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#1004055 Possible Relic Alterations

Posted by mary4ever on 13 June 2021 - 04:12

Hi there everyone.


We've heard the feedback regarding Stamina Gain on Relics. While we don't see any benefit from stripping it from existing higher level relics, (it'd just cause ill will with those holding them), we have no problem seeding them through lower levels.


Our question to you, the Community is this: Would you have a problem with us changing the stats of lower Relics to allow for moving those stats to Stamina Gain or would we be looking at simply adding it?


We'll have an in game poll running and feedback here with any reasoning is greatly appreciated.


Poll broken. Will put it back up once repaired.


~ Grim

you can either do ....


1.) the laziest method


simply add as many Stam Gain relics as you desire & ignore ALL other relic iusses !!!

you can even change ALL relics into "Super" Relics that have FULL +% Stam Gain, Max Stam, Stats, Enhancements


it's a band aid that ignores all other relic issues, gets rid of any competition & teamwork, relic battles, .....



2.) you actually do some work


A ) FIX the current relic battles which are a **** JOKE !!!


enough said, everyone who has ever captured / defended relics knows it !!!

from a low "1-man-guild" (who was a low lvl player himself with 2 low joiners) took 100+ relics without any "issue" to HCS admins kamicazer7 (was at the time lvl 50 or so) & hooftest taking our relic that had 50+ defenders also without any issues

granted most were not in pvp gear but still a lvl 50 beating 50+ defenders were at least half of them were EOC !!!


B ) Make capturing relics a permission !!!


I used to mentor some small guilds & the issue they ran into was that new players would simply capture relics their guild did not need (also happens to other guilds, regardless of size) & they could not get "rid of it" which brings me to my next point ...


C ) Add a "dismiss Relic" option !!!


As said, add a "dismiss Relic" option with a COOLDOWN to avoid abuse !!!


D ) preferred Relic value


Contrary to what many believe it is not Stam Gain Relics that low / new players actually need, as mentioned before: I used to mentor small guilds & what they needed the most was MAX STAM Relics !!!


of course do NOT take my word for it & please make a game poll that ONLY includes low players, NOT high players like me, EOC, afterall the "new relics" are for them !!!


E ) Supply & Demand !!!


I do not think I need to say anymore, just please make sure to NOT add too many & keep them at a decent number so they are still "attractive" / desired, encourage activity, teamwork & relic battles !!!


F ) "Optional" NEW Guild Relic WAR System !!!


Make TEAMWORK actually matter in relic battles & encourage TEAMWORK, please do NOT discourage it !!!



Guild A captures a relic from Guild B

Both Guild A + B will have 12h time to accept / decline "Relic War"

(new relic war permission to accept / decline will be added)

If after 12h no option has been choosen it will automatically count as a decline to avoid abuse !!!

If Guild A declines then they will be on a 30 day cooldown on that relic & Guild B will have control of that relic

If Guild A accepts + Guild B declines then then B will be on a 30 day cooldown on that relic & Guild A will have control of that relic

If both Guild A + Guild B accept then they will enter a 7-day-Relic-War that looks like this:


Attack Ranges: 

50 - 500 (+/- ??) 

601 - 1000 (+/- 100)    

1001 - 2000+ (+/- 300)

2001 - 3000+ (+/- 500)

3001+ (+/- 1000)

(the attack ranges can be changed by HCS / players who know their ranges better than me)


During those "7-day-Relic-War" both members of Guild A + Guild B will enter a "PvP-War" where they can hourly hit (look above for attack ranges) each other & even bounty each other !!!

they will get their own guild "Bounty-Board" where only Guild A + Guild B can participate in !!!

during the "7-day-Relic-War" time Guild A + Guild B can still capture / defend their relic like normal until the war is over !!!

(it has to be PvP aka xp loss involved, you have to pay a "price" & fight for the relic (bonuses) you get !!! hoof remember how relics were fought for, many guilds, regardless of size battled in PvP for them & generated high activity !!!


I will leave the Scoring System to HCS / the community

both Guild A + Guild B can retreat from the "7-day-Relic-War" at any time BUT it will count as a loss & they will be on a 30 day cooldown on that relic !!!


