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Member Since 18 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Apr 10 2020 17:48

#998673 Fallen Sword Set Editor

Posted by fishboy95 on 24 August 2019 - 19:01

Hey thank you so very much for creating this as a browser app for us to use! I really like it and it will be very helpful with coming up with PvP sets. The search in auction house feature is sweet!


In Mozilla FF I did notice that there are some images missing on some of the sets I was using. But that was due to my browser (firefox) and perhaps some of the addons I use.


Works wonderfully in Chrome :)  


Thank you thank you!

#998683 Fallen Sword Set Editor

Posted by Tartarus1 on 26 August 2019 - 02:02

how do you use this ?

#998674 Fallen Sword Set Editor

Posted by sohail94 on 24 August 2019 - 21:41

Awesome thank you for sharing :)

Set finder is really good.

Just wondering if there's a quick way to clear item/sets and start building a new set?



#998698 Fallen Sword Set Editor

Posted by gapukas on 28 August 2019 - 11:03

Keep up the great work, looks good. U should add 2 search bars - 1 for single items and other for sets.

#813635 Update v2.32

Posted by Hoofmaster on 27 September 2013 - 17:36

In this latest game update we have implemented footprints on the new map. You can toggle footprints via the new button at the bottom right of the map.
We've also added a new option to the 'Preferences' page which lets you auto break down items into Fragments that would normally be discarded with the Auto Discard preferences.
Note we'll be improving Composing further next week by making it possible to send Composed Potions that are tagged to your guildmates. We'll also be posting up a list of potential improvements to game next week with a poll to determine the order that we implement them in!
Have a great weekend everyone!
~ The Fallen Sword Team

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