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Member Since 30 Aug 2017
Offline Last Active May 24 2021 19:38

#989157 The Ultimate GvG Guide

Posted by EpicPiety on 02 January 2018 - 21:39

When attacking a non buffed target turtle sets are the best. Armor/def so unless they buff you wont ever lose.

#980118 GvG rework proposal

Posted by Brice on 25 April 2017 - 00:57

I love it +1 ..... i hope that this can kick start a change in the GvG system, I know it would be much tougher for a larger guild to defend a GvG, but on the flip side there would be disadvantages to the smaller guilds too. This definitely has potential...even if we could get something close to what your asking would and could be a massive improvement to the GvG aspect of the game.

Best of Luck Rye!!! I will be following this thread with great interest ;)

And for the players that are whining about being paid for GvG's...FIGHT FOR YOUR GUILD!!! DEFEND FOR YOUR GUILD!!! :D that should be more rewarding than a couple of purple dots!!!

That's my 2 cents

#980099 GvG rework proposal

Posted by lapdragon on 24 April 2017 - 20:45

RYE, you know i love yah but im going to possibly play devils Advocate here..or not.  first off, are there even 25 guilds who actively GVG? (you know LWS will always be up for this kind of adventure, and respect flows both ways with our two guilds)  i can understand how it is frustrating to have a win not gain any rating (different from RP for those wondering) at the level that RA is at...even for us, all the stam spent defending an incoming GVG, from a guild looking to make it into the top, is frustrating when we get ZERO rating for winning.


so, why dont we just ask HCS to have the gvg ladder reset every three months?  and i personally would LOVE to have more buff packages to be purchased with the RP.  Having a large guild in defense mode, buffing numerous players in each range is really tough.  having the buff packs could possibly drive any RP item up in price, since many guilds will use the packs, making more guilds gvg, if we could get the packs like you spoke of.  That would also take strain off using stam to buff mates, which could possibly bring some of the "larger family size guilds" back into GVG?  i will be keeping an eye on this and supporting you!  GVG is a fun aspect of the game.  ALSO, by looking at the GVG ladder, no one can really say that the "small guilds" have advantage. 

Of the top 3 guilds, only one is small while the other two have many in different ranges.


You put in some hard work and i think this thread is great!

#980092 GvG rework proposal

Posted by Tastria on 24 April 2017 - 19:45

It's an interesting idea, and I'd be more excited about it except for the "small guild factor" that's involved.  When a guild has less then 5 active members (and here I'm including those who only check in every day as active)  it becomes a bit discouraging.

    We just had a very active member leave us and move on to a larger guild so he could get more protection, and be less of a target.

   I don't know if there IS any good solution for this.  Perhaps when the GvG ratio falls below a certain point, the RP drops too.


   I dunno what the best solution is, but at least it's being talked about.

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