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#1005757 Proposed Loyalty Update III.

Posted by Alisa on 11 October 2021 - 18:42

not sure why loyalty should be offerable or even available to newer players since they are NEW.


if we keep pushing "what about the new players" then might as well make a potion that only has value to them only.



These 2 potions put them together and increase their level to 150 at 60min and should be free every 24hours or till they reach a certain level.


for Annual Service medal i hope we can get some sort of benefit for reaching Diamond. maybe increase in daily AT? 🤞

#1005749 Proposed Loyalty Update III.

Posted by Alisa on 11 October 2021 - 15:55

Ladder chest Alisa, why would you pop an epic chest when you can use that for AM

not everyone plays the ladder... also im broke :(





Not speaking about those, they are existing. Also never use UB, because resilience pot exists. I use alot of LF composing aswell. 

im cheap to spend 2-3fsp


#1005747 Proposed Loyalty Update III.

Posted by Alisa on 11 October 2021 - 15:52

As suggested in the OP there are many people that will use almost nothing aside from doubler which is just QOL.




telling me no one uses these and when doubler comes out no one would still not use them? I been using these for tasks almost always(if the task seems worth it). at this point i will accept any change.

#1005744 Proposed Loyalty Update III.

Posted by Alisa on 11 October 2021 - 15:43

When the update to the loyalty section was first announced, there was a lot of excitement about some of the potential potions that would be added in the update. Now the potions have been whittled down so far that there is no longer any incentive to use loyalty tokens once again. Almost all of the buffs listed here are available elsewhere with better levels for cheaper costs.

Got to disagree.


Rather use the proposed potions than pop an Epic Chest to complete a simple task for Daily quest, Global Events or hunting down SE. Why should I pop an epic chest thats worth 80-120fsp for AM/Con when I could use Rampage potion to complete my tasks? These potions can be used in many ways and the Epic Chest potions some people would rather save them for PVP or Levelling.


More potions could be added in the future. At least we are getting something rather than nothing.

#1005739 Proposed Loyalty Update III.

Posted by Alisa on 11 October 2021 - 15:28

Potion of the Quester. Loyalty: 300

Find Item Level : 1000 Duration : 120m
Quest Finder Level : 250 Duration : 120m
Quest Hunter Level : 250 Duration : 120m

Rampage Potion. Loyalty: 1000

Animal Magnetism Level : 450 Duration : 120m
Conserve Level : 550 Duration : 120m


Since quest finder/hunter are already strong for castable buffs, potions for them don't really seem needed. Remove Potion of the Quester from the list and add Find Item(level1250) to Rampage Potion and priced at 2000AT.


Should keep the prices for all potions high. I believe people forgot that loyalty shop is a bonus for buying FSP+Chest. Why should the cost be low?

#1005668 Proposed Loyalty Update.

Posted by Alisa on 05 October 2021 - 13:29

I would still like to see fist fight level 1000 potion. Should be fun messing with it :D

#1005633 Arena Rules

Posted by Alisa on 01 October 2021 - 22:08

Another thing that came to mind is If the rule was removed, wouldn't that reduce the value of arena items since more players now have easier access to them? On the loyalty proposal thread people argued that BM500 would reduce the value of BM300 and would make arena less worth it and so it was cancelled. How is this any different? Maybe I'm missing something here, or I'm too slow to understand. 

#1005598 Arena Rules

Posted by Alisa on 01 October 2021 - 00:06

Couldn't resist


you must be trolling. no way anyone takes you seriously.


this no16.jpg to this yes8.jpg



this oneG.jpg to this oneGall.jpg


yes its highlight for cheap edit. point still stands.


Funny you rather attack me for my medals or how I play instead of trying to change my mind and put your idea in a stronger position. Either I agree or I'm a threat. This how I see it and you haven't done anything to change that and I wonder why. Thought you were more mature than this.

#1005586 Arena Rules

Posted by Alisa on 30 September 2021 - 16:11


You can tell your members to take off their gear before entering. Didn't think this needed explaining. I respect the hard work players put into getting their gold+ medals. This one change might make their medals questionable if they actually put the time in.

Arena needs a makeover, but not this.

#1005584 Arena Rules

Posted by Alisa on 30 September 2021 - 15:50

Personal gear guild gear it doesn't matter.. boosting will become easier

#1005542 Proposed Loyalty Update.

Posted by Alisa on 28 September 2021 - 13:24

Yeah I don't even know what the current potions are. Should of locked and started a new thread after the new proposal

#1005443 Dark Curse & Arena Adjustments

Posted by Alisa on 23 September 2021 - 00:12


Thanks for revert the changes to Dark Curse. 
Wish more consideration also on the Shatter Armor. It’s a chance activation buff with very low activation rate already so deserves high reduction of Armor when it does active. I didn’t feel it was overpowered.
As seen in the other thread, I'm not alone thinking this.

Now when I looked at a few others skills. Skill like Wither at 0.2 affecting HP at 50%. Skills like Shock Wave can active multiple times per combat right? But only once per combat for the odds of Shatter Armor activating.



Might want to quote someone who actually plays the game.


Anything that reduces the effectiveness of armor shouldn't be added or changed.Beating armor with even Terrorize 700+ active is a lot easier than beating defense with Flinch700+. Most armor fights will drag on like defense builds but armor builds still has to deal with enchantments such as Piercing Strike(stronger with Sharpen buff) ,Critical Hit(stronger with Critical Strike buff) and buffs such as Shatter Armor and Smite. not sure if duelist would count towards the list but there is that too...




btw im assuming you are talking about PvP and not PvE.

#1005164 hypnotised!

Posted by Alisa on 10 September 2021 - 21:58

100% avert gaze and i still get hit with hypno. also have demorliza running in combo with avert gaze and i still end up skipping 2-4 turns.


does avert gaze not work on Hypnotize enchantment?




#1005133 Proposed Loyalty Update.

Posted by Alisa on 10 September 2021 - 03:09

Now, for the past 5-6 years, all of my AT have come from DQ's and those daily 5 per day....  IMHO, the 5 per day should be increased to possibly 10 per day, AND in order to receive those 5 tokens, you have been active in the past 72 hours.... 

it should increase for veteran players and the daily rewards should be based on your loyalty medal.



#1005100 Proposed Loyalty Update.

Posted by Alisa on 09 September 2021 - 04:04

These are great additions to give more EoC players that opportunity to work on getting top player bronze medal and beyond. I was hoping for a higher distil  maybe 180 or 200, yet will not complain at a 250  :)


Real nice token costs too! 

wouldn't the top player also have access to the potions? they would use the potions as well and nothing would change :P

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