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#933660 What!?! BP cap increase?!?!

Posted by kitobas on 26 May 2015 - 20:37

Shouldn't the Cows be spending all their waking hours on the upgrade pipeline and not waste time on these caps?!?!

(Just kidding, just reading some minds)


lol bro, this cap upgrade very important because it only needed for less than 1% of fallen sword players

#930213 Development Update April 2015!

Posted by BigGrim on 29 April 2015 - 16:20

Pessimist. Does pessimism lead to the Dark Side of the Force?


Posted by GreatGazoo on 19 April 2015 - 03:01

smfh ... GREED! ... you already get 3 over powered potions, +2 more for being in the top 100 and a gazillion frags all at 5x per 1 stam and you want more? sigghhhh ... play the damn game!

#924594 Current state of the game

Posted by BigGrim on 24 March 2015 - 14:14

While there may be some negativity in this thread, please do something with all the feedback. And make the game in such way that it is manageable. Like with new content.

As far as the negative comments go, I'm an elected official in various offices, (I wear a bunch of different hats, depending what day it is...).  We get them all the time.  And when something like a new regulation is a rousing success, we hear next to nothing, or, "Why didn't you do that a long time ago?"
      Tough, thick skin is required here.  Just keep in mind that we're all on the same side wink.png

Sure, the overtones were of a negative nature, but not because I wanted to focus on negativity.

Oh, for sure. It's been mostly constructive and shows concern, which we do appreciate. :)

Hope you enjoyed the long weekend. smile.png

It was good, though pretty hectic, thanks. :)

#929148 Shadow Bunny Showdown & Springtime Forest

Posted by wil72 on 18 April 2015 - 15:18

I like the event, it is new, new charcters, a wee quest and new chests. To gain rewards and tiers is still the same though, kill GE mobs.


The Ladder system, general PvP, the Bounty Board and how it works, are all meant to be high on the agenda for reworking by HCS but as yet nothing has actually happened. Wouldn't it be sound if HCS introduced these long awaited changes via a GE event? It could be huge, it could also help thrash out any bugs, game breakers and preceived problems within the new suggested systems prior to them actually being implemented.


Personally, I feel that having to kill GE mobs to gain rewards is the "easy option" and would much prefer to see HCS take the bull by the horns and go for a totally new concept for a Global Event. Would doing so get the required participation? Who knows and you'll never know till you try.





#929111 Shadow Bunny Showdown & Springtime Forest

Posted by bloody18 on 18 April 2015 - 05:01


I appreciate the thought but am I missing something? Kill/gather X number of eggs/bunnies for global reward?

How about a complete change in format like a pvp or gvg event. Or a true scavenger hunt with clues?


You Win =)


#921929 Fallen Sword Mobile - Development Preview

Posted by RebornJedi on 28 February 2015 - 14:40

Mmmm mmm mmm mmmm

#921876 Legendary Invasion!

Posted by Mister Doom on 28 February 2015 - 01:07

Medication = alcohol.

#921738 Fallen Sword Mobile - Development Preview

Posted by Spirit on 27 February 2015 - 03:07

Looks interesting. Haven't played FS awhole lot but maybe will get me back to playing. ;)

#921328 Quit setting us up for failure ..

Posted by Corrupted on 24 February 2015 - 17:52

.it was the willingness of others to use there stam ..

Right here.

Personally, I did the minimum this time. I am not motivated anymore. Even for the strong PvP/Hunting potions that this global brings... It just becomes SO much more of a chore just to get those kills in when you know that spending more than 5k won't really make a difference (5k kills = 5k~ stam, and I max out at 9.3k stamina).

Maybe if it were any different from 12345678R0 I would willingly blow all my stamina repeatedly, but not for any less. We need some new kind of Global Event...

#921298 Quit setting us up for failure ..

Posted by Davros81 on 24 February 2015 - 15:57

Appreciate the feedback on this! We'll take it into account for the next event :)

Thing is the next vanilla global event will be Zogrom vs Shroud and, I'll go out on a limb here, the vast majority of the community do not care  for the chests handed out as rewards for that event... I have lost track of the number of times the community, as a whole, has stated the total is too high, both before and after an event, yet nothing has been done. To not take into consideration the dwindling activity in this game is naive and ignorant. However, at least you bothered to respond Hoof albeit being too late for this particular event.


One, of many I would imagine, very unhappy member of the community :( 

#921551 New Global Events (nothing Earth-shattering here...)

Posted by BadPenny on 25 February 2015 - 20:42

OK, I've been thinking.... maybe GE's need a kicker, like seasonals, but a little different.  


