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Member Since 17 Sep 2012
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#801165 Change for FS.

Posted by evilbry on 19 July 2013 - 07:24

What gets me about topics like this is people talk about the dwindling numbers, but don't take into consideration the resource (coder/artist/writer/grim) time which is needed.
Even things which seem simple, such as a new LE or a new SE take a fair amount of time to keep up a decent level of quality. Down to designing the creature, story, artwork, set and so on.
Sometimes even simple things take a lot more time than people may realise from a coding perspective. Hoof even does a lot of coding out of office hours. There's bugs which they are fixing on a regular basis as well as trying to implement new things.

There will be a lot of conjecture that improvements will bring more money in. But that's just that. Conjecture. There's an overabundance of FSP being stockpiled with less and less to spend them. Flow on from that is less need to donate.

Really as players we need to take a big step back, look at what fallensword is, and be realistic about the leveraged resource which works on the game.

HCS is not Zynga, Blizzard, Bethesda or any of these other companies with a massive assembly line of staff in battery hen cages churning out updates.
Fallensword is not a simple game, it's evolved and has a lot of different facets such as titans, arena, pvp, and so on.

Fallensword has a small team who do their best to try and keep everyone happy. In doing so they have often become their own worst enemies. Such can be seen with the way it appears they always refer to the community for ideas now, rather than just putting them in. This takes up more time with the bickering and so as threads degrade into ego battles.
We can also see the uber potions working against HCS, while players like them, they are also the root cause when it comes to things such as boredom. "Oh I have an xp event and a global container. Watch me get hundreds of levels for little cost!" then a week later "There's no content, you guys suck".




Could things be done better? Yes.

We just need to find a way make clones of the staff. Except maybe forn. Another forn would be scary, and lead to world domination :(


In the mean time being constructive on the forums with meaningful and accurate information provided to cows in threads will often help us get nice things sooner.




#797679 Composing (Part 1)

Posted by evilbry on 26 June 2013 - 11:46

I think Find Item (1000) should be added on the list of possible buffs, everyone will hunt with high level FI to grab more items to break. That will make FI1000 pots go extremelly expensive again.

This isn't a bad thing. FI 1000 can be purchased from the special section in the auction house ahead of time if you are trying to get it at a reasonable price or if you prefer you can buy a few from the potion bazaar.


If for whatever reason the FI 1000 are too expensive, you will be able to purchase FI 800's which normally go for peanuts from people who venture into caves.


At the end of the day, I am sure they can add FI to the buffs available but the cost in fragments to make the potion will be much higher than the return you would get from your hunt. You would be much better spending a little gold to get a FI 800 or FI 1000 from the auction house.

#797077 Which change to the game would impress you the most?

Posted by evilbry on 22 June 2013 - 13:26

I would like to see FSH functionality incorporated into game code.

#796558 Composing (Part 1)

Posted by evilbry on 19 June 2013 - 18:37



Cleared out some junk in one of my backpack folders.

#795755 New Content. 1676 -1700.

Posted by evilbry on 14 June 2013 - 11:27

- New Area 'Syroth Castle (Armoury)'.

I see you have your proper english hat on today :D

#792746 Must be time for another XP Event?

Posted by evilbry on 02 June 2013 - 04:12

*waits for the*




#791900 Composing - In Detail (Revision 1.1)

Posted by evilbry on 29 May 2013 - 05:11

Ok. bry, where was this common sense your speaking during most of the last game additions and upgrades? you sure picked a great time to bring common sense into the game lol.

This is a bit off topic so I won't go into too much detail.


I can't speak directly for HCS, however a perception I have seen is:

When something new comes out, players envisage it to supersede an existing parameter in the game. Examples could be things like more stamina gain on new epics, Higher stats on gear or higher buff skills on potions.


This is a bit of a catch 22 and has in turn bitten the bovines in the rump more often than not lately.

As they try to feed the "more more more" expectation which the players now have, HCS have gotten to the point where in some cases they leave players disillusioned, and create rifts. Examples of this can be seen in things like the Inventing potions above level 500. Essentially we are now at a point where if it's not a win key, it's mediocre.


