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Member Since 22 Apr 2014
Offline Last Active Nov 14 2018 15:28

#963843 Development Update

Posted by Debrutsid on 02 June 2016 - 04:11

but i will try to keep it pg-13.  I have played hunted cow games for 12 frieking years.  this is not news to me. but this saddens me to the point where i want to get my tattoo removed...... YOU REMEMBER THAT????? 
AS far as i know I AM THE ONLY ONE TO GET A TATTOO that represents your company.  Andrew Mullholland and Glen (i forget your name_)  i am most disappointed in you.  NOT THE PLAYERS.  this is an awesome game.  and instead of making updates you made fluff.  Now, i still enjoy the fluff, but there should never be a true end game to an mmorpg that wants to survive, and you STILL haven't brought out level 50.......  
Is there some mystical numerology stuff that makes you guys afraid of 5?  Gothador never got a 5th tier update (we did, but it was like they put two janitors in a room to come up with a 5 star meal.  with what was available in the janitor closet.....
I still love this company, and i will not get the tat removed unless you guys do something reaaaaaaly stupid.  like elect trump in scotland.....   but for god's sake.... this was supposed to be your flagship.  
I know FS is your moneymaker.  tho to be honest i would rather play CoD  and i hate call of doody.
you lost p[layers just like you did with gothador.  you promised one thing.  then did something completely different, or just kept saying.  oh it is coming.......
i mean *^_)^!!!!!!1 I actually paid for like 3 months of supporter and BARELY logged in.  that is how much i love this game and company.  So please, ANDREW...... get back to your roots. pay attention to this game.....

#963840 Development Update

Posted by Zyy on 02 June 2016 - 01:37

Thanks for the news! Though the honest truth is that this game will die out if people are having to wait longer and longer. I definitely understand why content/updates are going to be delayed and I'm sure most of the people are happy that you've actually given us some news about it - but if you really think about it, even in the state this game is in at the moment it will not last long. I use to love this game, and it is a total shame that you didn't gain the following you needed to progress but let's be real - this game will become a ghost town sooner rather than later. But please, keep going with the updates! I'd like to see how it will turn out and hope that I am wrong and also hope Eldevin gets the following it deserves! 


Keep up the good work. :)

#963831 Development Update

Posted by Spirit on 01 June 2016 - 22:08

Oh :(. Thanks for the news at least. Though I have to be honest, this doesn't sound so good for Eldevin's future. I'm worried that it won't ever get the updates like it used to... that it'll just fade. 


Edit: (after dissapointment sets in)


Though I'd like to thank you guys for creating this MMORPG. Loved the storyline. I still got quite a few quests to finish up so I still plan on being around occasionally. :)

#963826 Development Update

Posted by Crofil on 01 June 2016 - 20:37

oh well

#963818 Development Update

Posted by Undjuvion on 01 June 2016 - 19:05

big thank you mojawk for heading straight at us, we made sure we let u know we werent happy, ty for keeping idea that you will still update in future, the game is great!

#963815 Development Update

Posted by Steve1973 on 01 June 2016 - 18:50

Either that or the devs have put out a statement delaying the inevitable. :( Good chance we wont see any NEW content now.


The phrase to continue "to fully support the game " is an insult to the players that still play as well considering the absolute lack of support the games has had for months.

I know I have had differences with gogsy on many occasions, but this time I completely agree with him.


If HCS staff class fully supporting us by, not responding to tickets, bugs, any forum posts or anything for that matter, then I dread to think how much support there will be from now on, considering the future update time scale has been altered to god only knows if at all.


I am so dissapointed as I really liked this game and wanted it to succeed, grow and finaly get finished.


This news will only lower the player base considering how many people have been hanging on while waiting for lvl50

#962393 Brazilian servers NEEDED

Posted by kidref on 20 April 2016 - 12:53

as everyone should know, there are several players who are from Brazil, like me. So, for our region, it is hard to play with good performance so I am suggesting a Brazilian server. No need to have all things in Portuguese, but a Brazilian server would be much better for our performance, we also contribute to the game! So please, I need an accurate answer on the subject. Thank you  :)


arent it better that they try to made AH etc to keep all who play?