For example,  make a prerequisite quest that repeats, like the Spooky Quests for the titans, only instead of them being a 1 shot thing, you have to complete that first to compete in each event.  Make it a little time consuming, but stam efficient, to preserve our stam for the hunt.  Something as simple as collecting a few resources to make a weapon would suffice.  Yeah, maybe it would entail making an additional beast with a good drop rate to get components, or using a specific combination of already available ingredients, maybe something plentiful in the auction house to give us a gold sink and give existing plant farmers some much needed business.  Either way just this small activity could go a long way to spark interest in a bored community.


Or, maybe make them invisible, and we have to either make or buy a bound potion to see them.  This way, those that choose to play other aspects of the game can just bypass them along the way....  I have heard quite a few that really prefer to just continue leveling, and this too should be an option for them.  

#921121 New Global Events (nothing Earth-shattering here...)

Posted by BadPenny on 22 February 2015 - 21:01

There should be something more challenging, I agree.  Hunting is interminably boring, and GE's are more of that, with no XP or gold to be had.  GE's are expensive ventures, since the skeeters or what have you damage stuff at a high rate, as well...  Only those with high stam banks will ever make top 100.... This is discouraging to some..... What can be done for those with little stam/gold to spend to be competitive.... these are the people that need more incentive to participate...

#921111 New Global Events (nothing Earth-shattering here...)

Posted by WGRahl on 22 February 2015 - 18:43

Because it has been a few years since I posted this and you asked.  (And I'm a little bored atm)  I had a rather complicated GE idea that would involve everyone, benefit everyone and put everyone at risk and not just for a week.  HCS would need to find a better name but I call it the pressure value event.  Flood all the realms with low level critters like any GE and set up a pressure value gauge that goes both ways, more than one if the computers can handle it. 


The challenge to the players, kill "x" number of creatures (any, not just the easy GE creatures) an hour to hold back the hordes or something bad will happen.  Get the gauge to 5x or 10x etc and watch the rewards increase.  The rewards are up to the Cows imaginations: more frags/drops, longer buffs, monster XP bonus (+XP or *XP), bonus stam for all that qualify, extra chest show up in the realms, new creatures show up, relic bonuses, whatever.  I was thinking get the gauge in the red zone, perhaps 20x, and all creatures start producing 2x XP, but only as long as the meter stays in the red.   Do you think we could cumulatively kill 1 million creatures in an hour and maintain it?


But the gauge goes both ways (penalties): 

If we don't maintain at least a certain pressure level we get penalized (1,000 kills an hour, I don't know.)  ALL, not just the GE monsters, monsters start getting  bonus stats, immune to Epics and LE items, spell breaker, demoralize, sealed. 


Here a truly evil, if  we the players really, really suck and the meter goes a certain amount negative (less than 5,000 kills in a day, again, I don't know) the monsters start attacking the relics, in mass (all monsters in that realm), with stat bonuses.  If the monsters group take the relic they get more bonuses and some new lovely monster (SE, Titan) sits on it.   If the players/guild want the relic back they gotta take it.  It's gonna take multiple group hits to take it out. 


Some realms the monster manage to close the exit to that realm, regardless of player level so the players have to kill enough monsters in that realm to open the exit back up (unclog if you will)


Some realms go dark, bring out the invisible monsters.  Titans start generating extra lives if no one trims them down enough in an hour.   SE and Mercs start joining in the Arena and PvP ladders.  For that matter an SE lives too long (a week) and decides to try his hand at PvP and when you attack him and he lives he puts you on the BB.

#920998 What DON'T you like about PvP?

Posted by WGRahl on 21 February 2015 - 18:15

I don't like the fact that pvp is almost never true pvp... usually 1 party is well prepared while the other is offline or unbuffed.

I would like some type of pvp where I can go test my skills with other willing participants and battle a bunch over a shorter time frame.. once per hour is boring and a waste of buffs..



Along with that is my other challenge.  I realize it is my challenge, but you asked.  I have a job and a life and log in once a day.  So for example, on the ladder the most hits I can return is 2, 3 if lucky.  When I come online and find I have been 100 stammed 7 to 10 times and have over 200K in repairs there is no way to recover those points.  And sure enough for those 2 hours my opponents are online and fully buffed unlike when I was offline and unbuffed.  So it becomes less PvP and more about pounding the snot out of person in a coma.  Especially when you realize the attackers are getting no gold, no PvP prestige and no PvP Rating.  The opponents are just beating you because it's fun. 


I wonder if the idea is to run players out so you so they can be king(s) of the empty fighting ring. 


What I like about PvP:  Keeps you on your toes.  Don't keep too much gold on hand and try to find good offline gear that maybe you could win with a little luck.


The only solution I can find is to limit buffs.  Any player (in a range) can beat any other player if the target is offline , unbuffed and the attacker has time to equip the perfect set and get a 1,000 stam in buffs.

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