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Member Since 07 Jun 2013
Offline Last Active Feb 19 2022 16:23

#983799 Top list database broken

Posted by Thomas02 on 10 August 2017 - 13:08

Thanks Zorg for fixing the toplist.  :D

#976193 the new lvls for gathering items

Posted by sdcrichy on 01 February 2017 - 18:11

well i've just found out ( heard ) that since you changed the lvls about with the gathering proffessions you've messed up big time. you can get hearty pelt which is used in the new 48-49 armor items from lvl 40 mobs. which is a massive slap in the face and abuseable at tr as you can skin in story or dungeon mode. and is no effort at all to do. maybe skinning needs to be banned in dungeons.

#972363 TA player kill status

Posted by ernzor on 22 November 2016 - 21:42

#956508 idea: indentify quest item

Posted by Majjer on 06 January 2016 - 12:13

add new context menu option on right-clicking quest items "identify"  - opens your quest book on quest to which the item is related.

#955471 Found an Easter Egg during Xmas event :)

Posted by CurveS on 18 December 2015 - 16:55

As I was frolicking through Eldevin City, I found an easter egg from the Spring Tide event! It was definitely past its expiry date so I didn't eat it.


Attached pictures of location and proof of my discovery! Fixing this bug is optional :)


Screenshot (369).png


Screenshot (378).png

#951447 My suggestions going forward

Posted by ernzor on 19 October 2015 - 06:09

Here are a few of my suggestions going forward, making this topic with some of my smaller suggestions as the bigger ones can go in their own topics. Also a few things not to do.


Some (or all) of these have been brought up in one way or another, just wanted to get my thoughts down.



Things not to do


Dont increase gem size drops in new dungeons

I thought that Defined was a good point to stop gems personally, but we now have absolutes dropping. I dont think anything higher should drop from dungeons or farmable means. Perhaps the odd quest reward of a supreme is fine. The gem building game is one of the only long lasting things you have here, and with each tier up you go in farmable drops, you drastically reduce this.


Dont increase rep gain rewards

I have seen a few people ask for the daily rep quests to give more reputation, this is not needed. With a bit of dedication and time spent you can complete these for the vanity and achievements. Again this is one of the only long lasting things to do in game.



Small suggestions


Re-introduce group queue pvp

The code for group queueing is in the game as we could previously do it. Please reintroduce it, BUT, at the same time seperate the queues. THis way solo players could solo queue, and if 2 groups want to test each other out they could organise a group queue game.


Add more collectables

Currently the only collectables are the foutnmain coins. You could add so much more of these, random mundane drops, random rare mats from gathering etc. Lots of options. Add achievements onto them too.


More achievements (steam achievements)

People like achievements and will go a long way to get them, so add in more. Also add the current ones onto steam if you can as steam people love them too so will play more to get them.


More achievement awards

Make some more rewards (vanity, pets, mounts) for completing the harder to achieve achievements.



Medium suggestions


Make story mode max 2 players and change rewards.

Make Dungeon mode desirable by keeping it as is with current rewards (although perhaps add something like this too). Make Story mode available for people to finish quests and to do solo or with one friend to build relics to obtain set gear too. It should not be a place for people to go in with a group of 5 to grind quickly. There should be more rewards for doing them solo, and less for doing as a duo.


Flesh out guild content

Guilds are coming, but add in GvG, guild storage, guild halls, guild vanities etc, lots of things can be done with guilds.


Private Dwellings

Has been brought up before, still a good idea.


Hidden quests

Hide some quests that arent visible in the questbook. Make these quests also have no markers so they are challenging to figure out.


Revamp World Bosses

Do this suggestion from a while back, got good feedback...

#896802 Servant of the Reaper vanity

Posted by ernzor on 30 October 2014 - 00:59

Can you add this in for Halloween event please. These guys walking round EC are the same size as us so its not like you need to make the design for the vanity.


Just let us obtain and wear it :)


Make it for achievement for killing 20k of those things and I will go do it...

#948133 I know this has been discussed but.....

Posted by Debrutsid on 09 September 2015 - 22:46

Can we please get lvl 49 forage mats in TA.  i don't even care about getting up to 8 at a time.  i just want them smuggled.  takes too long to get enough forage mats for 30 hp elixirs, and when you have a group that doesn't understand the dungeon dynamics and you wipe like 3 times, it gets very expensive.   



Either that or just slightly lower the mats needed for lvl 46+ food and pots.  NOTHING else in game escalates like this (except for cores needed, but those are not one use items)  mats should increase but needing 38 mats for one potion?  or needing 12 farm mats plus others for food.   even without a client base any more i still spend a lot of time gathering for the older potions.  this new ones make it hard to just keep potions and food for my tank.

#948093 New forum category

Posted by Irradiated on 09 September 2015 - 19:27

I've suggested this before, going to mention it again as I still like the idea :)


With people once again posting and discussing builds, I'd like to see a 'build discussion' category.  As it currently stands, these discussions get lost in the general or help category, and have to be dug out or redone when someone inevitably asks again.


It would also be interesting to track how builds have evolved over time.


I've considered sub-categories for each class (plus one for hybrid), but I think that would be overkill.

#947718 Jewarly Gem slot Heroic - Fabled Jewarly

Posted by redsmokeboy on 05 September 2015 - 04:07

New rank jewarly Heroic - Fabled - Possible Gem slot.


Possible gem typ used in Slot's - Howlite - HP - MP - Tour - Aqua


With Gem list as possible option now for what typ can be used in what.


Rings = 1 slot each ring Max 2 slot's

Amult = 1

Necky = 1


All 4 jewarly item give 4 slot's


HP/Mana | Howlite | Any slot

Amult - Limited - Tour

Necky - Limited Aqua


Give more regen as well option other use one or the other in helm slot.


Simple Suggestion long term as well give new jewarly option lvl 50 starting.

#945655 See chat while loading

Posted by AwiesGoesRawr on 19 August 2015 - 17:44

You can already talk and send messages to people, even without seeing the chatbox, please add it that we can also see the chat while waiting for map to load:)!


Would make everything so much easier for people with slow downloadspeed like me.

#945582 End Game Single Player Content

Posted by ernzor on 19 August 2015 - 09:17

I still think story mode (in its current form) has ruined this game. Please no story for ascended dungeons, and story ICC. Rather have another way for solo players, or players short on time/bored to earn relics.

If you add in story mode for these things it cheapens the experience that the full versions offer. Especially if story mode is still able to be completed in a group.

We need a new way which is more time consuming (the time to complete set, not do the task) less gold/xp rewarding than proper group dungeons to get relics. So the preference should always be on groups.

#944542 Trout in TA

Posted by ernzor on 12 August 2015 - 01:31

All of the other types of fish in TA are easy to fish as they are all next to each other. However the 4 trout spots are split by a big inland pile of rock that you have to run around, makes it very annoying. Please change.

#942281 Locations of Woodland Spirits

Posted by Vidazar on 30 July 2015 - 10:23

I created a map for those unsure where the locations in the list are, or want the exact location. I take no credit for finding the locations, only for making the map.



#938995 Discrepancy between armor classes

Posted by hidulphus on 16 July 2015 - 00:07



remove slow roll on 49 belt!

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