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Member Since 10 Jan 2013
Offline Last Active Yesterday, 16:30

#1010652 Bacon

Posted by RobinsonWalker on 30 April 2024 - 11:48


#1010633 Bacon

Posted by BadPenny on 20 April 2024 - 10:43


#1000155 Cow Thread

Posted by BadPenny on 07 April 2020 - 19:36

#1010324 Guild vs Guild Update

Posted by Spider0007 on 28 January 2024 - 19:07

So to summarize this latest update fiasco.....GvG has needed updating for quite some time. Many players have spent their time, energy and effort providing ways and methods to be able to create a revitalized way to compete in conflicts and make it more interesting, fair, competitive, and enjoyable for players with rewards that can reflect what it actually takes for a guild to be good at guild conflicts and not just farm RP from unsuspecting guilds. 


Instead of any of this being implemented, we get level range changes and an hour delay to start a conflict. That's it. Nothing more nothing less.

 Oh wait, we did get nothing less, because the level ranges that are now currently advertised on the guild conflict page aren't even accurate.  In fact, they are still the old ranges before the update.  Now hopefully HCS knows this already but instead of communicating their mistake to the players, we get this instead:

The in-game value ought to be correct. The new range should always be xx1.

~ Grim


Well BigGrim, they are not correct. They haven't been correct since you updated everyone saying they are correct.  And in the attempt to make this update, it appears other aspects of the game have now been broken.  How do I know this? Easy, it was indicated in Code Update! v3.16 where 6 other aspects of the game were fixed but not the GvG level ranges.  These fixes I noticed included fixing returning player codes. Now this is personally upsetting to me because almost a year ago, Kittles and I wrote multiple tickets about the codes not working and get absolutely ridiculous responses from a developer named Kitkat telling me that investigations are being done and they will get back to me as soon as the issue is resolved, also closing my tickets without resolutions because they "clog" up their inbox. "This ticket has been closed and locked by support." What a joke as I was just trying to inform them of a broken game aspect.  BTW, Kittles, who was a long time player who actually thought about playing with us again, decided not to because he immediately recognized that nothing has changed with this game or this company. 

Anyway, the final statement on the Code Update! v3.16 says "Other reported issues are still being investigated, so please remain patient.

~ The Fallen Sword Team"   Now I can only assume that perhaps the "other reported issues" are that the GVG level ranges are not accurate and that players should be told to hold off on relying on them until some "further investigations" can be done? But we don't even get the common courtesy of that information.  So sorry for the players/guilds who have initiated conflicts only to realize they can't even complete the hits because of the incorrect level ranges.


Instead, we get a 96 hour opportunity to donate money to the game and receive a Glorious Opalescent Chest. 

Now perhaps HCS needs those donations in order to update and fix their game properly and to provide relevant information to the remaining player base when it isn't working properly.  But in the words of Dikembe Mutombo, "Not Today!"

Instead, let's all continue to "remain patient" because why not? Our patience has lasted for years and years already, what's a few more.

RIP Ryebred and many others.



#1009349 Unbearable Lag

Posted by sweetlou on 13 May 2023 - 01:13

Again, please put this in a Support ticket as you've been told already. And again, where you are geographically is obviously in the real world.


~ Grim

After 15 and a half years of playing I thought the game's issues would be easier to report, there would be more transparency to the way information is shared. Alas after a week of the same old run around we see jack all. I wasted my time and made a ticket reluctantly. I have previously never had to make that effort, but I thought let's see. Now I'm just privately ignored without any action. Nothing changes.

#1009342 Unbearable Lag

Posted by Tilley10 on 12 May 2023 - 04:29

Hi there.


We need you to put in Support tickets:

Is this the App, on Browser or both?
Detail what you are doing in game.
The time and date the slow down occured.
What browser you're using.
What scripts are installed.
Where you are geographically.


We need as much data as you can provide because we're just not seeing it here. I'm not saying it ain't happening, I'm saying whatever is causing it for you is something we're not seeing. We need data from you to know where to look. "It's lagging!" simply is not helpful.


~ Grim

  • Browser - I don't use the app
  • Playing the game
  • All day, every day
  • Firefox, Chrome, Safari
  • Scripts are not allowed, no
  • Rasalas Keep (Courtyard) 7,16


Post has been recorded for quality assurance.

#1008966 Bacon

Posted by BadPenny on 11 February 2023 - 19:45


#1008948 Golden Idol Achievement Bug?

Posted by winemaker on 02 February 2023 - 00:23

Description says 


Hold relics for 25,000 hours (Each relic you hold per hour counts towards this)


Well its only counting relics that are Empowered, we have 6 relics 2 of them are empowered and only getting 2 tick a hour towards achievement.


By the Description we should be getting 6 tick per hour. A ticket was sent in last week with no answer. (we all know how Great the new ticket system is now) So getting attention to it on here to see what's up with.


Only reason we looks was because we seen other guilds getting the achievements and we have had 6 relics most of the time since they come out and assumed we should be close only to see we are not close at all.


Also could  we get some background on the forum as the flat back background is not working,. i keep thinking forum page is broken.,

#1008945 Host Error

Posted by LordOfRuin on 31 January 2023 - 16:56

Same issues here. Laaag, cloudflare/bad gateway errors. 


Oddly 'issitedownrightnow' reports no issues.


*Edit*: Forums (i.e. here) also laggy but no bad gateways yet.



#1008913 The new Support system

Posted by Grumpy Grey on 19 January 2023 - 07:16

Having difficulty raising tickets and logging in to forums like many others.
There is a work around, but you guys really need to sort it out

#1008792 Issues logging into game

Posted by moneypants on 23 December 2022 - 14:37


#1008789 Issues logging into game

Posted by bloody18 on 23 December 2022 - 06:29


#1008790 Issues logging into game

Posted by andyvince on 23 December 2022 - 08:02

Should we expect the issue to be resolved soon?

Now passed the expire time to take unsold items in my item-mailbox.

I wonder if it's possible to complete the Daily Quests whatever they might be...

#1008786 Issues logging into game

Posted by BadPenny on 23 December 2022 - 03:57

This appears to be a widespread problem - but the app still works

#1008785 Issues logging into game

Posted by moneypants on 23 December 2022 - 03:36

merry xmas cant log in i dont knw why and its making me mad!!

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