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Member Since 05 Oct 2012
Offline Last Active Dec 03 2022 20:13

#964100 Development Update

Posted by ComradeLewis on 06 June 2016 - 23:33

Sorry to hear this, but I do think it's overdue. I've been checking back about once every 3 months or so, although I have not played in years. Primarily, I wanted to finish the quests at level 50, but at this point, I don't even remember the story.


I'll give just a bit of feedback as to why I haven't been playing all this time, and perhaps you can apply it to your next game. There wasn't enough variance in equipment stats, so there was no reason to hunt for drops at all (which is a very addictive element to any MMO); once you get your dungeon set, that's it! There was also a lack of anything to do with your gear at the end of the game. I know you were working on guilds, and attempting to make PvP alluring, but it never quite worked. Lastly, a game like this should not launch without a guild system. There was a huge influx of new players when this was green-lit, but nearly all of them fell through the cracks without a system in place to form their own community.


I don't mean to rub salt into an old wound. I did really enjoy this game, and I don't regret supporting you financially. I do agree that it's likely time to move on, and perhaps focus on something new. If it's interesting, I'll be there.


Good luck, and thanks for the entertainment.


(It looks like we'll never get that barber shop)

#963809 Development Update

Posted by Mojawk on 01 June 2016 - 18:06

Hey folks,


Sorry for the lack of updates as of late, unfortunately Eldevin never quite gained the following it required for us to justify allocating our full development team to it. As such we've had to scale down development time. However we intend to continue to fully support the game and still plan to release future updates, but currently we have no time-scale for these as of yet.


~The Eldevin Team

#883494 Just a few ideas/suggestions.

Posted by Berlo on 03 August 2014 - 13:13

Hey guys, I've been playing Eldevin for a few days now and I'm really enjoying it a lot. It's great to see a developer taking the fundamentals of the old school point-and-click MMORPG and adding "industry standard" features, all while ensuring the story line is rich and questing doesn't feel like a grind.


Here are just some suggestions that I have for the game after getting a little bit of experience of most aspects of the game. I'd love to hear your feedback on all of these too, the pros and the cons.


  • It would be great if the tool tip for items in your inventory showed a total amount. Because there are so many different items and different maximum stack values per item, backpacks can quickly become cluttered and it's hard to determine how many of a single item you have on hand. Here is a little mock up I put together of how it could look.



  • In addition to my above suggestion, it would be great if the crafting screens showed a maximum value of items you can craft based on the materials you have on hand. Currently you can select "CRAFT ALL" however without properly looking in your backpack and counting materials, there isn't really any way to know how many of a specific item you can craft.


  • I feel like the world map is somewhat hard to navigate. The legend on the left hand side is good but it's not great. It's too vague and simply saying "Crafting" doesn't help me to find a specific crafting bench. All in all, as I become more experienced with the game, I'm sure I will come to learn the map and navigation will be second nature, but for new players, this can be a really steep and annoying learning curve.


  • Although it's been mentioned plenty of times on this forum, no suggestion thread can be posted without the obligatory "lack of hardware rendering" topic. I'm really looking forward to this being implemented as it's going to make the game run at an optimal speed. Currently it's not a huge issue until a large number of particles and polygons needs to be rendered on the screen, then there is quite a significant frame rate drop.


  • When you have multiple backpacks connected to the inventory, it would be great if there was an "Open All" and "Close All" function/hotkey. I have done a quick scan of the settings screen and couldn't see anything like that, but feel free to correct me if I am wrong. I think this would be a really useful addition to the game, this way I am not needing to click multiple times just my entire inventory.


  • Multiple quest trackers. I love the questing in this game because the dialogue and story lines are really intriguing. I hate the questing in this game because it's really difficult to keep track of quests individually and determine the optimal paths/locations to take in order to completed quests fast and efficiently.


I will do my best to keep this thread updated with any new ideas that spring to mind, but other than that, kudos to the developers, you've really hit the nail on the head with Eldevin.

#885730 Fishing

Posted by Eloom on 15 August 2014 - 19:13

Could add rare chance if fishing up a loss gem or old boot when fishing (or random chance of gem in old boot fished up hehe). tier of gem pending on tier of fish. and my favorite Eloom's Scale used as bait for 1 min. 5% better chance of rare gem.... okay wishful thinking. >.>

#885566 Issues Using Shift + WASD, right click camera, and strafing

Posted by xpwaste on 15 August 2014 - 04:09

3) I prefer to use right click to turn the camera (and thus my character), and use WASD to strafe. An option to do this would be great! (In other words, when you use S now, the character just runs towards the camera. Same with A and D towards the sides).

possible future.

and jumping also.

