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Member Since 28 Jun 2013
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#801687 Development Roadmap

Posted by Hoofmaster on 22 July 2013 - 22:07

The purpose of this thread is to give everyone an overview of what we're currently working on (excluding normal game content) and what is in the pipeline for the game. We'll do our best to keep this as up-to-date and accurate as possible :)


Recently Completed

Diamond Medals (25th July)
General Bug Fix Update (5th August)

Updates for UFSG (6th August)

Further improvements to the UFSG (Thread) (14th August)

World Chat (22nd August)

Composing (6th Sept)

Map Footprints (27th September)


Currently In Development (Estimated Release Date)

(Updated Roadmap coming next week!)


Planned Development

Improve Chests (Thread)


Epic Quest (continued)

Personal Achievements



If we've missed something from the list that you feel is important, please let us know :)


~ The Fallen Sword Team

#809756 Guild recruitment suggestion

Posted by BigGrim on 03 September 2013 - 14:46

Hi there.


Sorry, but this is not gonna happen. Forcing players into Guilds is not a good idea as various posters have already pointed out.



#808991 Reset Attributes

Posted by BigGrim on 29 August 2013 - 17:04



It shall not be reintroduced.



#808920 Sure would like to play tonight - Some of the servers on fire or something?

Posted by cyrus7 on 29 August 2013 - 05:56

If you're having extreme lag issues, close the world chat, and don't refresh any FS pages for about 5 minutes. When you come back, if you're lucky, you may end up on a different server.


Right now it's the middle of the night for the admins. Once they get to the office in the morning and see the trouble that is being had, I'm sure they'll look into it.


In the meantime, it would be helpful to them for people who are having the lag issue to post in this thread which server they are on. This information is on the right side of your FS page under Game Stats.

#808204 stam issue

Posted by Mister Doom on 24 August 2013 - 01:01

I've been trying to help 'fakedoom' with this over the world chat but it has me stumped.


He attacks a creature with ZERO buffs active and it take random amounts of stamina.

Not a multi hit issue either as he's WAY over the requirements to 1 - hit a common vampire.


It's all very strange.


I also recommended he request an amount of reserve stamina since he's literally not been able to play the game properly for over a month.

#803997 LE EVENT

Posted by BigGrim on 02 August 2013 - 14:28

Grim, I think we missing the morbidstein event from that list


Nope. Nuh uh! Wrong! :P


I would like to see Ursa the Great Bear (Legendary) 325  at least  :) So, that I can finish that quest also. And I won't be surprised if others would like that Zachorzi the Plagued (Legendary) 20 also. 


I figured they'd go out, yeah. :)

#803933 LE EVENT

Posted by BigGrim on 02 August 2013 - 09:34



Wanna run a Legendary Event soon myself. As has been listed elsewhere, these are the ones who are not part of a specific event : 