For every additional +1 relic those guilds battle about +1 day will be added to the "7-day-Relic-War"

so if they battle for 4 relics in (1+3) the war will last 10 days in total !!!


to make it even more exciting several guilds can get involved, either helping Guild A / B or even be against both biggrin.png

several guilds can war against each other for 1,2, ... relics or even "support" another guild (so small guilds can tackle a big guild, ....)

it will greatly encourage TEAMWORK, activity + many other things

  • NO guild can be forced against their will / permission to enter the "7-day-Relic-War" to PvP !!!
  • the "7-day-Relic-War" can only start if it has been accepted by someone who has the permission to !!!
  • at any time any guild can "retreat" from the "7-day-Relic-War" & it will be counted as a loss


this is just a "prototyp-system" so it is far from perfect (an EXAMPLE & everything is up for HCS / community to decide) so no need for me to go into details atm

ps: IF point (F) is implemented then it already takes care of point (A)
(+ after implementing strip ALL guilds of ALL relics & let the GAME begin smile.png  !!!)


I will never understand why HCS keep avoiding / discouraging TEAMWORK / competitions !!! best ("worst") example is PvP

I mean are not games generally played to compete?


FS has great potential BUT has been declining for years, no matter how good the app is it will hardly matter when the actual game has many "broken" gamestyles which need to be updated & will struggle to keep the new ones or even the older ones !!!

honestly I have been hardly active for a long time, as have many others I noticed since aside from the 3 repetitiv main events (Global Event, LE Event, Leveling Content) there is nothing else to do since most if not all the other game aspects are "broken" & need to be updated + when I am online I chat which there are many other apps better for chatting than this one ...


others have already said it before, it is NOT that there are not any good ideas / suggestions (the community has provided numerous good ones over the years) but simply the  "communication" with HCS is lacking !!!

to put it bluntly: we simply get some "lip service" without any action ....


I have so much to say but let's 1st wait & see where this leads ...

#1002593 Changes to Arterial Strike

Posted by Grumpy Grey on 24 December 2020 - 01:40

Well lets see the definition

1.make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource).
"500 companies sprang up to exploit this new technology"
2.make use of (a situation) in a way considered unfair or underhand.


So if making 800 levels off no stam is not an underhanded way of playing or by definition an exploit. The I guess all those players who were banned for the AH bug have been banned wrongly because if we were to use your argument then the AH was working correctly as coded So those players did nothing wrong either.

#1002436 Towers => Orbs

Posted by mary4ever on 13 December 2020 - 14:59

Seems like almost every game aspect hardly has any activity anymore so …..

Introduce “Towers” (= a Guild Structure)

They can be bought under the Guild Upgrades Section for 100 FSPs each (4-6 Towers in total)


“Orbs” can be placed in “Towers” & the “Orbs” need to be invented !!!

to invent an “Orb” will require a lot of EPIC resources => so let’s get as many game aspects involved as possible (all kinds of Farming from Resources to LE, Inventing, SE Hunting, Titan Hunting, PvP Ladder, Arena, GvG Conflict, …..)


Recipe A = 1 x The Hunted Cows Warhammer + 1 x The Hunted Cows Amulet + 1 x The Hunted Cows Helm

Recipe B = 1 x Steamforged Gorgeanaka Cuirass + 1 x Chodrcane Gloves + 1 x Perchtas Grasp + 1 x Perchtas Rune

Recipe C = 1 x Ridged Plate Cuirass + 1 x Shadow Weave Gloves + 1 x Vine Tendril Gauntlets

Recipe D = 1 x Bag of 100 PvP Ladder Tokens + 1 x Bag of 1000 Arena Tokens

(NEW PvP Ladder Reward added called “Bag of 100 PvP Ladder Tokens” + Arena Reward called “Bag of 1000 Arena Tokens”)

Recipe E = 1 x Inferno Hammer (Tier 5) + 1 x Steamwork Cuirass (Tier 5) + 1 x Writhing Ward (Tier 5)

Recipe F = 3 x Deepwater Choker + 3 x Death Ring of Lestus + 3 x Ogaliths Fiery Grasp + 3 x Arcing Sabatons of Cyclonus

Recipe G = 3 x Feather Amulet of Kantec + 3 x Skaldirs Frostbitten Steps + 3 x Venoxa Tox Gland + 3 x Wazargs Siege Helm

Recipe H = 3 x Tith Ausos Shield + 3 x Fuvayus Vortex Stone + 3 x Echiphons Scale Gauntlets + 3 x Gorgeanaka Skin Shoes

Recipe I = 3 x Pyramid Amulet of King Sothad + 3 x Rune of Boteroth + 3 x Mace of the Colossus + 3 x Tsukiyaomos Benighted Helm

