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Member Since 10 Apr 2015
Offline Last Active May 23 2024 19:29

#1010692 PvP Event Crystal League!

Posted by LadyJ on 23 May 2024 - 19:30

Id love for it to happen again!

2015 was a looong time ago

#998253 Fallen Sword: Campfire Stories

Posted by LadyJ on 25 July 2019 - 15:11

Best memories for me were the 750-999 ladder, against some of the greatest pvpers known to this game, along with my partner at the time, then weekly gvgs on the members of that guild, the #1 vs the #2 gvg guilds at the time, one weekend we'd engage on them, the next they'd engage on us, and at all times we'd spend the 24 hours of the conflicts buffed up to the brim in all the big event chests (except for the easter ones, we never used those for pvp lol), all the while battling for each others relics <3 another key moment in the game for me was when a certain guild dropped me 100 levels inside of 3 hours, back in 2013, I did deserve it, but it made me work harder to protect myself :P guess thats what made me really into pvp

#997133 PVP range

Posted by LadyJ on 29 May 2019 - 08:02

In many threads, across many years, I have argued against this.


I have said this is akin to fishermen, who, having exhausted the stocks of fish in their waters, argue for bigger nets, or ones with smaller holes so they can catch more fish to boost their catch.


All it does in the end is exhaust supply and kill off the stocks.


HCS, based in Elgin, should appreciate the analogy, I think.


If the fishermen get what they want, they fish well for a few seasons, then the well runs dry again. And they argue again for wider nets, always more so they can keep catching their fish. Even as the fish stocks die off, and in the end the fishermen destroy their own industry.


This has happened. Scotland has the largest fishing reserves in Europe. French and Spanish fishermen are desperate to come into our waters to fish, because their own waters are barren. Odd, that.


PvP players in this thread all think it would be a good idea to spread the ranges, widen the nets.


I'm sure it would be good for you, for a while.


I leave it to HCS to decide if they can risk the hit to their dwindling player reserves.

Keeping it at +/- 10 will have the exact same effect, heck it's already been for the last 6-7 years, I have seen MANY, MANY pvpers leave the game due to the limitations that weren't adapted for. PvP and GvG hasn't been updated in a while, in that meanwhile, more content has been introduced for levellers, more titans have been introduced, more buffs have been introduced, even the arena got a few changes. It's PvP's turn for an update now.


Besides, it isn't all bad for levellers either if this new range is implemented, looking at one of BP's earlier posts, she had to hit the same targets 3 times and 1 target for 4 times to get her DQ in, imagine you are one of those targets, instead of being hit 3/4 times in 1 day you'll only be hit once, because there would be a much wider range of people.


So, to conclude this short post, PLEASE increase the ranges, the higher level I go the more my viable DQ targets start t decrease, I'm currently at 8 targets within the last 7 days, with one of them being my own guildmate, and I'm still relatively low in level.

#990698 Epic Quest Line - The Fallen Sword Cube

Posted by LadyJ on 11 March 2018 - 23:24

Love this idea, please implement it :D

#986928 The Great Multi Purge

Posted by LadyJ on 02 November 2017 - 10:15

Wow. Besides agreeing with multis not being a new thing I'm shocked at how wrong the latter part of the statement is. Development, or lack thereof, has everything to do with ALL aspects of the game. Multis are certainly impacted by development. Since this great multi purge has occurred should I believe all is right in the FS world? If yes, I've got a bridge to sell you. I know, let's ask the GvG folks on the front lines. They are the most experienced on this topic.

I told myself I would abstain from further commenting on this thread but after seeing this post addressed to the GvG folks I decided that I should throw my 2 cents in. This post I quoted is perfect, I couldn't have put it in a better way. Although I'm mainly a GvGer, I have tried out other aspects of the game, and I can say that a multi purge, although it might stop the cheats from making profits for a certain amount of time, if changes aren't made then the multis are just going to come back and do the exact same thing as before, if developments are made then it can stop the multis from making profits dishonestly, as it will block out any opportunities for cheating, so yes, as a GvGer I must agree with the above statement, a development in a new system WILL make things better.

#986465 PvP GvG band

Posted by LadyJ on 22 October 2017 - 09:21

Younger people also have the attention span of my hyperactive dog. Squirrel! Squirrel!
How many young people you know stick with a pvp game for the long haul? Unless they can become OP and rule the game, they won’t stick around. They also love the eye candy and top notch graphics which we don’t have so good luck with that.

By now, we know our demographic and who sticks around. The strength is the social aspect and that some how needs to be leveraged.

