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Offline Last Active Aug 07 2023 14:15

#1006332 Updating Titan Rewards Information

Posted by Windbattle on 03 December 2021 - 00:10

The titan rewards screen could be broken up into 2 pages like you suggested or at least put a (Month) in which is spawns in the game. that at least would queue you into it being a seasonal titan.


Totally agree on the scout tower shortcut in the guild tab.


Personal secures are mentioned nowhere and should be added to the basic information on the scout tower as a minimum. Plus, it would be nice if the game could track your personal kills to make that easier to track since you need to get 1st in order to get anything out of it. 

#1005867 Arena Rules

Posted by shindrak on 20 October 2021 - 21:35

Another Idea just got to my mind 


Add timer on every tourney if not started in like 3-6 hours  the guild rule restiction will turn 50% instead of 25%  on that tourney and more guild members who want to play arena can join.


Now we have multiple suggestions , I think this one is very fair and simple to apply !

unless you like to see tourneys sit there for long and the players who want to play can't play due to guild restriction rule...

#1005667 Arena Rules

Posted by EpicPiety on 05 October 2021 - 13:12

How about in addition to the OP also adding a beginner section to the arena above novice where you can get up to 500 wins and participate there. You currently learn nothing in the novice arena section, needs another step. It would have inferior rewards to regular arena, but join costs might be a little bit lower. 

#1005608 Fallen Sword Roadmap (Nov 2021-Feb 2022)

Posted by Undjuvion on 01 October 2021 - 06:05

There is no Bonfire Night in the roadmap, but since it isn't a big event it's not a big deal, maybe we could add something more to it?


Maybe a Titan that drops a Component part to invent another Epic, but it also uses the Fawkes Wickerman original Armor? 


Great work with the comunication, love to see it.


woohoo, awesome, bout time someone brought it up, ive thought about it for years, Guy Fawkes needs an update HCS!!!

#1002786 Small improvements suggestions.

Posted by BadPenny on 09 January 2021 - 23:07

Many of these wants are all fine and good, but....

How about fixing stuff long broken?

  • Listings section of FSP market is upside down, listing most expensive listings first rather than last.
  • Many Guild stores and BackPacks do not show the icons at the top.
  • Composed potions auto returned to the guild store when a player leaves breaks the GS, and subsequently any back pack they are moved to.
  • Global chat frequently breaks, with scrolling unavailable for hours or days at a time​
  • Guild advisor has broken spots

I'm sure the list goes on and on and many of you can add to it.

#1002500 Towers => Orbs

Posted by Corrupted on 18 December 2020 - 12:49

I think if something promotes activity within the game is good for the game as a whole.

Involving players from multiple facets of the game (Arena, Ladder, Titan, so on) can be good too. Very few players have access to *all* the resources on this list. I think most players will find themselves taking to the market to get their hands on these upgrades. Eventually, a shortage of goods will happen and everyone (little guy included) will try to get their hands on anything they can sell at a profit.

It will create activity in the long term, because even if they "big guys" don't take long to get it, the "smaller guys" will have something to work on for the long term.

The list might need some tweaking (less Hunted Cow items, higher # of lower Epics because of availability) but beyond that, I think something like this could benefit *everyone*. Some will just get it faster than others, that's all. Which is not a new thing, but hey.

#1002293 global chests

Posted by Tilley10 on 29 November 2020 - 22:47

hi what would happen if we made global chests unbound ?

No to the above.

I would be in favor of making the global chests stackable though. It would save everyone a fair bit of BP space.

#1002184 Game Update v2.194.0

Posted by Removed4427 on 14 November 2020 - 00:15

if someone mentioned to me the 5/5 groups were good for relics, i would refer them to this thread and quote


It's only vs. creatures




if i remember discord correctly, comments made there scroll away after some minutes


whereas a news update in-game stays on the sidebar till I click on it, giving me a chance to read it


we shouldn't have to rely on word of mouth to get news of changes from announcements made on discord (if that's where news of the change came from)

#1002108 Bounty Fix

Posted by Maehdros on 07 November 2020 - 13:04

Increase pvp range +/- 10 levels above the current limit every 1,000 levels.

1000 - 1999 range is +/- 20
2000 - 2999 range is +/- 30
3000 - 3999 range is +/- 40
4000 - 4999 range is +/- 50

#1001940 Pvp Protection in the PvP Ladder

Posted by sweetlou on 28 October 2020 - 17:17

There needs to be serious disincentive to this detestable gaming practice. Players have reported this since the bounty free Ladder was instigated. That's how long players take advantage of others using bad game mechanic changes by HCS. Before the change players regulated this practice with their own effort to drop the offending cheat the full 5!


