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Member Since 17 Nov 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 17 2021 04:33

#1002537 Forest of Yule begins!

Posted by sohail94 on 21 December 2020 - 05:55

no bro, hunted cow amulet and hunted cow helm need staying best 7 stamina, they difficult for getting and is inventing, hcs not stupid and knowing if they putting titan drop helm or amulet 7 stamina gain they will destroying hunted cow helm and amulet


if wanting new helm or amulet then need be 6 stamina or lower, best for low players make epics 

warhammer used to be difficult too once, now we have 2 +7 weapons. eventually they will make +7 amulet/helm too.

#1002498 Towers => Orbs

Posted by BadPenny on 18 December 2020 - 02:56

no not trolling just saying the same as what penny is saying that it will only help a select few not the whole game as a whole 


things like a dq re roll would be a better thing to start with 


just cause my opinion is not like yours how does that mean im trolling

Welcome to this side of the street.  


@Mary, it's not your idea that I disagree with, it's that massive list.  It needs some serious adjustments in order for the idea to be good for the game as a whole.  

#1002496 Forest of Yule begins!

Posted by Prop on 18 December 2020 - 02:26

I have no idea, just speculating on two what could be related items to the 4700 quest being called Sinister Snowmen and the artwork. It is pretty fancy artwork for an elite I admit, guess we'll know tomorrow when people can get there and churn through the stages.


It being a new titan would be good with me, wasn't trying to put a downer on it all. :)

#1002440 Towers => Orbs

Posted by Pardoux on 14 December 2020 - 00:54

Loving anything (well, almost anything) that boosts the game, but this just seems (from the example cited above) to be a way for those guilds holding a gazillion worthless epics to turn them into something much better.

Provide further examples for SE hunters and LE hunters etc etc and then I'll give a more balanced viewpoint

#1002430 help with ladder

Posted by BadPenny on 12 December 2020 - 06:18

that's cuz the one that "knows things" no longer speaks with us

#1002390 New skills in Christmas Chest 2020?

Posted by Alisa on 08 December 2020 - 05:47

all fren imo is totally useless as well ,dont think ive ever used assit since lev 1 ,but hey new stuff im happy


no lib 850 in boxes ,makes the celebration chest a bit more expensive

i would like to keep the celebration chest a rare release. keeps the price tag high :)

#1002391 Combat logs still bugged

Posted by Tilley10 on 08 December 2020 - 05:56

+10% multiplied by 0 = 0

#1002344 Legendary Attack!

Posted by Tilley10 on 04 December 2020 - 18:34

Looks like 9 items used for Legendary Frags.

#1002267 Forming guild groups are busted

Posted by Grumpy Grey on 23 November 2020 - 22:06

Perhaps the Update was designed so people start playing the game instead of idling and waiting to build stam forever. :blink: 
Regardless it certainly has piqued  interest and instigated some discussion not to mention more activity in game

#1002235 New Medal Tier

Posted by Alisa on 17 November 2020 - 12:59

but neverending trolling is perfectly acceptable ? - hmm

Stop it... You are feeding it.

#1002209 Combat logs still bugged

Posted by yghorbeviahn on 15 November 2020 - 04:36


All the recent updates and the new content for the big guys are nice and all, and I'm sure we all enjoyed the Halloween events, but, come on guys:
Badpenny activated Conserve.
Badpenny's demoralize skill reduced the effectiveness of *********'s enhancements.
Badpenny activated Anti Deflect.
Badpenny was infused with extra armor (Sanctuary).
Badpenny activated Ageless.
Badpenny's attack increased by 3249, damage increased by 1904
***********'s defense was reduced by 35% by Dark Curse.
+10% gold stolen from ***********
Badpenny hits ******* for 13631 damage.
Badpenny was victorious! (Guild Conflict Combat)
Really?  When will this be fixed?



The way I see it, that part exclusively is fixed.

You stole 10% more gold because of Master Thief, 10% over nothing is nothing (GvG)...It can be removed from GvG logs, but the way I see it is it's just showing the activation of the Enhancement, idk.

#1002189 Game Update v2.194.0

Posted by Removed4427 on 14 November 2020 - 03:57

if you check back i think it was me who sent you all pms about it


if it has come to the point we are considering giving activeh1 mass messaging privileges notifying us of game changes


then truly the Apocalypse is near

#1002187 Game Update v2.194.0

Posted by BadPenny on 14 November 2020 - 01:14

Since I was recently told that nobody wants to know what I think, I'll just agree with duckie....

#1002181 Game Update v2.194.0

Posted by Mzzery on 13 November 2020 - 21:04

I think this "update" is broken. I don't understand the logic behind it at all. 

#1002161 Game Update v2.194.0

Posted by Alisa on 13 November 2020 - 09:06

Can we get a final answer on this please, we have heard different answers from different Devs.

i been using the same group to attack a relic, im currently 4/5  and other times 1-3/5. i kinda like it this way.

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