Recipe J = 3 x Krakaradon Tooth Harpoon + 3 x Helm of Kojin + 3 x The Mask of Terror + 3 x Choker of Time

Recipe K = 3 x Roach Rune of Epidemicus + 3 x Kraganaths Krushing Helm + 3 x Dragon Draped Breastplate + 3 x Elemental Shield Blank


“Orb” = Recipe A + Recipe B + Recipe C + Recipe D + Recipe E + Recipe F  + Recipe G + Recipe H + Recipe I + Recipe J + Recipe K

Furthermore “Orbs” are tiered =>

Orb (Tier 1) = Orb + Orb

Orb (Tier 2) = Orb (Tier 1) + Orb (Tier 1)

Orb (Tier 3) = Orb (Tier 2) + Orb (Tier 2)

Orb (Tier 4) = Orb (Tier 3) + Orb (Tier 3)

Orb (Tier 5) = Orb (Tier 4) + Orb (Tier 4)



  • Function of those invented “Orbs”

“Orbs” can be placed into the “Towers” (=Guild Structure) to give BONUSES !!!

Here are some EXAMPLES: (each Orb placement can give 1 of those Bonuses, either Stam Gain, Max Stam, Teleport Cooldown reduction, get % more Guild Experience (GXP) per Creature, get % more Experience (XP) per Creature, …..

Orb = +1 Stam gain, +1k Max Stam, -1 sec Teleport Cooldown, +1% GXP, +1% XP,

Orb (Tier 1) = +2 Stam gain, +2k Max Stam, -2 sec Teleport Cooldown, +2% GXP, +2% XP,

Orb (Tier 2) = +3 Stam gain, +3k Max Stam, -3 sec Teleport Cooldown, +5% GXP, +5% XP,

Orb (Tier 3) = +5 Stam gain, +5k Max Stam, -4 sec Teleport Cooldown, +10% GXP, +10% XP,

Orb (Tier 4) = +10 Stam gain, +10k Max Stam, -5 sec Teleport Cooldown, +15% GXP, +15% XP,

Orb (Tier 5) = +15 Stam gain, +15k Max Stam, -6 sec Teleport Cooldown, +20% GXP, +20% XP,

These were just some Examples

So if a guild has an Orb (Tier 2) and wants Max Stam then they have to insert the Orb into the Max Stam Tower to get ONLY the Bonus of +5 Stam gain !!!

If a guild has an Orb (Tier 5) and wants more GXP then they have to insert the Orb into the GXP Tower to get ONLY the Bonus of +20% GXP !!!



  • The Epics in Recipes A, B, C were choosen on purpose because they need the most ingrediens, are the most expensive & will take time to get them !!!
  • I choose to NOT include any of the Elemental Weapons (Javelin, Hammer, Trident, Blade) into any Recipe for obvious reasons (are already used to invent the 4 Elemental Shields, titans do NOT drop them, is from a quest + will get too expensive for new & low players), same why did NOT use any Elemental Shields in any Recipe !!!
  • Each Tower has a different function, meaning that there is a Stam gain Tower, Max Stam Tower, Teleport Tower, GXP Tower, XP Tower, …… (this is to avoid abuse by a guild getting 4-6 Towers & placing Stam Gain or Max Stam Orbs in them, each Tower can be used once, meaning you can only have ONE single Stam Gain Tower, NOT multiple ones, applies to the rest too !!!
  • Everything I posted here is just an EXAMPLE (epic ingredients, quantity, ....)


The main reason is to increase activity for a much longer period + get as many people involved (as you can see it will require the help of multiple players, the whole guild to invent the “Orbs” + will take a long time to upgrade the Orbs + TEAMWORK + different kinds of game aspects + finally something to do as many of us just hardly login to do anything & most importantly the Recipes hardly need any “special” coder since BG can do that which should be FAST to implement ^_^


Please feel free to post your opinion, ideas, improvements, …. as the Recipes, kind of Rewards are up to HCS, Community what they want to see AND as usual keep it civil  :)



while we are waiting for HCS, they can implement this awesome feature:


the amount you enter will be transfered (substracted) from your FSP account to your "FSP chest" that will appear in your Mailbox !!!

