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Member Since 04 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active Jul 04 2022 16:35

#975341 Failed Invents

Posted by Windbattle on 13 January 2017 - 06:04

As for inventor 2 debate, it KILLS the value of items too hard and omacaz pots are too common. The cows had an IDEA for what they want new inventable epics to be ... tiered with a base epic being fodder for an improved version OR powerful epics that require some titan hunting, chest hunting, and a little luck. I say hats off to the cows

#972493 PvP prestige.

Posted by Windbattle on 27 November 2016 - 18:05

Remove XP loss from pvp hits and i'm pretty sure most people wouldn't care if you get +10 or +100 prestige from a 100 stam hit. That would open up PvP for all.




Go back to the previous system we had of standardization of pvp with 50 stam hits only. All hits are smashes and no soft hits anymore. Let the BB system post bounties and you influence the BB by putting additional gold on peoples head (like a traditional bounty if you think about it). The BB was MORE ALIVE during this system than the previous several years using the TIRED OLD system of people posting bounties. Also more profitable for BB clearers / hitters with a system posting bounties.


Honestly, I can't see why the cows ever caved on their brand new idea. Most people, if not all, actually liked it. I believe only a small group of people took offence to it cause they couldn't organize huge take 5 level parties on regular pvp.



If NO to either idea, then keep PvP the way it is.

#972492 SE Kill Log / Titan Kill Log

Posted by Windbattle on 27 November 2016 - 18:03

My suggestion would be to increase the last amount of SE killed from 10 to 30 to show a better idea of time frame of when the last SEs were killed. A similar update would be nice for titan kill log as well .. from the last 5 to maybe the last 15 titan clears.


Practical update that would be nice.

#965135 Double XP Event begins!

Posted by Windbattle on 02 July 2016 - 01:24

Seems to me what would have been fair to the community as a whole would be to have held the releasing of that last 50 levels of content until after the event.  Seeing that 50% of the community, more or less, has already spent their stam.


50%, probably more like 95% of the community. and the extra levels only really helped EOC. didn't impact a good chunk of the player base.


I'm not saying they should do surprise content blocks again .. its up to them. But having some mystery to events is exciting / fun. Lets celebrate the fact that they are trying something new to keep us entertained.

#963529 Arena

Posted by Windbattle on 21 May 2016 - 21:11

Everyone should know why Titan cooldown was introduced. It's to let other players/guilds have a chance at getting an epic. The idea of zirxa's is the same.


I don't hunt Titans nor play the Arena, so I actually couldn't care less about what happens to these areas, this is just my viewpoint.


And a version of that already exists .. its called Novice Arenas. Why not make more tiers of arenas where equal skill players can go at it?


Novice - 0-50 wins

Bronze - 50-100 wins

Silver - 100-200 wins

Gold - 200-300 wins

Best in Class - 300+ wins

#962777 Top Rated GvG Ladder Guilds That Are Banned!

Posted by Windbattle on 28 April 2016 - 20:53

any people that are 30 days or more inactive should not be in the hi-scores lists. Any guild that even remotely is suspected of cheating should not be listed in the hi-scores list, upon confirmation of cheating.

#962776 Increasing BB activity :)

Posted by Windbattle on 28 April 2016 - 20:51

bring back the BB system where you get posted based on gold stolen. I hardly see anyone get posted in the BB and frankly it makes a mockery of the BB medal.

#962018 Hoarder Medal

Posted by Windbattle on 09 April 2016 - 15:47

Keep the medal.. add another for top 100... simple


what if your goal is to earn every medal? which I know many at EOC are interested in doing at some point? Seems kind of BS to put a 40-50k FSP barrier between you and achieving that.

#960800 Coming Next Week.

Posted by Windbattle on 17 March 2016 - 03:28

Since this thread got hijacked about FSH ... I'll weigh in as well.


I'm for keeping FSH as long as there isn't any automated feature in FSH that isn't in FS already. I would leave it up to the cows to decide which automation is okay for the game and which automation is not okay for the game. HOWEVER, everyone should have access to the same level of automation (which is Reborn's point I feel). If FSH mainly just helps reorganize pages, fonts, etc., I don't see the harm in that customization. The issue for me, and probably many others, is the automation aspect and stat configuring / gear set-up automation --> Not talking about combat sets. I know someone will try to troll me on that.


No to extra automation because it takes away skill from the game and is against terms of service. The stat configuring automation because it takes all the skill out of Arena, Relic captures, and PvP. People should learn how to put set-ups together and add stuff up. With chance buffs, its a crap shoot anyways haha.

#959257 Relic Relinquishing or Expand Guild Rights

Posted by Windbattle on 16 February 2016 - 01:16

I would like to see this feature HOWEVER, you must hold the relic at least one hour before relinquishing it.  Otherwise, 2 guilds could collude on a time to relinquish at less than an hour and take back and forth while preventing a third guild the opportunity to recapture.  Extreme and rare situation but it if the possibility is there, it will happen eventually.


Nice catch with potential abuse. If our FS community is good at anything, we are world class potential abusers of in-game mechanics, = ).


I would go a step further and say at least 3 hours before you could relinquish. to avoid the situation you mentioned above.

#959251 Relic Relinquishing or Expand Guild Rights

Posted by Windbattle on 16 February 2016 - 00:57

As the title suggests, i'm suggesting an addition to relics called relic relinquishing. It stands to reason that if you can empower a relic for greater benefits, you should also be able to get rid of relics you no longer want.

