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#968093 Game Update 2.9 - Daily Quests!

Posted by Tastria on 03 September 2016 - 18:15

"The way I see it...well, it's all kinda blurry..."


Seriously though, I thought it was plain from the initial announcement that this was going to be a work in progress, and while some of the quests might be a bit on the lame side, a lot of them can be completed just by regular leveling.   ie Walk 400 tiles.

    I imagine there will be days when I don't have the time (or the desire) to do the quest, that's fine, another day's coming, and with it, Daily Quest version 1.1   ;) 



#966825 Global Event Potions Question

Posted by Tastria on 09 August 2016 - 20:53

Yg's #10 post makes it clear: Everybody should use those pots as it fits their strategy.


@ 1 GvG: 


In the example given, the defending Guild has "24 hours" to come on and use GE pots to defend and retaliate. The defending guild has an advantage as far as RP is concerned in a draw situation.


Yes, I'm keeping in mind that this post is only dealing with GE pots. 


I get Yg's idea about defending your own. I'd offer forth as a metaphor that you never know when an attack is going to occur.


Most attack when the enemy is unprepared. I find it hard to agree that 3 people should be able to protect the 97 that are sleeping unprepared.


As for 2 and 3: 

I sort of have to agree, there are a finite number of chests out there, and I don't think anyone has ever used them on us in GvG.  It would seem to me, as rare as the chests are, it wouldn't be worth it to squander them on something as mundane as GvG.

    I'd leave things as is.


    Note:  There are currently 6082 Emblazoned Royal Chests in Back Packs. (Not counting the ones still in mailboxes)

                                                1772 Cut Ruby Boxes rusting away in said Back Packs

    That's only two examples according to the UFSG, and a bunch of these doubtlessly belong to inactives.

#966562 Zombie Yeomen VII

Posted by Tastria on 03 August 2016 - 15:46

Now where am I going to put the durn things?  I still have two left over from previous events.


I'll tough it out though.   Thanks HCS  :D


Posted by Tastria on 01 August 2016 - 00:42

...Until the servers fail... 



Kind of a dark feeling to that my friend, but so is the, "Until death us do part." in wedding vows.

     Myself, I'm here for part mindless entertainment.  (see monster, kill, get gold and xp, repeat)  And some days, after a lot of stress,  it's MUCH more calming here then in front of whatever-they're-calling-a-TV-these-days.  And of course the other part is the folk I interact with in the game, which is the icing on the cake.

    Yep, for the me FS is a calming draught whenever I check in, mostly in the early hours, game time, and while it maybe habit (forming), it's still a good thing, and there aren't many of those out there any more.

#965863 Daily Events

Posted by Tastria on 12 July 2016 - 23:00

Does anybody have any inkling of how this would affect guilds?  I'm thinking gold, and xp of course.


There's the possibility that any given event/quest "could" involve going after critters, etc.  many levels below you.


I like the ideas, just thought I'd mention this.

#965706 Daily Events

Posted by Tastria on 09 July 2016 - 18:57

"The way I see it, well....it's all kind of blurry..."


My best thought is to give this a trial run (with some sort of rewards) just to see if it will work decently.


My second best thought is to give a "unique" potion as a reward.  I was thinking something along the line of one that would reduce all of an attackers buffs temporarily   to a maximum of 175,  We've got plenty of buffs that raise the levels of various skills, stats, whatever you want to call them.  It seems like it would be time to move the other way.


At least it would be a new and different reward.

#963351 Legendary Assault!

Posted by Tastria on 15 May 2016 - 01:22

King Au Xenah


,,the curse has worn "of"????


Sorry, English Major you know... :P

#959806 New Content. 2901 - 2925.

Posted by Tastria on 26 February 2016 - 19:02

Keep up the good work!  I can almost taste those level 3000 buffs ;)

#957838 Zombie Yeomen VI

Posted by Tastria on 26 January 2016 - 18:59

     "T'was a famous victory."


      Many thanks for the extra chest!


      I intend to add them to my global chest hoard and polish them periodically ;)

#957531 Zombie Yeomen VI

Posted by Tastria on 22 January 2016 - 02:26

     I don't doubt EpicPiety's math, (even if it did make my head ache...) but my version is a bit simpler, to whit:  Swing weapon, kill zombie.  Check kill total, is it equal to or greater then  6000?  If no, swing weapon, kill zombie, etc.


     Worked for me  :D

#956879 Calling All Fragment Farmers (and Buyers)

Posted by Tastria on 11 January 2016 - 18:13

  I'm sort of a small scale farmer, not real serious about it, but I do end up with a BP full at the end of a hunt, and sometimes much earlier.

   I was sticking them up on the AH, for 5k each, and found I was getting bought out by the same player every time.

   In short, we had a bit of conversation, and when I hunt I now send them to him, and get bags of gold back by return mail.


    I mention this to show one way to start farming.  It all depends on your stamina level, and your BP size, but I don't know anyone who wouldn't mind a few thousand extra gold at the end of a hunt.


    Just as an aside, I'm a confirmed drinker, so all my profit goes into liquid refreshment from the AH :P  

#955095 Double XP Weekend Announced!

Posted by Tastria on 13 December 2015 - 23:30

oie_oie_overlay_zpsri0xeqby.gifhehe...Best event of the game deserves cows "busting" moves =)

        To heck with the double xp, Bloody's dancing cows (Two, count 'em, 2 of 'em!) are an event all in itself   :D  

#954339 Should HCS implement a third additional Guild XP ranking based on activity?

Posted by Tastria on 03 December 2015 - 15:03

I went with the "yes" button.  


    My logic is that it wouldn't hurt at all, and might get some more activity going.  I don't know how much coding would be involved, but I'd think it would be simple enough so that if it didn't work out well, things could go back to the current style, and there wouldn't be any problem.


      Plus it would be a hoot to view the top 250 guilds (I'm being optimistic here) after this went into effect  :D

#954278 where to spent level up points

Posted by Tastria on 02 December 2015 - 19:42

With this part I couldn't agree more, but mainly with the insane Global, composing and donation driven pots. The gear has remained true to it's formula driven templates mostly.


The location of level up points in stats other than damage benefits when you use base skills like Rockskin, Rage, Fury, Evade and Fortify. In PvP covering all 4 stats(Attack, Defense, Armor and Damage) also helps against losing to the random break through 2%s. You can also go naked in PvE against global mobs without any imps while taking no loss in durability.


Basically, you don't need all your level up in damage, especially for PvP, with 10s of thousands of obscene pots in the game today that are readily available to everyone!


Egami had a good point, it IS complicated.


The thing with all those pots, is that they aren't available to everyone.  There are all those epic pots on the AH with prices that put them out of reach of a lot of players. (I'm using the epic chests as an example here)  But I'm thinking, and I could be wrong, that you're referring to the composting pots.

     Not that there's anything wrong with these things, but higher level ones are not universally available to a lot of players.  Granted, there are a bunch of high level composers out there, but compared to the total game population, they're in the minority.  and there's a great deal of gold cost involved in getting to that level.  This means that the potions involved have the potential be be quite expensive, even in-guild. 

   I'm not going to even try to compute the costs included if you have to buy items to fragment.

    Point is, the costs for these high level drinks is not something that the casual, or beginning player is going to be able to afford.

      So for a lot of players, damage may still be the best option out there.


      This doesn't completely negate what you said Lou, it it just shows that this still isn't a one-size-fits-all game :)

#953841 Chomper Swarm Renewed!

Posted by Tastria on 24 November 2015 - 11:59

Love the Canid Chomper, but...


It looks an awful lot like Grover from Sesame Street having a mental breakdown :o  

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