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Member Since 23 Nov 2013
Offline Last Active Jul 23 2016 12:46

#870856 Why I'm Upset About Templar Changes

Posted by Susej on 30 May 2014 - 20:44

Agreed in all you said, still hybrid tanks took a huge hit with despair...


SO IMO all tanks suffered from this update.


So mostly a bad update

#869930 New Potion Idea

Posted by Susej on 23 May 2014 - 16:36

Fleetfoot is really sort of useless.

If tehy would made that pot i would wear my blue rabbit suit an write in caps lock " I GOTTA GO FAST"

#869889 New Potion Idea

Posted by Susej on 23 May 2014 - 07:22

I can just see all the Rangers dropping the Fleetfoot buff...

Defined zirconia, fleetfoot buff, speed obelisk,+10% speed from flash freeze, supper speed pot...........



Btw i had flashfreeze but then i respeced but before i had Defined zirconia, fleetfoot buff, speed obelisk,+10% speed from flash freeze, and the game LAGGED heavily when i flash freezed, but i never did dailies so fast, i want this plz HCS do this PLZ :ph34r:  :ph34r:  :ph34r: :ph34r:  :ph34r:  :ph34r:  

#869090 OTTOS house

Posted by Susej on 16 May 2014 - 21:40


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#868972 Achievement: Medic denied

Posted by Susej on 16 May 2014 - 09:26

She has a set healpoint with 2 sins youll only make her heal sooner

#867605 Creeps not attacking...

Posted by Susej on 09 May 2014 - 07:49

He has killed SO MANY of his brethren that they spread the information, now they are afraid mongo...

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#867029 Cooldowns

Posted by Susej on 05 May 2014 - 21:39

It happens way to often ppl needing to do a wc break attending a call helping a family member so on and so on, we all have personal lives.


But buffs, pot and food cds are going down so i would suggest the "/liedown" "/sit" would lower the cooldown speed we are resting things tend to digest slower....






#865637 Golden Reinedor Statue in fountain

Posted by Susej on 28 April 2014 - 07:10

YES plz.

Sometimes i cant find you by the fountain.

#865367 Summoned wolf pet - more aggro

Posted by Susej on 26 April 2014 - 16:01

*Falcon you should suggest hcs a single player mode. were everything is easier and you dont need to socialize.

As to make money well at you level there a good grind spots.






EDIT:grammar mistake

#863643 Dungeon daily quests

Posted by Susej on 18 April 2014 - 07:28

Yep i agree as well, this sets will make ppl that spend $'s o have the sets faster and without all the hassle, as the game is going now the game does not appear to be  f2p, the demand for flakes is rising and flakes in marquet are diminishing atm flakes are never less then 30EP(or 60gold) that is 8400ep or roughly 16800gold for you guth :(, that is 15800 over the gold cap at level 50.


I normally get daily 100-150 artisan points a day that is more then one month just for the trinket set.




With stats scalling to our level that trinket set is very valuable, but 80flakes...



#862261 2 Things i truly want to see in game

Posted by Susej on 12 April 2014 - 07:30

You can left click in the shop to preview what the vanity will look like

#860278 Legendary Treasure Chest

Posted by Susej on 04 April 2014 - 19:11

The only problem here is the players not HCS, they exploited a bug almost knowingly,  this was discussed on the chat and no one had the decency of asking HCS what would happen, not even myself  :( lol.

#859256 Remove NPC Potions

Posted by Susej on 01 April 2014 - 21:06

The npc L40 potions are more expensive then players have been selling to men and heal less 1000 HP/MP

#858848 Karma

Posted by Susej on 31 March 2014 - 07:14

Hello and good morning.


I really like helping lower level players doing their dungeons, but yesterday i came to an idea.


the other day i did around 10 runs of vault and it cost me around 30gold of repairs, that is one ASV run to get the daily chest if you get gold just to help ppl...


I dont know the formula for repair but i could be reduced when killing lower level mobs, so i am level 40 and i take 100% armor damage(the normal damage we receive now) against a level 40, so i would take from a level 15 is 37.50% of damage repairs(from the normal damage we receive now).


This or we could have a Karma system in wich all damage we took if in party with our pupil would be reduced or we could be compensated in prestige/artisan points.


We have a reduced community and that makes the community even get shorter i am aiming for a bigger community when i help lower level ppl in wich i normally do everyday, with such a low community, lower levels tend to have difficulty in forming parties to do their dungeons most get frustated and leave the game before noticing how magestic it is.


Please hcs do something.






EDIT: a few grammar mistakes

#857158 Eldevin Army/Mage Quests

Posted by Susej on 24 March 2014 - 08:00

Forcing the player to choose means F2P players cannot experience both quest lines.  This would go against the HCS goal of making all content available to both F2P and P2P.


After all content is complete (including endgame and PvP) then I could certainly see HCS going back and rewriting those quests.

I dont agree WB and ASV give enough money(chests) so that you can trade enough ep-gold even yesterday  i bough 100ep for 140 gold, in 4 weeks a player that only does asv and WB can do a new char.

There are many ways to make gold. a few hours and you can have 1k of cotton i have seen players paying 7ep per 100 cotton, that is 700ep ....


That being said i agree with him and disagree, since for new players there are 4 classes that would  be prone to the eldevin army quests and only 2 for the arcane council.


Not that it is a problem i agree that doing both is very odd

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