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#921009 New Global Events (nothing Earth-shattering here...)

Posted by Corrupted on 21 February 2015 - 19:16

new globals for sure are needed...this one is struggling...same globals over and over..getting stale..we need a new one that has an invent and drops to make the invent to try and revive the globals..

We need something that doesnt spell "Kill xxxx amount of critters".

At this point, anything besides that is more interesting.

#920633 please extend pvp attack range

Posted by Corrupted on 19 February 2015 - 19:08

Gold thieving is part of the game, has always been...


Now let me say this.  I've played this game for three years now, and I have never had a 'good' interaction with a PvPer. How is that supposed to make me feel?  I had one return gold once when I messaged him and basically thanked him for ruining my day.  I've been hit a couple of times while online, and I took those hits in stride as I deserved them. 


Yo, man. I've taken gold from a lot of people at different stages of the game, and really the only thing that marks the difference between a 'good' or 'bad' interaction is the way you respond to the attack. Some people have straight bountied me, no problem. I deserve it. Rare occasions the bounty comes with some nasty message which I don't reply to, or in rare occasions they just do nothing at all.

But there are also some that send a message (not negative), and things escalate to the point in which they even laugh with me after I take some loot. I mean, I do understand the act of getting attacked doesn't really bring a smile to your face, but do at least try to be nice to them in some sort of way, I bet your odds of a 'good' interaction will highly increase!

#891324 PvP-Ladder Sollutions.

Posted by Corrupted on 25 September 2014 - 18:40

I think the only thing stopping people from PvP'ing now is the same thing that stops them from doing anything else in this game: the lack of an incentive.

Now let me set some examples...

- Titan hunting? You get some fancy stamina gain items, and some good sales; usually #1 thing recommended to enthusiastic lower levels (Incentive? CHECK).


- Hunting? May not be as profitable, but who doesn't want better gear and better buffs to be able to do more things and be more independent? (Incentive? CHECK).


- Arena? There's fancy prizes, and a medal. Done right, it can be fairly profitable if done right, even at the point where the current rewards aren't as worth as they were before  (Incentive? CHECK)

- Composing? Costs a lot to level yeah, but with the current and "promised" additions to it, it can bring many, many benefits for the player and those in the player guild. (Incentive? CHECK)

- Inventing/Scaveging? No medals (yet?). Many make a living off this, so it is fairly productive with some luck.  During certain events, can also give a player something of use or for sale. (Incentive? CHECK)

Now, for PvP... 

Ladder? You mean that place where I lose some XP for a couple of medals only, because the prizes are worth dirt? (Incentive? Error 404)

The Bounty Board? You mean that place where I am risking losing my XP for a bounty that will cost me so much that the prize doesn't cover for the cost? Oh the medal tick, yeah. I need to break my pocket to get anywhere near it, and my XP... (Incentive? Error 404)

Normal PvP? You mean that thing that gives me prestige, which will incur me more losses than gains? And medal? No medal either, no thank you. (Incentive? Error 404)

In case that wasn't clear enough, all PvP is been lacking is something that will make the LOSS of XP be worth the GAIN of something of value. PvP does not get you stamina gain items or decent profits (like Titan Hunting), does not get you better gear or buffs (like leveling), does not get you nice prizes (like Arena), does not give you access to special potions (like Composing), and finally, does not give you special events for chance of special gear or resources or gear (like Scavenging/Inventing (inventing = critters drop resources >> collect >> attempt to create >> ?? >> gear).

Yes, we have 3 medals to show, woo, but PvP as a whole means a sink of resources (FSP/Gold/Time/XP) that, in the end, comes to no revenue. #EndRant

#891320 PvP-Ladder Sollutions.

Posted by Corrupted on 25 September 2014 - 18:11

The problem is that BG believes XP/LvLs loss is what people don't like. If his assumption is wrong and people generally don't like being attacked and defeated, then the XP Loss removal will create much more problems for levellers and pvp'ers, because the number of attacks will increase significantly. Now many players are afraid to get on the BB for attacking other players, because "evil pvp'ers will tear them apart there". The situation will be worse and they will have to change many things again. I just want to say that hitting hourly "XP protected" players yielded the same results as with "XP loss". 

Well, yeah.

People will say they now cannot punish anyone for stealing their gold, and I bet many more will say losing some "PvP XP" (or whatever other name they come up with) isn't enough of a "lesson" to the player. That's just one of the many that this new system will bring

Once this "new, exclusive" prizes come to play, and give a player an edge over the others, people will rant about being in an uneven field. Once the prizes drop to the point where they're not profitable or give little satisfaction, lack of new ones will create complaints (look at the Arena).

In the end, complaining never ends. It doesn't in real life, and it won't here. By removing XP Loss you're just creating a different topic to complain about.


#891308 PvP-Ladder Sollutions.

Posted by Corrupted on 25 September 2014 - 16:33

BigGrim, rest assured that XP Loss will NOT be the last thing people will complain about in regards to PvP...

Someone will find something to complain about sooner than later, even if it's due another change in the system

#891307 'BLOOD' a possible idea for Grims intended removal of xp loss from pvp.