This statement, I tend to disagree with, I'm a 19 year old who has been PvPing and GvGing since beginning of 2013, and I'm still very into this aspect of the game, although, due to lack of change, doing so much of these without any updates or changes being made to them will get boring, it will happen to anyone regardless of age, the neglect to update current systems is what makes people so tired of certain things.


People have been asking for a revamp in pvp/gvg for years now and this aspect of the game has never been touched, just a few months ago Ryebred came up with a great idea of making GvGing competitive again but nothing was done about it, if this aspect isn't changed BEFORE the app is released then I can almost guarantee that young people WILL indeed like pvp and gvg but will not stick around in FS because it won't be changed, and they will get bored of the lack of competition, or if it WILL be changed AFTER the app, even more people who will potentially stick around will then be driven away because, lets be honest, who would have the patience to start a game, take so much time to finally understand the aspect most intriguing to them, then have it all completely changed having to understand it all over again? What opinion will that leave on newcomers?

#980714 GvG rework proposal

Posted by LadyJ on 10 May 2017 - 20:14

Next, let's see who has supported your idea, either partially, or wholly:

Ladyjenks - Member of a top GvG guild


anyway your move, please try to come back with an actual response to my ideas laid out, as oppose  to playing the "farm" card. And as you said before, lets not use personal attacks, Im not a kid and I don't really want to talk with one =)

'Lets Not use Personal Attacks' the hypocrasy in that line after you called out every player who commented on this status..


Thanks for mentioning my name first on your list


Then you complain about not being able to state your opinion, obviously people will oppose you if you take the time to call them out 1 by 1, you brought that on yourself



You only hit weak guilds just so your pocket can grow, you are completely opposed to this idea because you KNOW it will revive GVG and hence bring in more players to challenge you, my top GVG guild isnt exactly a small guild, so defending a conflict successfully is never a walk in the park, your guild has all the resources to defend well just like mine has, youve got gear, buffers, potions and hitters, you don't defend conflicts because youre not willing to commit enough to do this successfully, so I'm sorry to say, if you go by that attitude you don't even deserve to be where you are in the ladder.


If you notice all the top GVG guilds agree with this statement, not because it will make them richer, but because it will increase activity in a dying aspect of the game, because it will bring in more guilds willing to compete with them, and make it more challenging and fun, I mean, wheres the fun in hitting a bunch of players who are offline in epics without worrying about any repurcussions? And that is why people who practice other aspects of the game are also on board with this idea, the only reason you are opposed to this idea is your own selfishness, how much money you'll potentially be out, and THAT is why NOBODY agrees with your point

#980310 What's your favorite foods?

Posted by LadyJ on 29 April 2017 - 11:56

If calories were a currency this thread would be a gold mine :P

#980253 GvG rework proposal

Posted by LadyJ on 27 April 2017 - 14:56



I believe this might be the solution to satisfy both sides. Create a global/seasonal event that focuses on the competitive part of GvG while leaving the current one alone for those that are more interested in the profit side.



Also, this is my opinion, but if a global competitive GvG is made I don't think players showed be allowed to use High Guard, Golden Shield, Dispel Curse, Invert, etc.

I personally dont agree with this, considering the fact that the highest level buffs that can be cast on offline members to defend is 192, and with all the chests/composed pots around that give such high level buffs, the only way to challenge the massive stats is by using those chance buffs, that, when activate once can cause a loss or an unresolved hit, otherwise anyone can just calculate stats and drink enough potions to beat those stats without having to provide for the times these buffs activate.


EDIT: The only buff I personally disagree with is Dispel Curse, as a 38.4% chance of dark curse not activating is high enough to make the attacker provide enough attack without relying on the Dark Curse buff, which has made it completely obsolete

#980061 GvG rework proposal

Posted by LadyJ on 24 April 2017 - 15:01

This is one of the most brilliant ideas I've ever seen, it will really liven up GVGs and give every guild a fighting chance at being the best, I find no flaws to this system, well done Rye, you've really outdone yourself this time! :)

#979975 It's about time to balance out those overpowered pots in PvP.

Posted by LadyJ on 21 April 2017 - 11:00

 But as I mentioned, there is a third option, if they use an egg, use one as well, so they cant beat you either and an uncompleted conflict means draw. Which I know is such a difficult condition, it is one the opponents present you with to save the rating. While it may not be a valid statement, eventually people who would use the egg in gvgs will run out.

I would certainly do that if I would be online when they hit me, but due to time zones I'm asleep most of the times I get hit, then log on once the people that hit me have just fell asleep, all potioned up for 10 hours until they come to wake up again, only to use another epic potion once they wake up.





An idea is at least reducing the duration of the chests, because with a Pride and BM 300 buff with a zBrew the duration is way too long

#979921 It's about time to balance out those overpowered pots in PvP.