#962392 Brazilian servers NEEDED

Posted by redsmokeboy on 20 April 2016 - 12:41

This is most likely not going happen any time soon, Any more then 3 severs as of right will stay as so!

Unless game increase in player base, less likely for any change current sever listing.

#962207 Auction House NEEDED!

Posted by gogsy on 15 April 2016 - 18:27

Selling stuff is the only reason  bigfoot and his alts comes online, if an auction house reduces his constant spamming of world chat then it might be a good thing, either that or he could just stop moaning on here and leave the game and the forum. :)

#960823 Stand alone version won't work anymore

Posted by PurpleDuke on 17 March 2016 - 18:43

So the issue got solved (not through support). Thanks for the offered help, suggestions and the nice talk.



Purple Duke

#960527 Stand alone version won't work anymore

Posted by PurpleDuke on 10 March 2016 - 13:28

I haven't had any issues with the steam stuff ... Used the stand alone version from start .... Then added steam a short while back maybe 2 weeks and got back to stand alone client (I don't like steam lol dunno why).

He should try to change the server with an other client (just to make it easier for the support and maybe it works who knows?).

Hope they'll answer on his ticket and are able to fix his issue. Cause it's really annoying if you absolutely get no response at all (btw still no response on our ticket).

We "fixed" our issue temporarily .... thanks to Virtual Machines she's now running Windows and ... It works XD she's able to log into her account from the Virtual Windows but still can't login with her normal Mac OS.

I really got no clue what's the issue with this stuff cause it absolutely makes no sense to me but well.... Problem TEMPORARILY fixed but still hope to get a real solution.

Purple Duke

#960630 HC what is happening to all the servs: random log outs, dcs, more then ever

Posted by kidref on 13 March 2016 - 15:00


Now in dungeons if large mobs are being taken by the tank I lag like there is no tomorrow and I guess that's just how it is in this game in dungeons.  Can't say it doesn't make it interesting and funny at times.  :P


ok, remind me to dont take all mobs on RG to outisde boss 1 and 2 i can do it on kidref (melee tank) and its loot of fun on the lagg. its only press randome skills and hope it work to hold agro

#960612 HC what is happening to all the servs: random log outs, dcs, more then ever

Posted by SirPeter on 12 March 2016 - 13:37

i,like many other old players,visit often this forum and its a pitty and very sad,to see all cows have abandoned the forums and not reply to their user

it was a wonderfull game,so its a pitty to slowly destroy all the fun

i still see some of my old friends writing here,but i did not had such patience and left last year

i had planned to come back as soon we get the LOOOONNG Time promissed upgrade,but it looks like it never will happen,or if,then to late to keep the player here

because it was and is the best community,i had the honor to play with in more then 30 years Onlinegaming

<3 and cu u soon here or elsewhere in the vitual lands

with best regards Peter

#959654 Incorrect ranges in skill descriptions (again)

Posted by Brioche on 23 February 2016 - 06:24

Found an old post.

Many abilities have had their ranges increased slightly due to improved camera distances.

Before this update, the range of all abilities (with the exception of buffs) was 12 yards or less. Following this update, the ranges of many abilities were increased to 15 yards. However, as stated in the post above, almost all abilities with "Target: Area" merely had their description changed to 15 yards without actually changing their range from 12 yards to 15 yards. Please increase the range of these skills to 15 yards as intended instead of changing the descriptions back to 12 yards.


Furthermore, for all single-target abilities with a range of 15 yards (such as Ranged Attack, Taunt, Incinerate, Black Fang for example), you can attack enemies from within a range of 15 yards. However, if you are further than 15 yards, your character automatically moves to a 12 yard distance before attacking. Please change this to 15 yards as well.


One more thing - I'm not sure if this was missed, but the range of Tornado might also have been meant to be increased to 15 yards. If so, please increase the range as well.


Edit: broken link URL

#959668 Repost: Festive Horse Bug

Posted by Steve1973 on 23 February 2016 - 13:38

Have a go with a bald character to see if he grows a full head of hair when on the mount  :D 

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