Posted by Corrupted on 25 September 2014 - 16:28

Exactly right. There's no way to protect it beyond the Market and the banks now. Why should that change? Protect your gold if you don't wanna lose it.


If someone hits you for gold, HIT THEM BACK!

Hear, hear!

#890905 'BLOOD' a possible idea for Grims intended removal of xp loss from pvp.

Posted by Corrupted on 23 September 2014 - 14:11

What I get from Doom is pretty much the same as if you were a level 1 player and were killing a level 5 creature... You get, let's say, 20 XP per every victorious attack on the creature (not counting any modifiers).

Once you pass level 6, you start gaining less XP from the creature exponentially, say then @ level 6 you gain only 16 XP from that creature, which is not as effective as it once was, hence you move on to a "juicier" target (?)...

If that's how it is, then to me it makes perfect sense to start at level 0. That way everyone starts pretty much on the same curve, then you have to do a bit more of work to move on, just like leveling.

#890754 PvP-Ladder Sollutions.

Posted by Corrupted on 23 September 2014 - 00:04

WOW, that's not what I had in mind when I first created this thread...

I really agree with BG on this, taking off XP Loss is really the final answer to all our problems of Levelers vs. PvPers, that will get rid of all PvPers, what will make space for Levelers do some kind of "PvP" without losing nothing more than 10/100 stamina.

Why didn't I think on this before?
With No XP Loss we can:
1 - Level non-stop to conquer nothing more than numbers, without interaction or friends.
2 - Keep killing old and maybe new Titans using codes, or bragging for having a better internet connection.
3 - Kill the Bounty Board for good, what is a ugly place to be, no one like to receive buffs, swing on targets, change gear and use his own mind to prevent attacks on his head.
4 - Finnally everyone will have risk-free Smasher and Dominance Medals.

5 (And more important) - Levellers will not have any kind of problem against PvPers, because I'm sure a LOT (if not all) PvPers will stop playing, I'm not a PvPer all the time, but for sure I'll be one of many that will leave the game.


You want to know why XP Loss on PvP is so important?
To add reason, communication, fear, risk, consequence, learning and, more important, Player vs. Player enviroiment, what you think will happen when you add this, lets suppose a scenario, will be easy to imagine, once the Rating Rewards become worthless what will happen? That will take like a month, after that every kind of PvP will die, all PvP buffs, all PvP Gear (2x more present than hunting gear), you can also take off Defense and Armor from outr profiles, because SSi can cover that on mob killing. You see, 60% or more of the game IS based on PvP, and that includes XP Loss.

If you want to create a SEPARETED Ladder without XP Loss, ok, fine with me, but keep the XP Loss (I would like to see XP Gain included as well), if you want to get rid of XP Loss, just add an autoplay, because no one will need any kind of brain to play this game, just gear up, get buffs and press 1,2,3,4,R.

I second Penny, ran out of likes here. This sole post may as well explain it all folks!

#890681 PvP-Ladder Sollutions.

Posted by Corrupted on 22 September 2014 - 19:13

I personally believe that - as it is worded by BG, not me - "taking XP is more important than PvP rating" is because almost everyone believes that XP has some relative "value" and PvP rating doesn't have relative value in comparison.  XP designates a players level which determines what items they can use, determines what realms they can hunt which determines how much GXP they can gain per stamina when hunting, determines what levels they can reach for chests and relics - it determines so many things - not just for "levelers".  Yet, PvP rating only has a chance to gain ladder tokens that honestly don't give items of "value" and PvP rating points also POOF after a couple days.  BG, it is not about ruining experiences.  It is about affecting "something" of value so that there is a point.  If so many PvP rating points could be exchanged for XP as an example, PvP rating points would gain "value" and would be desired more.  If PvP rating points could be exchanged for FSP, PvP rating points would have "value".  If an attacking player gains only a few temporary PvP points that can be exchanged with ladder tokens for a resource item of little to no significance, some are saying that there is no point, because nothing of "value" is gained.  At the minimum having a losing player lose XP is a result that has an impact and it is THAT impact which gives the victorious player energy and excitement, a thrill.  That too is "value", especially in a game where many have lost that energy, excitement and thrill.


#878833 If we implemented 3 FSH features, which would you pick?

Posted by Corrupted on 14 July 2014 - 00:42

1-) Find Player Gold Holdings
2-) Guild Quick Recall/Wear
3-) Colored targets for PvP/GvG

#869332 Guild vs. Guild 24hr Smack Down!!!! "A Storm is Coming...

Posted by Corrupted on 19 May 2014 - 00:01

I understand your logic. 


Still, global pots and deflect being used is just ridiculous. Unless there is going to be an ACTUAL prize (say 500 fsp to the winning guild) I don't see the point in using them. 


I understand the whole "if you got it flaunt it philosophy" and in most cases I agree with it.


This however is not one of those cases. 


You are entitled to your own opinions though.


On another note, I agree 100% with BraveKath's point on sportsmanship.

