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Member Since 22 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active Mar 05 2016 14:59

#822848 Hunting Setup List

Posted by koenvdv on 28 November 2013 - 19:36

I have added a backup site in case wiki goes down: http://fallenswordda...ListBackup.html

#822837 WIKI: What's up with graphics?

Posted by koenvdv on 28 November 2013 - 19:07

So I have written in a ticket a possible solution to the problem. 


quote ticket:

"Would it be possible to replace "" with "huntedcow.cachefly.net/fs" this should fix thousends of pages all at once. So I don't have to waste days on fixing all of them manualy.

I found something that could do that:http://www.mediawiki...:Replace_Text" 

#822811 wiki: items

Posted by koenvdv on 28 November 2013 - 15:25




I am currently writing the tool to create wiki item pages from the official guide. It is still under construction and incomplete but here is a first taste:




If u find any bugs or missing information please report them here. Add a link to the official guide item and what is wrong/missing.


I can only add information that is shown on the official guide. Since it doesn't contain durability this is not automaticly written by the tool.



Current bugs:

  • when items created by recipe or used in recipe: information gets put on wrong place.





#822474 Wiki: creatures

Posted by koenvdv on 26 November 2013 - 10:14

After the last tool to make creating wiki areas easier and adding the areas up to level 1775 I created a new tool to convert Official Guide Creatures to wiki format:




Please report any bugs back to me.



  • creatures without () in their name don't seem to work. --> temporary fix: rarity not defined

Fixed the bug. One ) was placed wrong in the code  :wacko:

#821104 Fastest Way to Level Up Composing

Posted by koenvdv on 19 November 2013 - 12:04

Thank you so much guys! I did not know a wiki existed for composing! :)

About 5 people help keeping the composing wiki page up to date and several people have made tools to calculate things like XP, fragment costs, etc...


But we need more people to keep the rest of wiki updated.


The topic of his calculator is: http://forums.hunted...571#entry811621

#821085 Wiki: areas

Posted by koenvdv on 19 November 2013 - 10:11

I have added all maps of level 1105-1200 and 1251-1700 with all the information it should have, exept the World Area Map location.


To add these I have used this tool: http://fallenswordda...Wiki/index.html


You can use it by copying the HTML from the official guide into the top left box and clicking Create Map. It will somethimes ask u to give the Quest or Portal name if there are any. Check the location on official guide and fill in the quest name, nothing or portal. Quest names on that area will be shown in the box quests after u clicked Create Map.


If the text on the left didn't disapear after clicking Create Map then there has gone something wrong.


If the tool doesn't work and the map images have been added already then u can add the creatures, quest, stair links, etc. manualy.


To add links on the map, u have to use the template mapnote (http://wiki.fallensword.com/index.php/Template:MapNote).


It is easy to do and I'll give a little explenation.



Go to wiki, log in and go to the area by searching his name or using the list of areas. Klick edit next to map to edit the map.

The map is built in a table and it has a row and column number. It will look like this:

|0 (row 0)
|image (column 1)
|image (column 2)
|image (column 3)
|1 (row 1)
|- indicates a new row and | indicates a new column in that row
Often the link of stairs has the word stair in it so u could look for them with ctrl+F. The first one u get will be the highest most to the left. This can help to speed up the process.
Now to add a stair link with mapnote u have to change this:
by replacing | with |{{MapNote|image= and at the end u put |target=PAGE TO LINK TO|type=TYPE OF PAGE}}
It will look like this then:
|{{MapNote|image=http://huntedcow.cachefly.net/fs/stairways/2143_b.gif|target=PAGE TO LINK TO|type=TYPE OF PAGE}}
Now u only need to replace PAGE TO LINK TO with the area name it takes u to and TYPE OF AREA with A for areas and WA for world areas.

#819367 Kill any creature available on any map.

Posted by koenvdv on 11 November 2013 - 13:50

My suggestion is simple (in theory). I would like to be able to 'hunt' any creature I choose, whether it is a level 314 (my level), 500, or even EoC.


I was talking to somebody about this, and it was suggested that we should be allowed to go to the map, regardless of level. I see a problem with this: It was recently voted to keep allowing people to hunt back levels at the highest map they've gotten to so far as long as they dont leave the map, and to allow ANYONE to go anywhere, would mean those people couldn't hunt (as we would need to 0 any XP gained, so it couldnt be abused. Unless people dont mind letting people at 300 hunt for XP at EoC. ;) )


SO I was thinking some kind of 'monster arena'. A place where you can choose what to kill, for a stam cost (throw in a gold cost if you want). If you die, you dont lose anything, and you dont gain anything if you win.


This could double as a 'pre-hunt stat check'. Allowing you to test if you have the stats to kill w/e you're facing :)


I am of the opinion that current gear options are overpowered in a hunt. If I can successfully kill a monster 5x my level or more (which I can), some scaling needs to be done, including a rebalance of gear and/or creature stats.


I am against this. It gives certain people an advantage over other since they can kill stronger creatures and get more XP because they can invest more in pots/gear then others. It would also allow people to pick out the easy creatures to kill with their gear. Now u have to find a way to beat the stronger creatures of your level who tend to pop up on occasional levels.