I think two things should change post haste under the Ladder system. First, if the player leaves after hitting any player on the Ladder, ALL attacks on ALL players should become instantly bountyable for 72 hours(longer then the typical 48). Second, the attacking player should have a 1 month cooldown from re-entering the Ladder.


Both of these disincentives would prevent this abhorrent practice, while simultaneously retaining an option for an outmatched player to use the chicken exit on the Ladder. Come on Hoof!!

#1001559 Pvp Protection in the PvP Ladder

Posted by sohail94 on 24 September 2020 - 10:42

simple fix, just disable the pvp protection upgrade for anyone who opts in to ladder, they can buy it again after opting out and waiting for a reset. 

#1001525 Game Update v2.194.0

Posted by Maehdros on 21 September 2020 - 13:33

why not may make you all think about defending them a bit better

Nah. Not when they can be captured hourly lol.

Thats my opinion anyways. Losing a +2 stam tick versus losing the +57 gain from my epics? Its obvious what one should or would choose. Even you're guildmates are wearing epics mate :) We all are entitled to our own opinions tho.

#1001243 Can we revisit smasher ticks for normal pvp

Posted by Pardoux on 17 August 2020 - 06:35

like i said before leave it as it is ,why cant they do the bb and ladder like the rest of us 


You mean log into the ladder, take a mega pot, smash away with impunity 'cos you know that, unless someone flukes or takes a similar potion, you're safe and then, when the pot expires, buys PvP Protection to opt yourself out again before a reset ?


#1001215 Can we revisit smasher ticks for normal pvp

Posted by moonfrost on 15 August 2020 - 07:37

Many moons ago when the smasher medal was shiny and new, you could gain ticks any time you sent another player an invitation to the pvpers ball, this of course only after you used the proper 100 stamina of postage to send the invite.  Over time, those who did not dance clashed with those of the dance and a great and mighty fight thus began.


In time this mighty conflict gained the attention of the bovine gods and goddesses as they grazed in what was once a great and glorious field of dance. You see, when time began, these same bovine created their own 'field of dreams' where they held great dance contests under the watchful eye of Master Hoof. In those early days there was a young cow named LittleGrim who longed more than anything to be the best cutter of the rug in that field. Time passed and the older cows went off to fulfill their duties elsewhere in the world, on the plates of hungry humans, cooked no more than a medium. They would never allow themselves, even in death, to be cooked to the point of being ruined for normal consumption by these sick and twisted individuals who clearly need to be dragged into the streets and shot for their whole disregard for the cows and what they stand for. You people, the steak burners, are the reason pvp has been nerfed and changed over the years...just man up and eat a nice tasty juicy steak for once and stop taking away the things we love. GRRRRR!! Wait, where was I...oh yeah...the county fair, 1907.       



So anyways, as time had passed we got to see our favorite little bovine grow up and come into his own and make his mark on the world...and he did. We know it as the great Anthrax scare of 2001, he knows it as 'BigGrim's Sweet 16th'



Well, after this much time had passed it was time for the cows to answer the cries of the rhythmless players by taking smasher ticks out of the equation except for hits on the bounty boards and hits on the ladder. I was hoping to see it come back to the random hits.         



 I, once again, would like to see 100 stamina hits off the ladder and off the boards, count towards the smasher medals. Not every hit, but only the hit every 3 days that also gives pvp prestige should count as a smasher tick provided 100 stamina was used.

#1001203 inactive backpacs

Posted by wil72 on 13 August 2020 - 16:17

Rather obviously not. Please don't be obtuse for the sake of it. Is it your backpack? Are you in the same Guild? If not, LEAVE THEM ALONE. They have nothing to do with you.


~ Grim

This is true however it will never happen. Current game mechanics allow an active player to send gear to any other player active or inactive. As long as the mechanic remains so will the sending. Disputes between players and Guilds arise all the time and the "old chestnut" of sending multiple items to inactive Guild members in opposing Guilds is a sneaky way of scoring points. It reduces the receiving Guilds ability to hold gear, potions, etc unless they fork out fsp for Guild store slots as unless the inactive player logs back in and clears their backpack storage space is lost.


As the above appears to manipulate current game mechanics I think that is the reason why people are seeking a definitive answer.




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