#884178 Group Mount

Posted by xpwaste on 07 August 2014 - 16:31

Keeping aside originality. I'd like to see mounts that match the story line, enviornment. If they are going to make this slowly turn into a steam punk fantasy mmo, with new story quest lines, maybe mage alchemar or w/e his name was has found the power of hot water gas[steam]

 Im all in for that!

#876537 Loot dice

Posted by ZeusIV on 29 June 2014 - 15:01

Let's have a Loot widget or a /show loot command that lists all the player/loot so far in a dungeon.


/show loot


1 sword

2 emeralds

1 garnet

1 cestus

1 bow

18 fusion powder




1 staff

1 topaz

4 fusion owder


1 sapphire

1 ruby

1 zirconia

7 fusion powder


#875097 Loot dice

Posted by Alphamale on 24 June 2014 - 00:47

Reinedor omg... You take all gems and all the attention of every guy in the team and still complain about drops? OMG?8 :D

#874996 Loot dice

Posted by Cygnus on 23 June 2014 - 18:04

Three times tied highest roll and other won, why? You should change that system.

This part is the easiest to change. Players are currently rolled in the order they are grabbed from the group, we'll change this to mix up the order each time. We're also adding a re-roll setup for when there is a draw for first place (like how a draw dice roll is often handled in board games).


As for the straight up randomness, the RNG can be unfair at times and this probably isn't exactly what we want either in this situation. We're toying with some ideas that should improve the fairness.

#874158 Loot dice

Posted by reinedor on 19 June 2014 - 17:35

I can't believe I'm actually posting.  >.<


There have been plenty of runs where the only thing I've won was fusion powder, if that.  You've just had the bad luck of being with me when I do have the luck to win.  xD


I'm only speaking for myself of course, I don't know what arcane, loot-grabbing rituals Zeus might have been up to. :P


As for rigged dice, if there are any, I look accusingly at my dear warriors/warsins who steal win all my rubies.

#876354 Improving jewelry.

Posted by Tankh on 28 June 2014 - 18:04

The current jewelry-making pretty much sucks in my opinion. It's only worth to level up for the level 40 and level 45 stuff.


I suggest that there are sets or heroic amulets, charms and rings that can be crafted at each 10 level. For sets, they will start at level 25. Heroics at 10 or 15. This way, people would be more interested in leveling up their jewelry.

#874738 chat mods

Posted by EJK on 22 June 2014 - 09:28

Make player mods.

Their job: to report such action and a pic/ or time stamp for it so devs can read the chat.

The devs read the report , see the proof and act according.


So a game mod can't abuse power, as he doesn't have any.



And i say this because when devs are usually, they are usually reading the chat or atleast looking at it once in a while. they only need help when they are not on or are busy.

If players (who ever) could send those timestamps. Why would the ability only be given to some player mods? There needs to be a lot of player mods to see all the profanities! HCS may decide how hard they punish those who have got reported. The only problem is: HCS is a small company a I don't know how much time they got to watch through all the timestamps, maybe if they would have a good program to quickly monitor all reported timestamps. 


If someone sends to HCS proof about a playermod abusing his powers. HCS could easily remove the playermod rank from him and even give him some sort of punishment. A playermod could mute players for 24h. 


IMO, there's no need to add playermods IF they add the "report timestamp" method to all players.

#874719 chat mods

Posted by xpwaste on 22 June 2014 - 05:03

Make player mods.

Their job: to report such action and a pic/ or time stamp for it so devs can read the chat.

The devs read the report , see the proof and act according.


So a game mod can't abuse power, as he doesn't have any.



And i say this because when devs are usually, they are usually reading the chat or atleast looking at it once in a while. they only need help when they are not on or are busy.

#874342 Queuing at high level not Utilise

Posted by awollsd on 20 June 2014 - 07:04

the ability to que for multiple dungeons would be great too

#873984 Plasma Lord Ranking Bugged

Posted by Doja on 19 June 2014 - 04:13

He entered fight at 200k ish hp left.  Did you taunt?  I think PL's ranking is based on threat.  

I did taunt, thank you.  Figured it was the least I could do to help at that point.  :)



Yeah I was there all that time and you just showed up with your big bad threat T_T

I'm humbled by your compliment.  :D

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