Please do explain to me as to why using Global potions is "pointless" then, as we both partially agree on Deflect.

Seen Kath's post and I agree with it, too. 

#869322 Guild vs. Guild 24hr Smack Down!!!! "A Storm is Coming...

Posted by Corrupted on 18 May 2014 - 23:31

Lets see where do I want to start?


First off, I would like to thank Brice for his effort to bring forth a fun and enjoyable "Bloody Sunday".




What I saw and my suggestions for the next round (if there is one):


1) Deflect was being used by virtually every participating guild. ODP did not use it until we realized that EVERYONE else was using it. (Most of our players have deflect blocked anyhow).


2) MANY people were using epic (global event acquired) potions. These included SH 525 (with ZB 604) and all the ones that came along with that pot and the buffs in the Zorgrom Stash. This makes the target defenseless and the attacker near invincible. I suggest that such pots be banned from any and all future events. 


3) Although the smack talk was intended to be all in good fun, some people in the community did not appreciate it or took it seriously. In the future, leave the smack talk to PM's and not FS BOX posts. Some folks were annoyed by the "spam" we threw into the FS Box.


4) Create a bracket system. Guilds involved should have specific targets. They should know who to prepare for and who not to worry about. 


5) Either ban small guilds entirely, or create a separate "smackdown" for smaller guilds to compete with each other. I think we all know who I am talking about. The advantage these guilds hold over the rest of the participating guild is RIDICULOUSLY unfair. Think of it like this: They have maybe 5-10 people to buff EXTREMELY well and guilds like ODP have 40+ people to buff EXTREMELY well. When attacking and when defending, these guilds have the upper hand against ANY guild.


I know my suggestions will anger many of the guilds who participated or will participate in the future but I feel they are necessary in order to maintain a FUN AND FAIR competition amongst the best GvG guilds in the game.


IF I have upset you, feel free to message me in game and try to convince me WHY I am wrong. Do not just rant about how stupid my suggestions are without giving any constructive criticism. 


Congrats to The Firing Squad for "winning" today's Trial Run. 

I'd like to thank all the people that put their brains into making this happen, and to all that participated. Today was that start of many great things to come, hopefully.


1-) I agree, Deflect shouldn't be something that could be used in these kind of events. I personally have Deflect blocked overall, just because I don't like it. Although, think about this. Most Guilds that participate in here don't have "PvP-Focused" players, like you or even me can be. They don't know the frustration that can come along with that buff, hence they either pay little attention to it or choose to use it. It is already hard to get ALL your active members lined up with the right gear, as some don't even get to reach each and everyone of their members. If you're encountering a problem with Deflect, there is  Spell Breaker/Leech and Anti Deflect buff and potion out there for your use. I know this won't work all nor close to most of the time, but it makes a way to get through it.

2-) Epic/Legendary potions are there to be used. Either by obtaining them from Global events, or from Special offers, they're all there to be burned for any given situation. Do they give you an incredible edge over some player? Yes. Are they invincible, or even close to that? No. There are still ways to get around them, as many have done in a past, so why not let a player who actually wants to have the odds as much as they can in their favor?

3-) I would agree. The smack talk should be kept personal, because some may take the wrong side on it and cause trouble. I did post some stuff but I kept most of my talk on PM, as it is more direct and doesn't get anyone getting the wrong feeling.

4-) Bracket system? No. I don't think HCS nor players separate guild by # of members, so we shall not, either. We cannot limit someone to hit x and y because they want more people to form part of their Guild, and we should not limit competition because x guild has little members and y guild has so many more. As far as I know, the smaller the guild, the more predictable they can become targetwise (You will know who is hitting and who they are hitting). Big Guild size has always been a disadvantage for GvG, and most if not all of us should know this by now. Speaking from a small guild, we cannot hold ourselves accountable for your guild kicking or recruiting a great number of players.

5-) The only advantage I see between one guild and the other is timing. We all have the same resources avaliable to one another, and we can all employ them at any given time. The fact that you choose not to, aren't able to, or just simply don't take them into consideration isn't anyone's fault but the one that has done all this. It is all a matter of timing and choice. Me and my guild personally stockpiled every possible potion that could help our cause, got ourselves enough buffs, and luckily, most of us were able to partake in the event and have fun.

To conclude... I had a lot of great fun this time about, and will surely have fun next time. Gained many friends and got to enjoy one of my favorite parts of the game once again after a long time... And we didn't neccessarily "win", we just came out with the best overall record compared to all the Guilds that were participant.

#868394 Guild vs. Guild 24hr Smack Down!!!! "A Storm is Coming...

Posted by Corrupted on 13 May 2014 - 04:39

How about we try the idea we have now this coming up weekend, and then we can have an improved version later in the month or the beginning of the next (Given that it is a success and there is to be another) ?

#865884 Asaharas Gold sink thread

Posted by Corrupted on 29 April 2014 - 14:42

p******* lost 2339666 gold of which SilentS0ul stole 1754750 gold‏


Time to kick life into this thing..

#863626 FS Memes

Posted by Corrupted on 18 April 2014 - 04:37


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