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Member Since 08 Jun 2013
Offline Last Active Yesterday, 16:47

#1002845 Bug Fixes

Posted by Corrupted on 16 January 2021 - 03:38

XXXXXXX activated the following skill(s) on you: Quest Finder (30), Quest Finder (30), Quest Finder (30), Quest Finder (30), Quest Finder (30), Quest Finder (30), Quest Finder (30), Quest Finder (30), Quest Finder (30), Quest Finder (30), Quest Finder (30), Quest Finder (30), Quest Finder (30), Quest Finder (30), Quest Finder (30), Quest Finder (30).


Looks like something broke the buff notifications.

If it's broke it better stay broke. Loving that format. Less log clog.

#1002778 Double Composing XP LIX

Posted by Corrupted on 08 January 2021 - 20:03

Another rumoUr has it that there's loads of players with gazillions of frags and nothing new to use 'em on :)

Them rumours ring louder and louder as the days go. Wouldn't want to start a commotion, keep it on the low 😂

#1002774 Double Composing XP LIX

Posted by Corrupted on 08 January 2021 - 15:45

Rumor has it some people are out of common frags out there and would love a GE to get their fragments from 😩

#1002686 Flight of Dragons Wave 2!

Posted by Corrupted on 29 December 2020 - 16:53


#1002558 Changes to Arterial Strike

Posted by Corrupted on 22 December 2020 - 16:40

Interesting that you knew since at the latest yesterday but the change came well after it wasn't useful to the people using it anymore. I don't know about you, but I would feel cheated if my competition got to sit naked gaining hundreds of levels using minimal stam. But alas.

I hope everyone else had a great Double XP hunting creatures. And congratulations to FFS on being #1 again - was fun watching the counters going up on both ends.

Happy holidays to everyone and HCS, and remember - if you don't socially distance from my range, I'll take your gold.


#1002553 Asaharas Gold sink thread

Posted by Corrupted on 22 December 2020 - 04:31

lost 1839659 gold of which SilentS0ul stole 1379745 gold

lost 3143515 gold of which SilentS0ul stole 2357637 gold

lost 3480506 gold of which SilentS0ul stole 2610380 gold


lost 4489922 gold of which SilentS0ul stole 3367442 gold

Same guy in less than 24 hours.


#1002500 Towers => Orbs

Posted by Corrupted on 18 December 2020 - 12:49

I think if something promotes activity within the game is good for the game as a whole.

Involving players from multiple facets of the game (Arena, Ladder, Titan, so on) can be good too. Very few players have access to *all* the resources on this list. I think most players will find themselves taking to the market to get their hands on these upgrades. Eventually, a shortage of goods will happen and everyone (little guy included) will try to get their hands on anything they can sell at a profit.

It will create activity in the long term, because even if they "big guys" don't take long to get it, the "smaller guys" will have something to work on for the long term.

The list might need some tweaking (less Hunted Cow items, higher # of lower Epics because of availability) but beyond that, I think something like this could benefit *everyone*. Some will just get it faster than others, that's all. Which is not a new thing, but hey.

#1002383 New skills in Christmas Chest 2020?

Posted by Corrupted on 07 December 2020 - 18:50

I think it would be beneficial to have a post of its own with all the updates that came along, including these news buffs.

#1001874 Double Composing XP LVII

Posted by Corrupted on 23 October 2020 - 16:15

Thanks for the event, moo! (Boo?)

#1001696 Legendary Creatures Attack!

Posted by Corrupted on 06 October 2020 - 17:20

Don't forget there's a lot of threads over the years that had great ideas too. Those would be good places to look :)

#1001204 Asaharas Gold sink thread

Posted by Corrupted on 13 August 2020 - 23:11

X lost 19281501 gold of which SilentS0ul stole 14461126 gold



#1001200 inactive backpacs

Posted by Corrupted on 13 August 2020 - 15:28

Rather obviously not. Please don't be obtuse for the sake of it. Is it your backpack? Are you in the same Guild? If not, LEAVE THEM ALONE. They have nothing to do with you.

~ Grim


I'm not being "obtuse for the sake of it". All I'm saying is that your explanations are not clear enough. The community is trying to get some verdict on how HCS sees this type of stuff (sending items to inactives). You are the only HCS staff person who participates in the Forums and the only point of reference we have for a lot of these issues.

At the same time, I'm not advocating for the mechanics in the game to change (we know how long those take). All I (we) want is to know what the Admins' take is on the situation and what should (or not) be expected of players in terms of actions and behavior.

I would also like to remind you, English is not my first language. I'm not here to be rebellious or dramatic.

#1000832 Asaharas Gold sink thread

Posted by Corrupted on 07 July 2020 - 00:23

*XD* lost 7959209 gold of which SilentS0ul stole 5969407 gold

#999397 Double Composing XP L

Posted by Corrupted on 08 December 2019 - 00:49

Most people don't care to level composing since it's much easier to just buy potion from your guild mates for the most part

#999275 Guild Advisor Broken

Posted by Corrupted on 13 November 2019 - 15:27

It isn't so much about the Advisor. It just sets a precedent for things to come. The Wiki had a lot of information that would've been of use to newer players and it's gone. Now we have another function of the game that relies on historical data.... That's missing a large part of it.

While it won't affect most players at a basic levels, I'm sure leaders used this information and relied on it for some other aspects of the game.

What's to say something more important won't just go poof in the future and all we can do is shrug and move along?

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