(EXAMPLE: if your account has 1000 FSPs and you input 200 FSPs, then your account will have 800 FSPs & the "FSP chest" a value of 200 FSPs !!!)

then this "FSP Chest" (hope HCS will give it a cool design) can be gifted to players, this will generate activity especially during events, occasions, holidays, ...... 

this is much better than just receiving fsps (proven in other games & sure many saw it in other games, I ♥ it)

hope we will see it before the NEW year & at the same time HCS can observe the activity during that day  :D 

#1000334 Composing Poll 2020

Posted by yghorbeviahn on 06 May 2020 - 16:15

I think we have enough overpowered buffs in Composing already, if something new must be added it shouldn't be directly connected to gameplay/stats, like something against Elites, Reveal, Vision, Guild Buffer, Titan Doubler (150max, for low level players who can't get the buff when they need it), Quest Hunter, Quest Finder and other niche things.

But hey, i'm not a Composer and that's just my personal opinion. 


#1000590 Player Titan Kill Points

Posted by yghorbeviahn on 10 June 2020 - 23:41

I think the market is already floded enough, with personal TKP a player could have:

- Solo secure with Guild cooldown.
- Farming Solo TKP. (Lets say 1/3 of an Epic worth, a bit more)

- Solo secure with Personal cooldown.


That would be 2,33-2,5 Epics every 7 days, instead of the 2 Epics every 7 days we have now.




What I'd really like to see with Titan Hunting is:


1 - A way to visualise your kills while hunting with personal cooldown (instead of only counting your Kill Streak).


2 - Somewhere that showed you which Titans you're on personal cooldown.


3 - A way to keep track of TKP for the guild, it would be PERFECT to be able to open a page on Titan Rewards for each Epic where a Leader could make notes regarding TKP...Something similar to the Guild Hall/Notepad would do, or maybe something even better. It's sad that every guild has to depend on outside forums to keep track of that.

#998169 Fallen Sword: Campfire Stories

Posted by mary4ever on 19 July 2019 - 17:30

The rise and fall of the trolls


As I look into the campfire I recall old events. This is my story & I am the narrator of this tale. In the golden age wars were a common thing, many skirmishes occurred & among them a war between 2 super powers in which I took part in. Not a day went by without blood being spilt, heroes and warriors emerged, as did a certain individual. This particular one started calling himself the strongest in the whole realm, even went as far as crowning himself the leader. He had a deep rage burning inside him towards all races, he started demanding total obedience, dictating who to ally ourselves with, whom to talk to and the list goes on. When confronted by his allies he totally lost it, consumed by rage he started swinging his sword like a madman, attacking allies and enemies alike as his appearance took the shape of a troll. This led to the end of the war with his side losing due to his crazy actions & it is rumored that the mad troll was spotted mortally wounded in the “sacred plains”, waiting for his return …….


Unbeknownst to us all another troll was biding his time in the darkness, gathering information & observing those brave warriors. When he first made his move, he was accompanied by his obedient sidekicks, 2 naïve inferior goblins. He was a grotesque creature & unlike his predecessor he prided himself in lying, deceit & cowardice. The 2-faced troll twisted facts to his own liking with the help of his 2 naïve sidekicks & even had a god trusting him. Thus it lead to the realm deteriorating & people emigrating. He basked in the misfortune of others & as the people started losing all hope, a higher god descended enforcing a law that was not to the liking of the troll as he had seen through the trolls lies & deceit. Enraged that he could not find joy in the misfortune of others anymore he vanished, leaving behind his loyal sidekicks with a single message saying “Snow Shrine” …..


As time passed the 3rd & most insignificant troll made his appearance. He came from a wealthy family but as a child was neglected by his parents so he sought the attention of others, no matter what, which led to his delusions.  He built himself a secret base underneath his families estate & his wealthy lifestyle was provided by stealing from his grandma. His delusions grew so severe that he was banished from “free speech” which fueled his need for attention even more. He started stalking & pestering “the eternal defenders”, an order he admired by slipping letters under their doors just to get a reaction out of them. Seeing them ignoring him, he applied to join his idols but when they denied him entry his delusions manifested. Even after the troll joined the “laughing stock” order he would at nights stalk each member of “the eternal defenders”, sometimes slipping them letters and every now and then going after their flags, just to satisfy his abnormal need for attention. As I sit around the campfire I make my way back home, feeling the presence of the troll circling around my order excitingly shrieking in a high pitched voice for attention …..

#992237 Double Composing XP XXXV

Posted by Alisa on 10 June 2018 - 07:58

Not sure where anyone has said anything about Composing being the only thing left to do ? 

