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Member Since 18 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Aug 07 2021 23:43

#963524 Online Players

Posted by Dulcharn on 21 May 2016 - 17:45

there's also the issue of FallenSword not being the only game people play... some have left the game due to finding another game to play that is more addictive. This could be part of the 'real life issues', as it is reality that people play more than one game to keep them happy.


There is still a hard core of players who stick to FS. It's only natural for any game to have a player base that expands and contracts according to the advertising strategies of the makers.

#963376 Arena

Posted by Dulcharn on 16 May 2016 - 15:56

I think it has to do with the value of rewards. The value of reward items used to be higher. It has likely to do with the internal economy and activity of the game in general. If player base was 10 times as big, there would be more demand. I'm glad HCS brought back the gold arenas.

#952415 Oidhche Shamhna IV

Posted by Dulcharn on 01 November 2015 - 13:20



Could you change the cooldown for the new Halloween titans, so that all guild mates can complete the quest by getting the required 400 kills?



#951122 Do you think 'RP Farming' i ruining the game if it helps improve the...

Posted by Dulcharn on 14 October 2015 - 19:14

GvG is a good way to keep new players around...


New players don't care about GvG, let alone stick around for it. 

#949581 PET

Posted by Dulcharn on 24 September 2015 - 22:50

I was challenged to start a new thread by Undjuvion. :)


So to prove that I do think about the game, as opposed to just respond to players' threads:



Here's an idea:


Include a 10th item slot for the character.


How? A long drawn out quest, that includes the Epic Quest 'Present Darkness (Epic)' level 3.

After combined quests have been completed the player receives an extra item slot.


This slot will be a 'pet' slot. The pet can be invented through arena and ladder tokens. It can be designed similar to the designing of the composed potion.


In effect, the player gets a 'Composed Pet'.


The Pet can be Epic and have stam gain capabilities or arena benefits such as HP stats, for instance.



Undy, I challenge you to make a good thread.






#949575 New kind of Mass Message for the Guild.

Posted by Dulcharn on 24 September 2015 - 20:50

Anything to smoothen the internal communication, I'm in.

#949118 Not Sure The Devs Intended This...

Posted by Dulcharn on 19 September 2015 - 10:41

Keep XP loss on the PvP Ladder if you lose an attack, sure. But not for the bounty hunters on the Bounty Board, because then we'll experience a decrease in activity.

#948117 New PvP Ladder Items!

Posted by Dulcharn on 09 September 2015 - 21:39

I think it's a brilliant idea to get more players involved in the Ladder and the Arena in this way.


Pardoux and Kittles will start playing more in these aspects of the game! :)


However, see shindrak's comment on stat combo.

#947433 Old Arena System ( 2008 Style ) + Suggestions

Posted by Dulcharn on 02 September 2015 - 21:05

It is only the guild 'Minions of Mirkwood' who want the 25% guild participation limit changed for their benefit. 1 guild against all other guilds. Outvoted from the start.

#947429 Old Arena System ( 2008 Style ) + Suggestions

Posted by Dulcharn on 02 September 2015 - 20:58

Please do not change the 25% guild participation limit. Thanks.

#947427 Old Arena System ( 2008 Style ) + Suggestions

Posted by Dulcharn on 02 September 2015 - 20:55

You got at least 100 yes's coming from my guild lmao...many of us can't even play a "solo aspect".


Only 2 of your guild actually play the arena. And that not all the time.

#930630 Distinction between guild leaders and members

Posted by Dulcharn on 02 May 2015 - 18:02

Badge? We don't need no stinking badges! :P






I can live with that too, wil.


I think if someone wanted to join your guild, Moon, they'll contact whoever is online at the time. They usually pick someone in the top of the list...

#930599 Titan CD Formatting

Posted by Dulcharn on 02 May 2015 - 11:58

excellent idea yghor :)

#930598 Distinction between guild leaders and members

Posted by Dulcharn on 02 May 2015 - 11:55

I don't think it is necessary to change current ranking system, unless the guild doesn't want leadership rank names. The current rank management system actually saves time and space by not needing too many unique names.


But if implemented: How about a star on both sides of the name in Profile section? (There's already too much going on in guild management section, graphically)


Founder star: gold

Council star: silver

Leader star: bronze

Veteran member star: green*


*Veteran members are members with diamond loyalty medal


I disagree with the line to separate leaders from members - that's overkill.

#930306 Titan CD Formatting

Posted by Dulcharn on 30 April 2015 - 11:49



in titan rewards section, make the name of the titans that are off cooldown green and the name of the titans that are on cooldown red.

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