Composing will give HCS the opportunity to introduce something to the game, without being game breaking, and improve it as needed after people have had a reasonable time to experiment with it.

#791895 Composing - In Detail (Revision 1.1)

Posted by evilbry on 29 May 2013 - 04:51

Something to keep in mind when looking at the list of buffs and the buff levels.


When releasing something like this, It is better to start off potentially underwhelming. I get that people would like a lot of high level buffs here and there. This can be added in the future, once the dust settles and the community gets a feel of what could be improved.

The same with the list of buffs. There are a lot which are missing. Once it is working well, more buffs and features can be added.


It's much better to adjust up, than it is to nerf. People get a lot angrier when things get nerfed.

#789732 login issues

Posted by evilbry on 17 May 2013 - 04:43

Send in a ticket to the support team. No need to make a thread for this issue.


I use Chrome, I found it to be better than Firefox imo.

I had a very similar issue with Firefox a few weeks back, raised a support ticket and it received no valuable assistance in the response.


I work with and develop web based applications and software, I find chrome too restrictive so use Firefox for the fully functional firebug, yslow and other tools.



For people who run into issues logging in, you can load up the Firefox error console by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+J. This can often provide valuable information if the usual cache and cookie deletion doesn't resolve issues.


Also what Cyrus7 mentioned about safe mode.

#785850 Potions / Items for new players...

Posted by evilbry on 20 April 2013 - 02:49


I would like to see players receive items which don't fill in the quest item slots from the tutorial, so maybe gloves, helm, boots and a rune. 

The gear should only give a minimal boost BUT has the ability to be evolved. This means that after x levels they can invent using a bound resource (as part of the promotional new player pack) to create a slightly stronger item to carry them over the next X levels. 



There is no need for a high level AL or LIB as when doing the tutorial you will gain levels quickly as it is, without them. I would like to see included in the pack an improved courageous draft and adventurer elixir. This could be a couple more buffs thrown in and a much longer duration (say 12 hours or so). This will allow new players with the abundant stamina at the start to really get a feel of the game. 



Pack Contents:

1 set: gloves, rune, helm, boots. 

5 sets of evolving resources: Each would require level 10,20,30,40,50 to be able to use them in the recipe to improve the gear. 

3 pairs of starter potions, consisting of:

Improved Courageous Draft:

Enchanted Weapon 180

Enchanted Armor 180

Fury 180

Berserk 180

Coordinated attack 180

Smashing Hammer 180

Duration 1000m



Improved Adventurer Elixir:

Adept Learner 180

Librarian 180

Animal Magnetism 180

Lightfoot 180

Doubler 150

Resource Finder 100

Quest finder 100

Duration 1000m



Obviously the gear can be shuffled around, but the intention with the above pack is that the new players would get the feeling they are given the resources to get a good start in the game. That HCS wants them to make it past the first few levels. 


I would also suggest that the starter pack could be discounted while they are in the first week or two as part of the promotion.

#784840 Is anyone still working on FSH?

Posted by evilbry on 15 April 2013 - 22:27

Ever since tang went inactive, the script has gone further and further into disrepair.


HCS should just integrate it into back end code. Will be less load/lag for players and more of the script, in it's current state, will become unusable when HCS changes things in the future.


Would also mean players don't need to update the script manually themselves if they have the skills, to retain functionality.

#783916 Save FSH plea

Posted by evilbry on 06 April 2013 - 14:58

since Tangtop stopped leading the FSH team the script started falling into disrepair. The professionalism and dedication Tangtop gave to the script is sorely missed.

It's time for HCS to take over the reigns and implement as much as possible into the game code so there's no need to have a script in the first place.

#284515 Official (Un-Official) Suggestions Thread

Posted by evilbry on 27 March 2013 - 12:17

please please please can we have a hotkey that closes all open windows. Nothing more exhilarating than fluffing around with your inventory and having an elite spawn and start chasing you. Really tests the hand eye skills!

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