They don't need to say it when they're acting like it. To me, it just sounds like once they reach the cap there isn't anything left to do. Maybe I see it differently, but, I think players should try to focus on other things till the developers find the time to increase the cap.


I am sure the developers know what everyone wants and constantly asking for the same thing won't change anything until they finish what they're currently on.

#989684 Thieves in the Night Global(GE Idea)

Posted by mary4ever on 26 January 2018 - 02:22

New GLOBAL EVENT, like everything so far except .....


I'm reckoning just one LE per item of the set.

IF you really want to add one LE per item then please go with these following LEs:

  • Zachorzi the Plagued (Legendary). Level 20
  • Leghra Deathspinner Queen (Legendary). Level 40
  • Minotaur of the Lost (Legendary). Level 100
  • Ursa the Great Bear (Legendary). Level 325
  • Seal of Fire (Legendary). Level 1000
  • (IF BigGrim wants he can add new LEs like these after some time)

what's so important about those LEs is that ALL of these Legendaries are always available !!!

  • Everyone can hunt them !!!
  • LEs are always available at any time !!!
  • greatly benefits lower lvl  "poor" players with few BPs !!!
  • more supply for the Community !!!

IMO Global Events & rewards should easily be accessable & achieveable to EVERYONE !!!


Example: current Global Event min kills are calculated so that EVERYONE, even new players without any upgrades can qualify so this New Global Event should not be otherwise !!!


IF the LE items are from LE Events then it does not take a genius to figure out that those with large BPs (which are by far the minority of FS players) will be the ones supplying the whole community => most will not be able to invent their sets => less people will participate in the next Global Events :(


I'd rather fill out the rest with components from things like the herbs that are in-game constantly (like the Hefflewart) or (Game) creatures like the Goobernoob Bird. Give them some added value again.

great because those "herbs" are are always available !!!


  • Everyone can hunt them !!!
  • LEs are always available at any time !!!
  • greatly benefits lower lvl  "poor" players with few BPs !!!
  • more supply for the Community !!!

#989353 The Forest of Yule returns!

Posted by Olef on 09 January 2018 - 20:36

I still can not believe we were given the chance to hunt all titans, every titan hunt was a challenge, always one or more players on the same titan, thats how you do events to get everyone involved, usually I would hunt 1 titan per event if I am lucky, thanks hcs for making this possible

#985112 Elgin BID Business Awards 2017

Posted by leefylee on 15 September 2017 - 16:21

i voted for kebabish takeaway shop :)

#984128 Guild Global Event Idea

Posted by Lupp0 on 16 August 2017 - 12:13

You could also think about a guild medal, just like the the ones we as players are getting for the global events.

There doesn't have to be any rewards like chests and what not, but there could be something different... no clue what it should be, but don't think in the order of chests.. we can earn enough of those already.


You mentioned people like HOFFA, i don't think he cares 1 bit for the global chests.. i'm not a mind reader, and haven't talked to him.
But some people here in TED never use those chests, they have tons of them.. with much less stamina bank then him.

Getting some 'prestige' however might change things.

And for 1 player to earn a 100 chests, what do you think will happen on the second event?

He will still have 99 chests left.. = zero motivation.


The reason people fight hard on some of these events, is because they are allowed to design/give name to a new item that will be introduced, think like this.

And the reason i say no RP, is because it should be seperated.

Yes it is guild vs guild, i will give you that.

But i prefer the actual guild vs guild gets fixed instead of handing out RP in some different way.


Again, i like the idea, but it needs a rework.

I do not know how, because i haven't really thought about it that good.

But i agree with you that there should be more content for guilds to work towards as a group.. that's for sure.

Linking rewards to it probably is a must, because else people won't get motivated at all...

But giving them chests is not the way to go i think.

#982730 bounty xp

Posted by clock96 on 17 July 2017 - 04:26

Yes Clock i know the rational behind the BB...its not the level loss that i am talking about im sure you must be smart enough to read that again , what i am saying is exp gain should not be awarded unless it is awarded for all aspects of pvp, level 2000 farming level 60 players for exp. Gold and FSP are award enough. I think this will ultimately be the nail in the coffin of the BB.

I think you have a problem in making people get your point but I got it and you are wrong, I don't want the xp limited to bounty attacks only, I want it through out every pvp aspect If its made right, and no there will be farming cause the xp gain will differ according to the difference in level between the bounty hunter and the guy getting cleared on board and the amount of stam used, so no it won't be abused very badly and actually what doesn't get abused in the game ?