Posted by LadyJ on 20 April 2017 - 12:51

I think LJs point is that there is no ability to compete with such buffs on the field, but also see your point in time being the balance b2L. The mountain she speaks of is unreal; lose 1, and it takes 50 wins to recover what you lost, this problem is not from the player but the devs fault. I've asked for years for them to do regular resets so that those currently active in the venue of GvG are rewarded by seeing progress from their efforts. As it stands, if you are new guild trying to break into top 10 of GvG, you need to surpass dozens who you are not able to compete with due to game mechanics along the way. Reset would reward the active, and make it less discouraging for new blood to give it a go. To the original point Jenks made, a guild like mine could waste a one thousand fsp effort from hers with the drop of one potion in a hypothetical situation, and that can really deflate an effort to enjoy the competition.


Yes, but life goes on. Not whining here, just working through the responses.

It's very easy to say such about something you have no vested interest in. On a hypothetical parallel that may get you going; let's say they made an inventing potion that guaranteed success of duplicating one of your prized tier five hammers ten times over in one shot, thus watering down the market, and crapping all over your investments. But I just told you, ahh, stop your crying, there will be plenty more inventables in the coming years, and fsp...They come, they go, time heals all. I know that is an extreme comparison, but not far from where this limited potion strikes the heart of the GvG community

Both times here, Rye has hit the nail on the head


And with all due respect Hades, you might be seeing using these potions as a waste in GVG, however some people care about GVG more than they do about levelling, and don't see it as a waste at all, as it is their chest and they have the right to do as they please with it, however these chests guarantee a win for the defender using them due to the level of the buffs that are just out of this world, I can relate to Ryes point about the fact that it takes a LOT of conflicts to recover a single loss when you are at his rating, and to answer your question, no, not every guild is overloaded with members like yours, take a look at the top 10 GVG guilds, and notice the amount of members in each guild, most of them only have 1 target at a specific level range, with the exception of a very small number, mine included

#979911 It's about time to balance out those overpowered pots in PvP.

Posted by LadyJ on 20 April 2017 - 10:52

Thats the thing, I've taken part in GVGs where the guild Im hitting back on is doing everything in their power to defend, and I can assure you I do the exact same thing, the highest KE available in the game is 525, which is 604 with a zBrew, which I have used, put together with other buffs that are the highest possible level in the game I managed 85-90k attack, using the most attack focused setup Ive got, with a level 719 Flinch I'd be up against id have 90k attack deducted to 25.29k, now theres the Dispel Curse, which has a 100% activation rate, which means Dark Curse is useless, ive managed more than 25.29k defence with just 175 buffs on my current setup, so just one of this Easter pot and a zBrew and simple 175s on my target by other members of the guild im attacking on would be enough to force AT LEAST an unresolved, which, in GVG, counts as a loss, which means conflict over, because if its a good guild im up against that hit when I was asleep and couldn't defend then they will probably have a 100% win rate on me. And I cant possibly be stronger than my target, as, like I mentioned earlier, theres a maximum level of buffs to counter that Flinch and Dispel Curse that im up against, and I can't possibly attack targets in normal pvp hits till SB or SL kick in, as the range for gvg is +/- 100 levels and the range for pvp is +/- 10 levels, and if I try doing that in GVG the risk of an unresolved/loss is almost guaranteed

#979903 It's about time to balance out those overpowered pots in PvP.

Posted by LadyJ on 20 April 2017 - 09:00

Just to remind everyone that there is a BALANCER in the game already.

It's called TIME.

Eventually, those potions / buffs will expire.


I have been playing FS actively for 8+ years.

I have never seen a player/target who is unbeatable.


Even hoofmaster got defeated when SH and CoA were not in the game.

I dont think you understand why so many people disagree with this, the time is way too long, each pot can last 10 hours, which means, in for example a gvg (which, believe it or not, some guilds STILL take VERY seriously, and a single loss can cost a LOT of rating) youve only got 24 hours to hit back, and how would you expect to hit back with over 70% of your attack reduced and a 100% chance of dark curse not activating for almost half the time? And don't tell me its only for a few conflicts, because 2 losses in a conflict, which is the amount of times a guild can defend a hit and keep themselves buffed with those chests the whole time before they expire, can cost a guild with a good rating 80+ rating, and by getting 10 rating every 20 conflicts once you reach a certain rating above other guilds it creates a mountain to climb

#979873 Shadow Bunny Assault!

Posted by LadyJ on 19 April 2017 - 20:56

+1 :)

+2 :) Dispel curse 500 paired with flinch 625 really messes pvp up

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