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Member Since 23 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active May 14 2015 17:41

#876024 Arena Update #2 v2.48

Posted by justinian9 on 27 June 2014 - 10:40

I have to agree that I like the token system.  It was a good idea!  As to devaluing the items I think that is good also.  When players wanted to create an item most the time it cost more to buy the components then it did to buy the item already created. They were over priced.

#875931 Arena Update #2 v2.48

Posted by justinian9 on 26 June 2014 - 20:22

Shindrak:  But what does that fix?  The only way to fix is to remove every ones tokens and start over.  Or issue a new token moving forward and devalue the ones earned to 1/60 the value of the new ones. Maybe even 1/100 judging by he amount some have accumulated

#875923 Arena Update #2 v2.48

Posted by justinian9 on 26 June 2014 - 19:58

Shindrak:  The time to worry about inflating the token market was yesterday when players begged the Cows to turn the arena off to keep this  from happening.  Now that some have thousands upon thousands of tokens is a day late and a dollar short.

#872343 DEFLECT!!!!!!

Posted by justinian9 on 09 June 2014 - 03:47

We have Spell Breaker, Spell Leach, and Anti-Deflect to fight Deflect.  This line of thought started years ago from PvP players threatening anyone who used it with 100 stamina hits.  That did not work so now we are trying to get removed by the Cows.  My thoughts on the subject is a PvP player quote to players that dont PvP...  this is a PvP game, get over it ... Deflect is in the game... get over it



Edited ... looks like Lellarell posted the same thing earlier... sorry did not see your post before i posted.

#868322 Guild vs. Guild 24hr Smack Down!!!! "A Storm is Coming...

Posted by justinian9 on 12 May 2014 - 20:16

i think a GvG event would be better if a guild had to challenge another guild to a guild vs guild fight listing the range(s) they wanted to use.  The number of players involved per lvl would also have to be in the challenge... both guilds would pick their champions for that/those range(s) and only those players opt in and only those players can be hit

#858988 Zombie Yeoman Global Event

Posted by justinian9 on 31 March 2014 - 20:10

Lesson number 1:  Always do the kills to get to highest tier.


Lesson number 2:  When in doubt refer to lesson 1


And while i agree we should get what we earn, I am very thankful for the upgrade.


Thank you HCS

#858565 Global Boosters

Posted by justinian9 on 29 March 2014 - 15:02

why a higher level global booster?  The cows can lower kills required to reach the levels to represent the lower number of players in the game.  

#857489 Loyalty Potions

Posted by justinian9 on 25 March 2014 - 22:29

So... what are we looking at


Reckoning 250

Distil 200

Overkill 300

Al 250 - 300

Buffs listed in AH but not created yet


Did i miss anything?

#857440 Loyalty Potions

Posted by justinian9 on 25 March 2014 - 20:01

I am thinking that if players donate to the game they should have some useful potions to pick from. 

#857421 Loyalty Potions

Posted by justinian9 on 25 March 2014 - 19:22

What about adding a loyalty potion for reckoning... maybe level 300?  Or even reckoning 300 and 400 with higher cost in points? 


Only bought by using loyality points. 


What think you?


Lets come up with some useful potions that cannot be composed and not in FS. 

#851413 New Medals!

Posted by justinian9 on 24 February 2014 - 03:49

I must say I am disappointed. I was the one that ask for these medals and the FS community liked the idea.  

Number of deposits and not the gold amount!

Not time sitting on a relics!

My whole point was to recognize players for being true guild mates and not bottom feeders.


But I have a feeling players would have been able to cheat on the gold amounts deposited anyway.... But they would have had to sit on a relic to get that one...


Use of the advisor would have recognized those selfless players first and let the others catch up.


It is, what it is

#847661 Proposed Chest Potions.

Posted by justinian9 on 10 February 2014 - 07:13

I would love to see new loyalty potions.  Potions that can only be bought using loyalty points like the chest potions.  I only use a few of the loyalty pots and my points keep climbing.

#816155 Next Roadmap - VOTE NOW!

Posted by justinian9 on 13 October 2013 - 12:40

HCS I have a question... I saw this in the forum

  Hoofmaster said Improve Top Rated Hide inactive players from all the top rated pages. Also add two new top rated lists for Composing which has the potions created and items fragmented (note this would not be retroactive). Note for guilds it would only include the contributed experience from active players when calculating the lists."


So if the inactives guild XP does not count toward guild XP does that also mean that inactives will not be counted as guild members toward gold cost on relic and structures?

#814619 Next Roadmap...

Posted by justinian9 on 03 October 2013 - 01:31

How about the ability to move stamina from current stamina  to reserve stamina.... say 10% each time we reach max stamina.... to a total percent of our max stamina.... or when you reach max stamina the hourly gain goes directly to reserve stamina... place a  cap of 10K reserve stamina or make it an upgrade to add to reserve stamina...  lots of different ways this could work. 


But HCS granted reserve is not counted in this pool as HCS  gives reserve for issues


Some reserve stamina would be nice when we just hunted and an event hits the game... really sucks when this occur.... a cap of 10K no matter your max stamina would really help the lower level players to excel in events.

#814251 Next Roadmap...

Posted by justinian9 on 02 October 2013 - 01:06

Make medals to recognize the players that work for their guild.  Guild buffers, joining groups, donating gold to guild, donating FSP... ... that kind of stuff.  We have the adviser that you can pull the info from  ...


relic defender would be nice also....

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