#982681 ♥ GXP in Guild Advisor = GXP ♥

Posted by apedde on 16 July 2017 - 10:10

I only read mary post


titan hunts is guild vs guild, good

marys idea is guild vs guild, good


hoofmaster program this quickly, then I create my guild and hunt alone in my guild

afraid of 1 player alone in a guild give you more titan competition? lol


before I enter big guild I secured in my guild alone every titan in season, wait 2 days because 1900-2000 players online, then I secure every titan, no player or only 1 enemy titan hunter, now 215 players online, one tenth players online, very easy


hoofmaster and zorg want more active players and good for game, they can program this quickly

soon this crazy monkey alone in guild hunt against all guilds, be afraid because now you have more competition lol

#982687 ♥ GXP in Guild Advisor = GXP ♥

Posted by apedde on 16 July 2017 - 10:33

and I am slow titan hunter but be afraid of me because I will be alone in guild against you but I have teleport and titan doubler lol

#982690 ♥ GXP in Guild Advisor = GXP ♥

Posted by mary4ever on 16 July 2017 - 12:03

Sorry Mary, but to me this seems like an effort to try and sneak the "tkp going to the player, not the guild" idea in via the backdoor, and I am pretty sure the cows will see it the same way. Not that I disagree with that idea, but I do with this.

hi kit :)


my suggestion is to "match the GXP shown on the Guild Advisor to the GXP on guild page"

please code it that the "GXP seen in the Guild Advisor" = "current GXP on guild page" !!!

you seem to be talking about those "1-man-guilds" / small guilds which have been Titan Hunting for YEARS, this is nothing new & if you check out most players guild size who are against my idea you will notice that they are either "1-man-guilds" / small guilds who would have to put more "effort" due to more Player activity / competition !!!


again, I am not suggesting something "new" (that players are able to leave their guild in order to Titan Hunt which was impossible before due to game mechanics, its already possible, my suggestion just enables a lot more players to be able to do the SAME too => increase Player activity => more competition => good for the game in general since more players can participate in the Titan Event :)


what for instance, should stop me from jumping outta the guild, clear the bounties on guild member, only to join again? (I'd love to do that, mind you :wub: )

again, ALL I am suggesting is this:

please code it that the "GXP seen in the Guild Advisor" = "current GXP on guild page" !!!

you can already do this NOW, in this "current system" so my suggestion did NOT create it at all, its already there !!!

infact PvPers have reported this (incl. me a few times years ago but nothing done so far, BigGrim can verify this)


How about players who left a guild before this takes place would that info still be there? 

That would be interesting to see.

I will tell you how the Guild Advisor has been working since it was implemented (this has NOTHING to do with my suggestion)

I will take your character as an EXAMPLE because you were in my guild before:


you are NOT in my guild anymore so when I look at the Guild Advisor I obviously do not see anything related to you !!!

you are currently in the guild "Problem 6" & when you look at your Guild Advisor you will see the same amount of GXP (69 bil) as shown at your guild page (69 bil) !!!

NOW let's assume you return to your previous guild:

the amount of GXP on your guild page would be ZERO BUT your Guild Advisor would show the amount of GXP you had BEFORE you left !!!


hope that answers your question & again, what I explained to you had ZERO to do with my suggestion, I only explained how the Guild Advisor works regarding GXP !!!

please feel free to ask if you have any more questions :)


answer this

I leave my guild to hunt seasons titans, after the event ends I get back to my guild

after coming back is my gxp the same before I left my guild?

well you already answered your question in your next posts yourself BUT here we go ....

with my suggestion YES, your GXP you worked for years on (FSPs / donations / .......) will not be lost since my suggestion is to automatically tie / match the GXP shown in the Guild Advisor to the GXP shown on the guild page !!!


if you are not in your guild (where you hunted & earned the GXP) then obviously your guild will get ZERO GXP !!!


for some players more player competition is a bad thing and are against marys idea


how can more player competition be a bad thing?

it's a matter of perspective:

for those who do not want to put more effort or any competition then they will obviously not agree with my suggestion

for those who were unable to hunt a single Seasonal Titan during the Titan Event BUT will NOW be able to finally take part in an Event will agree with my suggestion


either way I do not blame them at all & not everyone has the same viewpoint !!!


I understood that she wanted the latter too but where did you read that the gxp stays the same at every guild?

the guild advisor is not the same at every guild

obviously the Guild Advisor is NOT the same at every guild !!!

you get GXP in the guild you hunted in !!!

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