That is where Relic Relinquishing would be awesome.


Perhaps your guild has outgrown a relic and would prefer to go after tougher relics (just one example). In order to be competitive with current rules, you get a lead defender penalty for the number of relics you control as a guild. so many guilds aim to keep this number low to protect key relics.


And for those that really dislike relic relinquishing (although I really don't understand how you could be against it), how about expanded guild rights to limit the number of people to take relics. We have empower rights, why not relic taking rights as well?


This has been an issue that has bugged me for 2-3 years and never understood why there couldn't be a fix to it.



Would love comments. Cheers



#959155 Unfinished Business

Posted by Windbattle on 14 February 2016 - 20:22

I would have the entire staff work like crazy for 2-3 weeks to make MEANINGFUL updates to 1 of their games, then move on to the next game. make sure each game gets a little love to 1) inspire the player base; 2) keep up with updates; 3) address major issues in the game. 


Its not working for you guys to assign X person to X game for months and months. You need a surge of talent on A SPECIFIC game to get stuff done quickly and efficiently sometimes. 

#959150 Suggetion/idea: Make PvP Ladder not work with buffs, other reworks

Posted by Windbattle on 14 February 2016 - 19:53

Composing allowed noobs to make some FSP and got rid of some useless gear. It had its benefits but if they come out with level 70 ... I will lose my mind if it effects existing skills in composing. If they want to add some new composing only skills, go for it. 
Activity is WAY down overall for this game and pvp ladder / pvping is close to, if not at, its lowest point ever in the game. I remember seeing 10-30 people easily in the ladder at any bracket at any given time of year in 2009-2011. Maybe 1 or 2 brackets have that kind of participating still ... even after more rewards were added to pvp ladder. I remember seeing 5-20 incoming gvgs every week into my guild. I would be lucky to see 2-3 in a month now. Used to be 1 page or more of RP items selling ... your lucky to see 1 listing of each RP item now. Do I need to give more examples? I hope not.
If you guys are happy with pvp activity numbers becoming terrible like that then I don't know what to tell you. I personally find that to be a failure, BUT its not impossible to turn it around.
A well thought out overhaul of the system to avoid abuses and focus on strategic use of current / future sets without a super reliance on overpowered buffs is the future of pvp in this game. 
This is what the OP had in mind.

#959148 Suggetion/idea: Make PvP Ladder not work with buffs, other reworks

Posted by Windbattle on 14 February 2016 - 19:37

And also there are some pretty potent pots available as rewards from the pvp ladder should we also do away with these because xyz does not have them?


There should be no guaranteed level floor everyone had the opportunity to Compose as others have and used if you want to be level spend the time and gold or find a traveller.


I knew at least a few people were going to have this type of reaction to a change in pvp ladder. Lets break some myths down shall we ...


1) PvP ladder chests / buffs have NEVER BEEN MORE POWERFUL than they are now. For a reward that is awesome .. but in terms of logistics with some players having farmed 1000's of tokens PRIOR to these new rewards its DEVASTATING. I know several people that are currently trying to get domiance medals / compete in the ladder and are getting beat badly cause of these super long duration potions. FIX: Consider reducing duration of potions (with brew master and pride its very easy to have long duration anyways). We don't need buffs to last longer than a pvp ladder.


2) Composing shouldn't be a WIN button for every aspect of the game. Let me repeat this ... Composing shouldn't be a WIN button for every aspect of the game. Is it reasonably available for all guilds to have level 60 composers? HELL NO. Travelling composers are expensive and the rewards from ladder simply are not good enough to offset that cost + buffing up yourself / buying buffs + buying other pots to compete ... and lets not forget stamina for hitting. 


Areas of the game where composing gives you a HUGE Leg up:

1) Frag Farming - Access to high AM and Lady Luck

2) Global Events - Access to high AM, CON, and Global Booster

3) Leveling - Access to high CON, AL, Stalker, SH, Cord Att, Buff Enhancer, etc

4) Titan Hunting - Access to high CON, SH, Cord Att

5) GvGing - too many to bother listing


I'm sure there is more areas of the game that got heavily impacted by composing but I think you get the point.


***One area of the game shouldn't dominate all others. That by definition would be a heavily unbalanced system. I think we can all agree on that.


***Composing has nothing to do with pvp ladders and shouldn't have any business in there. Ladders are hard enough with multiple targets changing gears and buffs with cloak on to be messing around with ungodly high buff levels. 



Final Note: I personally would not do additional ladders with the current system until I have access to these super buffs cause your fighting an uphill battle. Cows have always stated that they were about inclusion of all players but that is a laughable statement when you allow overpowered buffs to be used in the ladder. It does exactly the opposite of that ... it EXCLUDES people from ever attempting doing ladder. 

#959147 Suggetion/idea: Make PvP Ladder not work with buffs, other reworks

Posted by Windbattle on 14 February 2016 - 19:30

I would be against point 7 only actually. You would be flying completely blind into hitting your opponent then. If you have no idea of what gear they have equipped (except reasonable guessing / prior experience), no idea on their stat totals, AND no idea on stat bonuses ... then its not skill at that point to me. 


You had some good ideas Gutie but point 7 goes too far for me. This is coming from a guy with Silver Dominance and Silver Smasher medal (earned mainly in ladders).

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