I do not find it a negative thing that I have a gear that can kill creatures easely ... it also has a downside that I can get killed easely. 


It would also destroy stamina(kills)/level ... I see possibilities for verry low levels to kill verry high and get a level in maybe 2 kills by killing undead with the HF from global pot and 100% wither etc.


I do not see the need of a monster arena.

#818718 Combat simulator

Posted by koenvdv on 06 November 2013 - 14:29




I am currently working on a combat simulator that will predict if u will damage the opponent or not and how much you will need if you don't have enough of a stat.


For this I write functions to see if the attack is higher then the defence and so on. Could anyone take a look if I made any mistakes so far and does anyone know if I apply the buffs correctly? I have used the buffs the same way as it does on damage (which formula I got by trial and error).


Buffs currently added: Dark Curse, Flinch, Constitution, Terrorize, Sanctuary, Nightmare Visage, Barricade, Death Dealer.


Buffs on to add list: Chi Strike, Fortitude, Anchored, Sever condition


Currently in simulator: compare stats


on to add list: amount of hits to kill message and how much stats needed to be protected from hits




I have used variables that are easy to understand attacker_stat is the stat of the attacker and attacker_buff is the buff level of the attacker


var attacker_attack_total=(attacker_attack-attacker_nightmare_visage*0.25/100*attacker_attack)*(1-defender_flinch*0.1/100);
var attacker_damage_total=(attacker_damage-attacker_barricade*0.15/100*attacker_damage+attacker_chi_strike*0.1/100*attacker_hp)*attacker_dd*(1-defender_terrorize*0.1/100);
var attacker_defense_total=(attacker_defense+attacker_nightmare_visage*0.25/100*attacker_attack+attacker_barricade*0.15/100*attacker_damage)*(1-defender_dark_curse*0.2/100)*(1+attacker_constitution*0.1/100);
var attacker_armor_total=(attacker_armor*(1+attacker_sanctuary*0.1/100*attacker_armor)*(1-defender_smite*0.1/100));
var attacker_hp_total=(attacker_hp+attacker_fortitude*0.1/100*attacker_defense+attacker_anchored*0.05/100*attacker_damage);

var defender_attack_total=(defender_attack-defender_nightmare_visage*0.25/100*defender_attack)*(1-attacker_flinch*0.1/100);
var defender_damage_total=(defender_damage-defender_barricade*0.15/100*defender_damage+defender_chi_strike*0.1/100*defender_hp)*(1-attacker_terrorize*0.1/100);
var defender_defense_total=(defender_defense+defender_nightmare_visage*0.25/100*defender_attack+defender_barricade*0.15/100*defender_damage)*(1-attacker_dark_curse*0.2/100)*(1+defender_constitution*0.1/100);
var defender_armor_total=(defender_armor*(1+defender_sanctuary*0.1/100));
var defender_hp_total=(defender_hp+defender_fortitude*0.1/100*defender_defense+defender_anchored*0.05/100*defender_damage);

#818306 Development Roadmap (Updated 7th Mar 2014)

Posted by koenvdv on 02 November 2013 - 17:35

There ain't no rest for the wicked
Money don't grow on trees
I got bills to pay
I got mouths to feed
Ain't nothing in this world for free
No I can't slow down
I can't hold back
Though you know I wish I could
No there ain't no rest for the wicked
Until we close our eyes for good

#817911 Oidhche Shamhna!

Posted by koenvdv on 29 October 2013 - 19:04

My Fire Sword (Epic) seems to have disapeared ... Did I delete it by accident, unlikely since it should be in seperate gear folder.



.... huh I removed the new spook smasher and there it was :o


... FS is haunted!

#817272 Guild Scumbag

Posted by koenvdv on 23 October 2013 - 17:35

202 now *Beep Beep* Catch me if ya can!

I can't ... could u level up to my level please?

  • Rek likes this

#816575 Content Roadmap.

Posted by koenvdv on 16 October 2013 - 17:40


#815783 Next Roadmap - VOTE NOW!

Posted by koenvdv on 10 October 2013 - 12:26

How about a rework of the top rated section? Instead of that u need to klick on each list to see your position, you could show all your positions and show the full list when u click on that. Like this for example:


#815445 Next Roadmap...

Posted by koenvdv on 08 October 2013 - 09:35

There should be a little bar on the side, so even when you're hunting, titan hunting, PVPing, you can see how far along your compositing potions are coming =)

Don't make screen overfilled ... log message when finished will do  :P

#815310 Next Roadmap...

Posted by koenvdv on 07 October 2013 - 12:51

A new XP level formula for composing ... with this one it gets hard to fast and people with few time, frags or gold can't get a decent level and loose interest. It's also discouraging that it takes months just to get to doubler or AM. To try and make starting with composing easier and get people to actualy try it, the XP formula needs to be changed.


If you would change the amount of XP needed for next level from linear to the power of 2 then you would get fast leveling at start and slow leveling at the end. The total XP formula will then be a with a power of 3. A XP formula with the same XP at level 50 is for example:

XP =((LVL-1)^3)*5

For comparasing I have put the old and new formula in a graph:


XP =((LVL-1)^2)*25      XP =((LVL-1)^3)*5

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