Burzzthak the Corrupter (Legendary) 5
Raggghza the Troll (Legendary) 10
Frost Dragon (Legendary) 12
Aughisky (Legendary) 20
Zachorzi the Plagued (Legendary) 20
Tevaer the Guardian (Legendary) 25
Fire Dragon (Legendary) 35
Cerberus Hound (Legendary) 50
Thonomoth (Legendary) 60
Leaf Dragon (Legendary) 68
Bishamon Terror from the Deep (Legendary) 80
Tamarath the Enchantress (Legendary) 90
The Host (Legendary) 90
Thundror the Frost Giant (Legendary) 100
Gogmor Mancrusha (Legendary) 120
Dragon Lord Abraxas (Legendary) 125
Cu Sith (Legendary) 150
King Au Xenah (Legendary) 150
Samael (Legendary) 160
The Banshee of Dunale (Legendary) 170
Ziburinis (Legendary) 180
Tarbida (Legendary) 200
Kronor the Hunt Master (Legendary) 225
Cacus (Legendary) 250
Lord Thorn (Legendary) 290
Night Wyvern (Legendary) 300
Rangdar the Demon Queen (Legendary) 325
Ursa the Great Bear (Legendary) 325
Chariot of Fire (Legendary) 350
Malahas (Legendary) 375
Argus (Legendary) 400
The Challenger (Legendary) 475
Jorogumo (Legendary) 500
Fallen Anteros (Legendary) 590
Any in particular from that list you wish to see? 
All the others are from specific events or are Cave only : 
Caves : 
Felicity Feline Friend (Legendary) 235 (Cave)
Bahmou (Legendary) 300 (Cave)
Death's Head Bone Golem (Legendary) 450 (Cave)
Spidragon (Legendary) 475 (Cave)
Illuyanka the Poisonous (Legendary) 500     (Cave)
The Gilded King (Legendary) 525 (Cave)
Balaur (Legendary) 550 (Cave)
Kifo Hoodoo Priestess (Legendary) 680 (Cave)
Tree Mistress Zykz (Legendary) 750 (Cave)
Red Annis (Legendary) 780 (Cave)
Vishaga the Vengeful (Legendary) 780 (Cave)
Xind Imperial Demon (Legendary) 820 (Cave)
Zaragoth the Hades Dragon (Legendary) 820 (Cave)
Baelsae the Forest Guardian (Legendary) 850 (Cave)
Harvester of Lost Souls (Legendary) 850 (Cave)
Vorik Hydra (Legendary) 900 (Cave)
Sanguidere (Legendary) 975 (Cave)
Gargantuan Phoenix (Legendary) 1230 (Cave)
Ira Heketoro (Legendary) 1600 (Cave)
Barathor the Seer of Fire (Legendary) 1725 (Cave)
Springtime Forest : 
Masaryk The Dark (Legendary) 5 (Springtime Forest)
Goldstrike (Legendary) 100 (Springtime Forest)
Gullinkambi (Legendary) 250 (Springtime Forest)
Ammit the Devourer (Legendary) 400 (Springtime Forest)
Assiris the Lamassu (Legendary) 550 (Springtime Forest)
Glauckii (Legendary) 700     (Springtime Forest)
Master Barbnisis (Legendary) 850 (Springtime Forest)
Sir Vakalem (Legendary) 950 (Springtime Forest)
Princess Naamah (Legendary) 1100 (Springtime Forest)
Su Kellos (Legendary) 1310 (Springtime Forest)
Oidhche Shamhna : 
Sir Cean (Legendary) 800 (Oidhche Shamhna)
King Nimis the Blob (Legendary) 900 (Oidhche Shamhna)
Shroud Vs Zorgrom : 
Burzzthak the Exalted (Legendary) 15 (Zorgrom vs Shroud)
Zorgrom Bulltoise (Legendary) 115 (Zorgrom vs Shroud)
Shroud Saurodon (Legendary) 225 (Zorgrom vs Shroud)
Zorgrom War Lobber (Legendary) 340 (Zorgrom vs Shroud)
Shroud Watcher Ballista (Legendary) 415 (Zorgrom vs Shroud)
Zorgrom War Wolf Rider (Legendary) 535 (Zorgrom vs Shroud)
Shroud Horror Horse (Legendary) 665 (Zorgrom vs Shroud)
Zorgrom Ogre Axe Thrower (Legendary) 770 (Zorgrom vs Shroud)
Shroud Grotesque (Legendary) 845 (Zorgrom vs Shroud)
Zorgrom Shock Trooper (Legendary) 915 (Zorgrom vs Shroud)
Shroud Heavy Infantry (Legendary) 1025 (Zorgrom vs Shroud)
Zorgrom War Wyvern (Legendary) 1120 (Zorgrom vs Shroud)
Shroud Wreathed Drake (Legendary) 1210 (Zorgrom vs Shroud)
Revered Luz Tagoz (Legendary) 1350 (Zorgrom vs Shroud)
Shroud Shadow Blade (Legendary) 1500 (Zorgrom vs Shroud)
Zorgrom Back Stabba (Legendary) 1650 (Zorgrom vs Shroud)
Halloween : 
Tattie Boggle (Legendary) 25 (Halloween)
Voodoo Ray (Legendary) 25 (Halloween)
Clawed Fiend (Legendary) 66 (Halloween)
Zingiber Everclaw (Legendary) 135 (Halloween)
The Howling Spectre (Legendary) 240 (Halloween)
Captain Squall (Legendary) 360 (Halloween)
The Experiment (Legendary) 430 (Halloween)
Deathmask (Legendary) 560 (Halloween)
Jumbo the Clown (Legendary) 675 (Halloween)
Gozkon Gooulgez (Legendary) 775 (Halloween)
Dark Master (Legendary) 850 (Halloween)
Imptile (Legendary) 925 (Halloween)
Beardface (Legendary) 1050 (Halloween)
Sadaion (Legendary) 1175 (Halloween)
Ectolymph the Bio Exorcist (Legendary) 1300 (Halloween)
Dr Attila Barca (Legendary) 1425 (Halloween)
The Invisible Mage (Legendary) 1550 (Halloween) 
Christmas : 
Lesser Flamedeer (Legendary) 50 (Xmas)
Lesser Santork Claws (Legendary) 50 (Xmas)
Flamedeer (Legendary) 150 (Xmas)
Santork Claws (Legendary) 150 (Xmas)
Greater Flamedeer (Legendary) 250 (Xmas)
Greater Santork Claws (Legendary) 250 (Xmas)
Superior Flamedeer (Legendary) 500 (Xmas)
Superior Santork Claws (Legendary) 500 (Xmas)
Friends of Morbidstein : 
Count Ragf Lokor (Legendary) 12 (Friends of Morbidstein)
Zaria the Vengeful (Legendary) 55 (Friends of Morbidstein)
Wolfman of Morbidstein (Legendary) 110 (Friends of Morbidstein)
Lustravia the Hedge Witch (Legendary) 193 (Friends of Morbidstein)
Thothmes the Wrathful (Legendary) 364 (Friends of Morbidstein)
The Bride of Morbidstein (Legendary) 484 (Friends of Morbidstein)
Marshman of Morbidstein (Legendary) 650 (Friends of Morbidstein)


#804731 Karma

Posted by 09876r3LDK on 06 August 2013 - 08:42

i have been wondering HCS and a lot of people probably have been to when is the next step in Karma points and stuff gonna be put into effect.  For the mentors ETC and other stuff.

#797712 If titans could talk ... what would they say?

Posted by BigGrim on 26 June 2013 - 15:36

"Stop stabbing me, you lil $@*£!"

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