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Member Since 13 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active Jul 24 2019 05:42

#996357 Jackpot!!!

Posted by Rosborough on 11 April 2019 - 03:34

With a winking pac-man like that, It has to be 69  :lol:  :D

#945759 PvP Ladder Rewards - what would you like to see?

Posted by RageAnger on 20 August 2015 - 00:03

On topic:

Obviously new sets this is the most needed reward by far, there should have been 10 new sets ready when the ladder was back up and running.

At higher levels we need more armor sets.

Some potions are ok, prestige, single buffs, not too overpowered and not too long lasting.

No balanced attack, that buff is useless.

KE,DC,SH,coordinated buffs. 

Do not give high guard,dispel curse,golden shield or deflect potions. Those buffs should not even exist they are just luck buffs and they insult the idea of skill in pvp.


Off topic mostly:

This new ladder is not what we wanted. When I say we I mean me.

500 levels on one ladder? really? Apparently to help have more targets?


Don't just mess up the ladder permanently because of how it was before.

I thought we voted to have things go back to THE WAY THEY WERE BEFORE.


Issue #2 with the new ladder:

500 levels only top 3 get a reward?

The way it was before there would have been 25 people getting rewards.

I thought the pvp ladder was supposed to be better and increase people to join. So now 15 people will join compared to 3 (will be much more when the new rewards are seen) and only 3 out of 15 get a reward?


You give 10 epic potions for a global that takes 5000 stam and you will give almost nothing for a player who could spend more stam and lose levels? That is boggling my mind right now.


Make it how it was and give new sets and not too crazy of rewards.


Off topic but still important:

It is no longer worth it to use armor setups I can give many detailed reasons but I'll just say the obvious stuff because I don't feel like typing anymore.

There are almost 10 extra ways to break through someone's armor without actually having higher damage then their armor and there is no way to get through someones defense without having more attack except the 2% garbage should not exist glitch that also exists against armor sets. FIX THIS


Also important: Try actually playing the game once in a while so you won't have to ask us what we need to make it better and you will know what suggestions make sense and which ones will destroy the game.

At this point your best guide would be to go against your instincts.

#910189 Making Titan Hunting more Popular

Posted by mary4ever on 18 December 2014 - 00:21

I did, I was in FFS at that time, and had help from NO others. And I will repeat myself and say they lost because of inexperience and not because of speed restrictions.

nope, you were not in FFS, you were in your current guild MoM  :)


do you even remember the titan you were supposed to have hunted ALONE against us 7-9 players?

#910186 Making Titan Hunting more Popular

Posted by mary4ever on 18 December 2014 - 00:09

I dont agree with you. I have been in different guilds, and been up against them all, even those i been in guilds with. It has always only been needed to be 2 hunters teamed to beat 1 for me. Even against those you call a magic hunter, lol. I have been up against your guild, by myself alone, your guild was 7-9 hunters, and they could not beat me, and from what i experienced, they lost because of inexperience.

you forgot to mention the fact that you were not alone against us (you had help from your other members) + the crucial point was when a "certain" player arrived and then the outcome was in your favor !!!!

LOL you alone vs 7-9 of our members


are you still going to imply that you were hunting ALONE against 7-9 of our members?

#910172 Making Titan Hunting more Popular

Posted by mary4ever on 17 December 2014 - 23:27

7-9 hunters?!! Then they are obviously not experienced & fast titan hunters. I can team up with 1 person as good as me and be able to take down any titan hunter in the game.

I can team up with 1 person as good as me too and be able to take down any "titan hunter" in the game AS LONG AS the restrictions work on EVERYONE !!!


BUT the problem is that this "magic" hunter is NOT any "titan hunter" !!!!


how do you stand a chance against someone (="magic" hunter) who teleports and is on every titan spot in 1 second ????

ps: when I was actively titan hunting back then I secured together with a friend against a very fast titan hunter from FFS (everyone knows they have the fastest hunters),

so it was 2 vs 1 and we got the secure against one of the fastest hunter !!!


how do you logically explain that me and a group are unable to beat a "magic" hunter?


to  sum it up:

2 vs 1 of the fastest hunter in the game => the 2 players secured !!!

7-9 vs 1 "magic" hunter => the single "magic hunter secured !!!


does that really make sense to you that even though 2 players beat one of the fastest titan hunter in the game, that 7-9 players can not beat 1 single player ?????

#910167 Making Titan Hunting more Popular

Posted by mary4ever on 17 December 2014 - 22:57

That map Eater of Time spawns in is horrible, and that is put very nicely, lol. Several hours to solo that titan is expected. If you want to do it any faster, guild members to help out is the key. Congratz on soloing it though, thats not an easy task.


PS: Its name is very suiteable :D

I totally agree with what you said about: """""  If you want to do it any faster, guild members to help out is the KEY.   """"" BUT do not we need to get rid of "magic" hunters first?????


after all titan hunting is a guild activity (have to agree with BigGrim on this smile.png ) so it should be that guild members to help out is the KEY to hunt faster and eventually lead to getting the secure !!!!


BUT unfortunately that guild members to help out is the KEY to hunt faster does not apply if you are up against a "magic" hunter + you (as a group) are not even able to get a secure against the "magic" hunter


we have sent MANY TIMES 7-9 members (experienced & fast titan hunters) to hunt against ONE SINGLE "magic" hunter and we lost to him eventhough we had the greater number of players on our side !!!

it was 7-9 members VS 1 single "magic" hunter sad.png


so do not you agree that we need to get rid of "magic" hunters to establish that guild members to help out is the KEY? smile.png


make titan hunting a level-playing field for everybody in terms of movement speed and attack speed


I believe what is good for the community is also good for the game biggrin.png , if I may ask, what is your opinion?

#910139 Making Titan Hunting more Popular

Posted by mary4ever on 17 December 2014 - 20:11

or zizz you could have asked santa claus to lend you some of his "magic" :P


I am sure the secure would have been much faster then, after all it is in the spirit of christmas and time of "giving"

#814281 Next Roadmap...

Posted by Versair on 02 October 2013 - 02:13

I wouldn't mind seeing bounties removed from hits on the PvP ladder. The collusion is pretty obvious as of now when people work together to delevel you out of the band.


EDIT: Some of these suggestions I would "Like", but they are mixed in with suggestions that I don't care about. Might be a good idea to limit it to one idea per post.

#767399 Gold Upgrades reset at 00:00 daily please!

Posted by Mongo on 10 December 2012 - 19:29

This has been suggested several times before me, in the Gold upgrades thread, but I thought if we have a single thread for it, with a poll, it may get more support.


Can we please have the Gold upgrades reset at 00:00 daily, rather than 24 hours after we made our last upgrade.

What say you? :P

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