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#944471 GvG Revival Thread [Official GvG Suggestion & Discussion]

Posted by vlkfenrir on 11 August 2015 - 14:54

I'm not sure that the increase in stamina usage is what is increasing activity but rather the larger reward due to it?


Maybe we could look at an option whereby the guild can specify the minimum stamina per attack in the conflict that affects the reward given - just thinking out loud :)



I am afraid that the ability to set the minimum stam per hit in a conflict can be sort of abused by guilds with attackers with high max stamina as it could to certain degree limit the oponents ability to strike back for example because that guild just had a "lvling day" resulting in most members being out of stam and they would not be able to manage all required hits. Just my opinion.

#921561 Quit setting us up for failure ..

Posted by vlkfenrir on 25 February 2015 - 22:21

I want to make two points. If an player with 20k max stamina spends 5.000 stamina on a event and gets two chests, his chests will be worth 40.000 stamina of extra gains (more xp, big AM etc). But when an player with an max of 1k stamina spends the same 5.000 stamina on a event he will also gets two chests which will be worth 2.000 stamina of extra gains. The ROI (return on Investment) for lower max stamina players is way lower.


What I suggest is that for every 100 kills made, you will get 1 token. And with this token you can buy buffs. Make it rather low level buffs, but they will last for a long time, lets say 3h or so. So, an AL200 for 3h. (think about the levelling packs you can buy with GvG tokens??!)  But now comes the neat part, the price of the buffs depend on your current stamina. So, if you have less then 1000 current stamina it will cost you 1 token, do you have 2000 current stamina it will cost 2 tokens. Ofcourse buffs are cast instantly, but you can store your tokens. The tokens are not tradeable. Ofcourse AL200 might be excessive, but I think it should be above the buffs normally casted.  


The player from 20k max stamina who only does the 5.000 kills will have to do four globals, to get ONE full stamina hunt with the AL200, but the 1000 max stamina player can have 50 hunts, or 25 hunts with AL200/LIB200 or whatever option available.

Mainly for new players this sounds like pretty good idea, considering it as addition not replacement for current system.

#921466 Content Roadmap.

Posted by vlkfenrir on 25 February 2015 - 12:10

Would not even argue if it was in the oposite order. Anyway thanks for keeping us updated.

#921333 Quit setting us up for failure ..

Posted by vlkfenrir on 24 February 2015 - 18:30

I don't think you understand the point here. Doesn't matter who did or didn't use their stam. It is a matter of the attitude of the players. Not everyone is going to try to accomplish the unachievable. It is called discouragement and many of us feel discouraged due to wasting thousands upon thousands of stam and never making it to even the top 100. And then we get even more let down by not making it to the top tier. So why even try?

Yea yea why even try... lets better complain on the forums. Those who were not going to even try to achieve the "unachievable" should not complain for it not being achieved in the end. The fact you were not even trying seriously decreases the validity of your comments I would dare to say. I am usually not posting such comments, but this sounds a bit too much for me.

#921177 Gargantuan Mosquitos IV (Global)

Posted by vlkfenrir on 23 February 2015 - 13:01

I don't really like this idea, it is suppose to be the community together, not guilds vs guilds.


Got exactly the same feeling about it.

#917599 Game Update v2.64

Posted by vlkfenrir on 30 January 2015 - 20:59

Some items have fewer attributes when crafted poor, so when fully hell forged they would have higher damage than a perfect one. Examples: Samaels Void Spear - a poor only have attack and damage, while higher crafts have attack, armor, hp and damage. Another example is the Raggghza's tooth amulet, that have only damage as poor, but hp and damage as crafted "better".


In fact raggz amulet can be even average as a single stat item. Other than this detail it is exactly the reason.

#917508 Can we have some Legendaries back out in the realms please?

Posted by vlkfenrir on 30 January 2015 - 10:15

The forum search function can help Pennah's faulty memory. ;)

Here's what I found when I searched for "chomper": 


That event was at the end of July 2014.


Yep, thats when crystalline chomper as a highest lvl chomper came out. Considering it is lvl 2120 I doubt many would argue against some even bigger nasty beast :-)

#917281 Remember the Gnarled Scarab Spike?

Posted by vlkfenrir on 28 January 2015 - 14:39

Plus it was harder to get all the components because it was first introduced when the mummy was in the caves. Once the mummy went to the realms, then the components were much easier to get and the prices dropped exponentially.


If new items are to be added to be similar to the Gnarled Scarab series, then I vote to keep the LEs that produce the components in the caves. One, it would be a popular gold sink. Two, it would keep some value in those items.


Perhaps other option would be to use SE items instead of LEs. Yes they are around all the time yet their numbers are somehow limited... for example destroyer pot still holds some value since it is being used in inventing and Malphas is one of the few almost regularly hunted SEs now.

  • 3JS likes this

#916939 Rather than new skills why not make current buffs more powerful, or both?

Posted by vlkfenrir on 25 January 2015 - 13:01

Considering buff enhancer already increases lvl of skills cast I do not think this would do any good.

#916788 Despawn Titans/SE/ regualar Creatures during globals?

Posted by vlkfenrir on 24 January 2015 - 07:19

I rarely reach top 100 still I believe I usually do a fair bit extra over the minimum needed for ruby but the GE goes on for 5(6?) days and its quite some time to do some SE hunt (or similar thing of course) in the meantime. Completely prohibiting any other actions during GE would not help with reaching the goal in my eyes. I would even be a bit afraid if it would not lead to loss of players. Just one personal view of this.

#916513 Content Roadmap.

Posted by vlkfenrir on 22 January 2015 - 10:50

It is pretty Evil to add new content just after GE! :angry:


Thanks anyway. :)

#911244 Hire Mercenary? please fix this part of the game

Posted by vlkfenrir on 21 December 2014 - 11:20

I see the issue with the mercs but for this exact case I fully agree with Pardoux the best way to deal with the 1600 SEs is to solo them. Yes it is not a safe way, the chance of being killed is considerable but I believe it is the most efficient way.

#837691 Seasonal Titan TKP Exploit

Posted by vlkfenrir on 06 January 2014 - 06:40

Well if one can basically get the epic and some extra TKPs from a single titan then there is something wrong with that.

#837267 New Content. 1901 -1925.

Posted by vlkfenrir on 04 January 2014 - 07:03

I think you need to reactivate the Titan. It spawned before the content was released (then the news post disappeared) so I am guessing you turned its spawning off?


I would like to also ask if it is actually spawning already or not, please.


And for whoever wrote this quest arc (I am getting a bit clueless whose work is what lately, srry) I would like to say how much happy I am to see the best "quest helper character" to reapear. All the time since Khartak I was looking forward to see Virmalthorn again - his dialogs there and in the new content as well are just great :-) Also glad he is still on "our" side. Thank You

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