooves, a set of mandibles and independent eyes like a chameleon.


What race is that?

#784741 I'M NOT BANNED :D

Posted by Maury Bund on 15 April 2013 - 19:26

Knowing you...

Not very long

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